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I'm really looking forward to this. I mean, it doesn't come close to touching the MerryThon that TV Land used to do in its prime, but it'll be great to see some of these shows in a decent times lot for a change. Namely, Petticoat Junction, That Girl, The Donna Reed Show, Family Affair, Dobie Gillis, Car 54, as well as Doris Day, Laverne & Shirley, Rhoda, and Mary Tyler Moore making some appearances.

Edited by All My Shadows
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A lot of it sounds good except they really "missed the boat" with Cheers. The episode is not even a christmas one. Cheers did one real Christmas episode in 1987 with Sam trying to get a gift for Rebecca. Then they did one at the end of the season before in 1986 where Sam and Diane buy a house and decided to give the outgoing family one last Christmas. Both episodes were good. I'm sure they'll both be shown at some point on some channel.

Oh well, the rest looks good.

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Tomorrow night is Dobie Gillis and Family Affair, and I'm more excited than I thought I'd be! This feeling takes me back to the old days when N@N and TVLand used to constantly have me looking forward to something.

Dobie, especially, is a show I've always wanted to see more of. Someone marathoned it at one point a few years ago, and I really enjoyed it. It doesn't get good timeslots, though :(

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:( I hate not being able to pick up MeTV. I just got CoziTV as a replacement for Live Well Network. I CAN get MeTV but WESH/NBC in Orlando has a piss poor signal if you aren't right near them apparently (or if I could put my antenna outside and not in the attic, or if I had a bigger antenna, but I digress ... heh) Edited by KMan101
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I watched the Dobie/Family Affair night, and I really enjoyed both eps.

The Family Affair episode was DEPRESSING. Eve Plumb as a terminally ill classmate of Buffy's who thinks she'll live to see Christmas, so Uncle Bill arranges for everyone to have a Christmas party at the girl's house. There was no miracle cure or last-minute recovery. It's understood that she freaking died after the episode was over, and I assume she was never mentioned again.

And can we talk about how tired/bored Brian Keith always seemed to be on this show? I mean, it kinda worked for the character, but at the same time, knowing his fate, it's very awkward to watch at times.

Edited by All My Shadows
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It's what TV LAND *was* back when it first launched. TV Land was commercial free (I *believe*), had "retro-mercials" and aired Family Affair, etc. and didn't air shows in back-to-back blocks (now it's back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back)

Antenna TV is what TV Land became in the mid 2000s (by that I mean a focus on 70s shows and airing them back-to-back). LOL

I love both networks. I just want ME-TV, darn it.

Antenna TV will be adding a bunch of new shows this coming year. The Jeffersons (FINALLY), One Day at Time (FINALLY!!!), Mr. Belvedere, Small Wonder ...

Edited by KMan101
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MeTV isn't commercial-free, but that's par for the course. The only truly annoying thing they do as a network is they do employ the "speed-up" technique of cutting runtimes without editing anything out.

But yeah, I've been obsessed with both networks since I first got them, and I watch them basically on a daily basis. My job requires me to sit in front of a laptop for hours at a time (after actually leaving "work," mind you), so I might as well have Me and Antenna on as I work. Right now, there's a great mix of shows I used to watch as a kid on Nick-at-Nite and TV Land along with stuff that wasn't as visible then that I'm glad to get to see regularly now.

There's also a good bit of shows that I've ALWAYS ignored for at least 10-15 years that I've finally given in and tried that I've really, really liked, like Gunsmoke and Andy Griffith. Maybe it's because I'm older, I don't know :lol:

Definitely looking forward to Antenna's new stuff in 2015, and I'm hoping ME has some announcements for the new year. I want one of them to give one of the 80s primetime soaps a try.

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