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The One (Series) That Got Away


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We might have covered this topic before. If so, apologies. But what is one series (or more) that you wish you could watch/catch up on/whatever, but just can't find the time to?

For me: "Six Feet Under." I've been saying for years I need to check it out, but I just...can't get around to it.

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Dark Shadows - I've watched from the first episode up until the very beginning of thr 1795 story, but I haven't picked it back up in eons.

Lost - I watched the first two seasons a few years after they had aired and loved them, but when it comes to watching the third season I just can't muster up the time.

Upstairs / Downstairs (Original) - Of any show that I have yet to watch at all, this is number one on my list. Someday ...

The biggest reason for this is that I spend a lot of my free time watching old movies and since I have such a laundry list in that area, I feel like watching a TV show would be cheating.

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Oz. Back in the original broadcast, I followed the first series and found it quite enjoyable. However, I did not continue watching. Years later I was given the complete series on DVD, and they remain unopened to this day. I really need to watch it all again but somehow am never in the right frame of mind, or if I am, I do not have the time to commit.

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I've heard so much hype about Firefly, but only watched part of one episode.

Do you know I've never watched an episode of 90210, or a full episode of Friends? I always mean to, but don't care enough.

The same goes for Lost.

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Savannah – I've had this show on DVD for years, and so far I started watching like three or four times and every time I stopped after a few episodes.

Brothers & Sisters – Another show I have on DVD, but somehow never manage to finish. I'm stuck somewhere at the beginning of season 3, I think. The last time I watched an episode must have been a year ago.

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Hawkeye, although I'm convinced that I'm probably the only person who watch. The time changed so often to where I had to set the VCR overnight between the hours of 1 and 6am to make sure not to miss it.

Lynda Carter and Lee Horseley were magical together. The entire season was finally released and I could not wait to get my copy off of Amazon.

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From Dvds I own, NCIS LA, also Grimm season 1,Private Practice season 2 & Modern Family season 1. The latter 3 I have started but I then started watching all my others dvds.

Other than that NCIS ( if only the dvds were abit cheaper lol) Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Nikita, Falling Skies, Justified, Chicago Hope, The Good Wife. NYPD Blue.

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About a year or so ago, I decided to watch Stargate:SG 1 from the start on ThisTV. I had never seen any Stargate series before. It's almost at the end now (thankfully, cuz I really hate the last 2 seasons, half the old characters were either previously killed off or left and the Ori arc is boring). Then when I got an Amazon Prime trial this summer I binge-watched Stargate: Atlantis. So now I have Stargate: Universe on my watchlist but I have yet to get to it. Between Amazon and Hulu I watchlisted a few series, basically old ones that I never watched or only vaguely remembered: The Time Tunnel, Ironside, some scifi/horror anthology stuff.

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"Secret Army" - a British tv-series from the late seventies about the Belgian resistance during WWII. I watched it sporadically when I was very young, and recently bought it on dvd. I haven't gotten around to watching it yet, and it's partly due to time and partly due to fear that it won't be as good as my vague memories make it out to be.

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I watched maybe the first two episodes of "Lost." I was fine with it until the polar bear showed up. Then, I stopped.

"Oz." That's another show I need to catch up with. That was HBO before HBO fell in love with itself. (BTW, nice to "see" you again, saynotoursoap. I pray all's well with you?)

"Firefly" is an uneven show, to be sure, and one where not all the genres mix well. But it is definitely -- DEFINITELY -- worth the investment. Just steer clear of the movie follow-up, "Serenity."

Also, which "90210" are you talking about, Carl? The original, or the newer one? I never watched the latter series (on the CW), but I did watch the original for awhile until I got plain sick of Dylan and Brenda and their contrived drama.

Great to "see" you again, too, Antoyne. :)

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I never saw "Hawkeye" -- but, I never saw "Hercules," "Xena" or "Highlander" either. They all seemed like the same series to me. I realize they probably weren't, but if you went by the commercials, it certainly felt that way.

Yeah. I know I'll break down one of these days and at least sample it. I just haven't, because I don't care for shows that are about sociopathic or otherwise anti-heroic protagonists. (As one online friend of mine says, "I like my heroes flawed, not insane.") IMO, "The Sopranos" was to the primetime drama what GH was to daytime in the late '70's. The minute it became this ginormous hit, everyone was working double-time to ape its success.

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Ah. Yeah, as I've said, I got tired of the Dylan/Brenda madness. Also, Shannen Doherty was really out of control at that point, and I think it was beginning to show in how the writers wrote for her, as well as in how the other characters responded to hers.

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