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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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From SOD.

Since know BM & MM exit on Thursday and DT debuts on Monday the spoiler above kind of makes sense of how they will spend Friday's episode. I'm actually looking forward to these shows. Today's show is pretty damn intense.

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I think they would have to be played with her being misguided and him taking advantage. The writers have done an amazing job with having her being lonely and wanting a family so badly. I don't think it is far out to assume that her attraction to Jack would be more about wanting to find a place to belong as opposed to actually wanting him. The Abbots are very kind and their "ancestral home" is very warm and inviting. I can see her wanting to be a part of that. She also has this grandiose idea about who Jack is that doesn't mesh well with the character we see onscreen. She says things sometimes that makes me give her the side eye because it just isn't Jack. But that is needed if we are to believe she wants him.

On top of that, they would also have to give a legitimate reason for why she has chosen Jack over Devon. At first, I thought that they might play it like she doesn't know that Devon is interested. But after yesterday's episode, I can't say that it true. Besides, it doesn't mesh with what we know of her. This is the same woman that used her sexual wiles to keep Mason in line. The same woman who tried to tempt Neil by showing off a little skin and who tried to lure Cane. There is no way such a sexually aware person would mistake Devon's looks and interest.

All in all, it is very tricky story to pull off. I am interested to see if the writers can do it.

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Awe...that's not true. :-) I do think that Michael and Lauren have run their course. It is time to break them up and move Lauren on to other people. I would love to see her with Neil. Michael can just be single and a town lawyer.

They need to write out Kevin though. He serves no creative purpose now that Fen is an adult. Every time I see him at the courthouse, I would why he is there.

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I think her ideas about Jack are accurate based on what she knows of him. She hasn't known him that long and since she's been on Jack has definitely tried to become a better person lately. He even foolishly helped Adam try to have a relationship with his mortal enemy.

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Likey are a dull couple who must constantly get their bratty, skinny jeans wearing son out of his latest mess. I'm sick of that and their hysterics. They'll never be split though unfortunately.

ITA on Kevin. He really can go. I bet its just a matter of time before Chlovin are put back together though. Smh at all these terrible couples we're stuck with.

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Which is why I think she is in for a big let down with Jack...And I disagree that Jack has tried to become a better person. He is still doing the same things he always does...sacrificing anything and everything in his revenge against Victor. He knows that Kyle is/was in danger of going to jail over his espionage. If Jack was any kind if father, he would have told him no. And even if Kyle insisted, Jack should have refused to even speak about NC or Bonaventure with him. JMO.

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Likey has been getting Michael's crazy relatives out of trouble since before they were married. It used to be all about the man child Kevin. But now that Fen is a big boy, it is all about him. That's why I say Kevin can go. And I want him gone so that Chloe won't be saddled with him any longer. Although I think that might not be so good for the character being that the writers are far more interested in Kevin than they are Chloe. A real shame, that.

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Hilary definitely has daddy issues. She has talked about it just being her and her mother because her father went to jail when she was little. Afterwards, her and her mother struggled. Definitely has daddy issues. But I still don't see her choosing Jack over a younger version.

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