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HBO's Looking


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It's cuz Girls is still amazing after two seasons... Yeah critics were hating on the second season but I loved it overall and the relationships, characters, storylines are just so real and yet some ridiculous at the same time. Not to be a total silly fanboy but there's something just magical about Girls. The characters just demand your attention.

With this show it's a chore to stay focused. I often find myself rewinding to see what happened in the previous scene or minutes ago cuz I have no idea how they arrived somewhere or what's going on.

I was surprised that the nice flower shop guy was so understanding with Dom. He comes across very sketch to me and even the whole non date thing and later the offer to cook seeme so ingenuine.

I think the right word is "flip". I'm waiting for the show to do something that makes me perk up and pay close attention and glues me to the screen. Perhaps episode 4 was the beginning of that....

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Absolutely agreed on both points. At first Girls was some sort of "indie" version of Sex and the City (because everything is compared to SatC) and now everything is compared to Girls. I think they share some superficial similarities, sorta (Looking and Girls I mean) at least more than any other show I can think of currently on tv -- in terms of look and style, but even there, not really all that much.

Girls apparently isn't having a great year either (though I'm still enjoying it even if I *somewhat* agree with people saying it's a bit more sitcomish this year.)

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Ha I suppose it depends on who you read--I did a quick look and it seems divided. I really liked last season, but I do remember at the time a number of people getting down on it being too heavy, so you probably have a point. But a number of critics have called this season, especially the early episodes, too "sitcom-y"

Edited by EricMontreal22
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Do we have a Girls thread on here? I really enjoy the show but I find it interesting that the most likeable characters, imo, are the supporting players. I'm really liking Marnie and Ray, which I find interesting as a soap fan of many years who has never been a"couples" person. Tessa, I care for the least (perhaps tied with Shosh) and it bothers me in the least that she's been the least featured this season.

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We had one... somewhere.

I assume you mean Jessa? Man they've made her hard to root for this year. Some have said that it's a reaction to critics complaining Hannah was so unlikeable last year, so they made her look even less so with Jessa (and Adam's sister...) I need to catch up with Girls (and Looking) this week.

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I don't know how you could root for Patrick with anyone, he's such an idiot. And Richie could do better, so could Patrick's boss. Patrick acts like an 18 year old who's never seen a boy before, it's obnoxious.

The whole thing with Richie is just weird because all they've had that we've seen is one stilted conversation on a bus and one terrible date. Why would Richie waste his time? I mean if he's really looking for something long term?

And Agustin is a prick. The first night you move in with your excessively hot boyfriend and you're already bored? I could understand after maybe a few months but yeesh, way to be selfish.

I like the other guy, the one with the mustache. I hope he doesn't break Scott Bakula's heart.

I'm starting to think I watch this show because it's only half an hour long and we have on demand.

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How can I care about Patrick with anybody?

Because of too many Patrick in the world. That and I remember my late 20s. ;)

Augustin and his attitude about his boyfriend? I can walk out my door and see that every day with so many vapid boys and their toys...ESPECIALLY this week where they are putting out there on the street to my shear contempt. But I could say that about my old home as well where people fall in love after a makeout session and move in two days later and break up a week later.

Yes, Dom rocks.

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There will always be Patricks, Agustins, Dominics, Kevins, Richies and Franks out here, living their lives in this world.

Patrick's a mess, but he isn't that bad.

Even Agustin, with him not treating his boyfriend right, isn't an evil guy.

They're just messed up, but not evil and their actions, I have seen in my guy friends and their relationships or attempts at relationships.

None of what's being written isn't based on some real life situation.

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But maybe Looking does share something else with Girls -- some people just can't get into a show with "unlikeable" characters (I've already seen people calling August the Jessa of Looking...) I admit, I never get this argument when it comes to shows, movies, books, plays, whatever. I tend to actually like works best where many complain that the characters are too unlikeable... Annoying, or unmotivated is something else, but I don't watch shows because the characters are likeable.

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I think Hannah on Girls is comically, and very purposely, unlikeable at times in sort of a self-centered Seinfeld universe sort of way, while a character like Shoshana has the same thing going for her, but she's also *irritating* which I think is the difference. Same deal for Jessa, the difference with her being that she can be so nasty. It's not that I don't enjoy "unlikeable" characters as much as annoying and irksome ones.

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August is somewhat like Jessa but he doesn't manage to look fierce while doing it. Maybe cuz he's a guy but he just looks very petty and snide. I feel bad for the bf cuz I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to do something horrible to the innocent guy.

Re Patrick I find it interesting that I can see both sides of why to care bout the character. At times I do wonder why I even bother but at the same time I'm just like him in that it sometimes feels like I'm just wandering this Earth waiting to meet that one special person.....it's like it shouldn't be this hard and yet it is. Thought I had found a potential but it's not look too promising right now....

Anyways the next episode looks very interesting. Wonder if the chem will come thru during their day date

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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I agree. So far, Frank has been the dutiful boyfriend. And he hasn't done anything but support Augustin so it bothers me that Augustin has one foot out of the door. LOL!!! Irony for personal reasons. And I just feel Augustin is just going to hurt here and that I am not looking forward to.

Re Patrick I find it interesting that I can see both sides of why to care bout the character. At times I do wonder why I even bother but at the same time I'm just like him in that it sometimes feels like I'm just wandering this Earth waiting to meet that one special person.....it's like it shouldn't be this hard and yet it is.

I want to marry these sentences. YES. This hits it on the head why I like him and he resonates with me. This whole past episode has been very much on my mind since its airing because it is hitting a situation in my current life as well where I actually have to take a step back and ponder what I am wanting personally in my life. And you would think it would be easy given how easy it appears for others. It should be easy to express how I feel...after all I am a writer...and yet...

Those words...

And yet.


And I can't wait for next episode. I really think it is going to hit me very hard...in a good way.

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This Sunday's episode climbed up to nearly 500K viewers in its first showing alone, as well as having not as big a drop-off from Girls as previously, which is good news. Maybe a second season will happen (Enlightened had two seasons, and never got half that many viewers and I can see Looking catching on more with DVDs since its short season and episode length would encourage binge viewing.)

Edited by EricMontreal22
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