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GH: April 2014 Discussion Thread

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Why wouldn't Carly tell Michael this? Carly swore to write off Sonny when he got Michael shot, when he got Michael raped, when Sonny nearly killed Jax - now Sonny has killed Michael's biological father, a man Michael grew to love. Sonny killed him in cold blood. Eventually Carly has to stand by her word, or she's going to leave me with the impression I've had of her many times in the recent past; that her pride, and being 'right' about her past life and choices with Sonny and the mob is more important to her than her children. I don't want to believe that, but that's the only thing I can come away from this (or the many other things Sonny has done to Michael) with.

And there's huge drama in Michael finding out the truth. And yes, he should disown Sonny, change his name. But now he should disown them both, because unfortunately between all of Sonny's horrible sins and now her sleeping with Franco, Carly has proven she is not there for Michael in the crunch when it truly matters. Carly used to be one of my favorite characters, and I think LW often brought a lot of the steel back to the character when they would have her vow to write off Sonny over all this [!@#$%^&*]. The problem is - and this is not on the performer, it's on the writers - she never does it. She always defaults to backing Sonny. She has to do it now, she has to tell the truth, or Michael is within his rights to cut them both off. Because if she lets this go, Michael cannot count on her for the truth.

All probably accurate.

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You just highlighted exactly why Carly wouldn't. Carly has always been a Sonny apologist. Despite what she says, she always goes back to supporting and standing by his side. She saying she'd write off Sonny multiple times in the past means nothing

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And going back to Vee.

Drama in Michael turning on Scummy? There's plenty! However, there's more meat on this bone. Michael would finally get to hold Carly accountable for, first, handing him over to Scummy and every heinous decision she has made since in the name of that maggot.

Carly would never tell this and it would be out of character if she did. How do you tell your son that one father killed the other - add in that Scummy killed someone she [plot point irrationally] disliked. So Carly not telling is not the problem. The challenge is - she's DECIDING not to tell. She should struggle with this (you know like the opposite of what she did in fighting her feelings for FrankenTodd) and it should be visibily weighing heavily on her that her son's bio father trusted her with this information. AJ s/b haunting her.

But I think what bugs me most about all of this is that NOTHING has been written NOTHING to show why Carly, Brenda, Kate or any of these chicks would go thru all of this for Scummy. He gives NOTHING in a relationship, so it begs the quesion...why do these women behave this way? Each person who's penned this show has proven time and time again that Scummy is not worth these women having his back this way. It just makes women look really bad and disgusting.

Are they really going with Lucas/Felix?

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I think I know why Carly would back Sonny - it's as I said above, it's her pride and her inability to accept that she made a bad mistake all those years ago going ride-or-die with Sonny and the mob for her family and destroying A.J.'s life. Those are huge choices she's made and she has never dared admit to anyone or to herself that they might have been wrong. But I keep hoping that someday, the things Sonny does will be too much even for her. Yes, she should be struggling, she should be tortured. And then, eventually, she should tell the truth.

Brenda didn't unlearn all the lessons from her time with Jax, though; when her son came into the mix, she walked away again. Which is funny for me to say since when I was young I always, always preferred the original Carly to Brenda.

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I'm glad I wasn't the only one agape at the Dr. Seuss logic on display in the Diane/Lante scenes at the PCPD. They were struggling with that crap. No way I bought any of that.

The quietly horrified look on Ava's face as Big-Haired Jordan said she studied art in college and worked at a dental practice was priceless.

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It is safe to say that Felix was the designted "winner" from the get go but more and more i see hope that Lucas will end up with Brad once the smoke clears. I really cant stand RoboCop and even having him prancing around like some hair model on his day off doesnt work for me.

I am a big Brad/Lucas fan and wanna see them work things out. They have sexual chemistry MS is just incapable of creating with anyone and i am usually hell-bent against silly insta-connection but I feel that theirs is meaningful for the both of them.

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