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BRAVO: Vanderpump Rules


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I havent been posting but have been watching this season.


James is coming across so ugly this season as a wannabe Jax,. It doesnt suit him. I felt bad for him in the past but he's just an ass now. He's actually making Kristen tolerable. She seems sane for a change


That Lauren/LaLa situation was so messy. Like dang, everyone really does sleep with each other at this restaurant


HATE Peter's haircut. If he were going to cut his hair, then he should have cut it bc its still long, just not long enough to be attractive


I thought I was over James but that scene with his mother humanized him


Scratch what I wrote as I just saw him go to Kristen's apartment


Scheanna and her husband JUST got married last season. They are too young in thier marriage to have such deep issues


LMAO at Lisa and Jason laughing at the Toms' sales pitch.


Brittany looks so dumb having a long distance relationship with Jax of all people

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Kristen is actually coming across normal and not psycho this season, which makes her more tolerable. I dont blame Tom and Arianna though for not trusting her and I dont see why other people dont see the problem here. It's Tom's birthday trip. If he doesnt want his psycho ex there, then she shouldnt. End of discussion






What happened to Schwartz? He's packing on the pounds. As a model, all he has is his body and looks so he should work on fixxing that. Its worse for him bc he's in LA and there are no shortage of fit, hot looking models

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What's happening to Tom is what is happening to other Tom, Jax, and even Mr. Now-Short-Hair?


They are showing the effects of partying/drinking too much. And worse, not working out to make up the difference.


As for the invite, I agree. I know I respect my enemy with mutual friends enough that if it's his bday, I'm not going no matter what anyone says. And I expect the same. Had that situation just last year.

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A lot happened in this episode...


Scheana is a disgusting selfish cow. She's still talking about her effing teeth. She's so bad to her husband (notice the "Don't ask for any!" when it was noted Max Todd was on good pain medication)...and every single moment has to be about her. She's the worst. She needs to GO. 


Kristin needs to realize not everyone wants to forgive a psycho and giving a speech out of Fatal Attraction to Tom is not going to help her case. 


Jax and his Kentucky Fried Girlfriend...he's a lying liar who lies. And he's old. And he's gained weight. Compare season 1 Jax to this season's Jax. He looks like hell. 


Tom and Ariana are cute and logical and I'm glad Ariana is on the show hating everyone and their stupidity. 


Tom and Katie...I enjoy their engagement. 


Lisa's son Max needs to recuperate from bashing out his teeth and he needs to shave. Badly. He also needs to get rid of James, Lala and Faith as his friends because they're clearly just using him. The sad thing about being the children of wealthy people is they are always susceptible to being used. 


Lala appears to be a hooker with fake breasts. 

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Well, clearly the guys took some time to get to the gym because they were looking somewhat yummy tonight.


That said...Lala...please have a seat. You knew what you were getting into and by losing your cool, Jax won. Don't play with the master playa, playa.

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The last few episodes have been so enjoyable. 


Stassi is actually a false note this season, she isn't needed and ratings have been very good without her - no drop off at all from last season.


I am definitely on Schwartz's side when it comes to Katie's career. She never made it as an actress or model, she never booked anything, while he has, so there's no comparison between their careers. Katie was illogical saying "it isn't about what's on your resume!"...actually, yes it is. That's exactly what it's about. I do find Schwartz's adoration of LVP endearing. And saucy LVP with her topless photo in Ken's dressing room - very glamorous. The thing with LVP is that she is rooting for Schwartz, she clearly likes him. 


Schwartz and Sandoval have such a nice friendship when they were singing along in the car.


Ariana amuses me with how frustrated she is with how stupid 75% of the cast is.


When Jax was discussing Britney's breast implants he looked so sweaty and high/drunk and bloated. And then he confronted Schwartz and Sandoval he was a mess. "I'm the number one guy in this group!"...what a nutjob. He's a 36 year old loser.

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Why do Tom & Ariana care about Kristen & who she dates. They need to get over that and yes Kristen cheated with Jax but I dont buy that Nothing happened between Ariana and Tom whole he was still with Kristen. So in my eyes they both screwed up but Tom & Ari act superior over Kristen. Its like they have nothing better to do then talk about her

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