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Woody Allen Responds


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He keeps mentioning it makes no sense for him to become a child molester at that stage of his career, but there are quotes in PEOPLE MAGAZINE of him saying how much he loves 12 year olds sexually. Those quotes were from the late 70s or early 80s. Not only that, but WE DON'T KNOW exactly when he began dating his daughter, now wife. I don't believe he became a child molester with Dylan, it was clearly from HIS WORDS a part of his life much longer than that.

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But as he correctly points out, there have been no accusations before or since. I am not an expert on child molesters but I was under the impression they tend to be serial criminals, not have a one time urge per lifetime. The letters to the right are interesting reading all the comments pro and con. Cops who say he should know better than to say lie detectors are proof, people saying they were molested who believe him and don't. Interesting case and even a little weird how these people have decided to make the NY Times there own personal tabloid war ground.

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I'm sure I'll get raked over the coals for saying this, but I think he makes a strong arguement for his side of the story and most of the facts and witness seem to match up to his side as well. The story from the other son saying Farrow brainwashed and abused them certainly helps his side. I've always thought it was odd that someone in the middle of a very public and messy split and custody battle would chose to- for the first and only time apparently- molest his child during a supervised visit in a home filled with people who hated him. The fact that Mia Farrow has continually consented to allow them to use her images in tributes to the man makes me question it even more.

I do really wish that they would all stop using the NY Times, the Hollywood Reporter, amd twitter to air their private family drama to the world. No good can come from that.

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What is Soon-Yi? We know that they AT LEAST started dating when she was 17, but considering he knew her as HIS DAUGHTER, you really expect me to believe they suddenly started dating at 17? That is something that had to have been going on. Besides, he said himself that he loves young girls. Just because he hasn't been caught doesn't mean it hasn't happened. And besides, would anybody believe one of his accusers? He's a good director and popular in Hollywood. The answer is no. Just like the story of Bill Cosby sexually assaulting those women. Because people like him and don't want to believe it, it isn't a story, but the case is out there with strong evidence.

Quote from People Magazine 10.4.1976:

Link: http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20066950,00.html

Another thing, Dylan has nothing to gain by bringing this out now. People say it's because of Blue Jasmine, but wouldn't she have done this BEFORE the film came out or before the nominations for Golden Globes or Oscars? The only reason this is coming to light again is because the Golden Globes chose to give him that Lifetime Achievement award. She could've kept quiet at this point, she gains ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from revisiting this at this point. All she's getting is a lot of accusations.

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Oh please. That family was together for 12 years. They had adopted children together and a possible biological child. You think he cherry picked which kid was his and which was Mia's when they all lived with her? Ok...Dylan has posted a response to this in The Hollywood Reporter. One thing that is interesting is that Woody Allen REFUSED to take the state administered lie detector test and had his people do one for him. OF COURSE he passed and it wasn't legally accepted BECAUSE it was done through him and not the state. Hmm...

Also, the Yale team he claims exonerated him was also discredited because THEY WERE HIS FRIENDS. The judge found proof they destroyed evidence and presented a sanitized report to favor him. Just because charges weren't filed people assume he was exonerated, but he wasn't. Every official report said there was probable cause to pursue this case.

Link to Dylan's response, which has a link to a Vanity Fair article with facts about the case: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/dylan-farrow-responds-woody-allen-678552?mobile_redirect=false

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Yes because that's how it goes with stepfamilies. My father has been married to my stepmother for like 10 years now and has children with her. I know she's certainly not claiming to be me, my brother, and my two sisters' mother because she's not and we're not saying she's our mother. We had a mother and it wasn't her, just like Soon Yi had a father and it wasn't Woody Allen.

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