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AMCL Celia Speculation

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I find that odd too. At the very least, Brooke would know of Celia's existence and probably would've offered to look after her if she knew Celia were in Pine Valley. The only way it would work for me would be if somehow Chuck & Donna didn't know Emily Ann had a child.

It would be a stretch but stranger things have happened on soaps. Emily Ann did try to get pregnant by Joey, but as far as we knew was not with child when she went off to Oak Haven circa 1989 (or 1990, my memory falters with dates). Perhaps Billy Clyde blackmailed a doctor who was one of his clients to lie about her condition?

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Emily Ann went off to Oak Haven in 1990, and if she was pregnant by Joey at the time, that would make that child older than Pete, who was born in late 1992, and Celia is clearly a lot younger. I don't need Celia to be another saintly Martin. It's also substantially more believable to say that Emily Ann got out of Oak Haven, struggled with mental health problems, ran away from Chuck and Donna, and ended up getting pregnant and somehow finding Billy Clyde who took on responsibility for Celia.

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Billy Clyde didnt raise Celia though. She has a mysterious guardian who looked after her from a distance. If he is that guardian, then it stands to reason that no one but Evelyn would know so there is nothing for Chuck and Donna to "allow". Its been well over 20 years since we've seen these characters. No one can say what Emily Ann's relationship with Chuck or Donna ended up being, if they were on good terms or not or even if these characters are alive. In terms of Celia's origins if connected to them, they'd be a blank slate as theres a 20+ year gap that the writers can pretty much make up whatever they want to sell the story. I think Brooke being close to them in the 80s/early 90s would really matter here bc its very possible they fell out of touch after they moved away. It happens.

What I find to believe Billy being her guardian is that he only just came into money after this reboot started and said guardian has been financing Celia for years. He simply didnt have the means to be doing so prior to his lottery win so in that regard, he wouldnt make sense. Her guardian is a man of means.

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Then along come two. They got nothin' but their jeans, but they got Diff'rent Strokes, it takes...

Maybe Emily Ann got pregnant in Oak Haven a la Addie by Blair's father, the formerly Asian intern.

RM used to beg Agnes Nixon to give Joe an evil twin or at least something naughty to do, to which she'd always emphatically decline. Wouldn't it be something if Dr. Joe knocked up his son's macadamia wife and has been secretly taking care of their child from a not-so-distant distance for all of these years? ;-P

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Chuck, Donna, and Emily Ann were alive as of 2008/2009. During the Randi story, someone (Angie or Tad I think) brought up that Randi reminded them of Donna and then another time Jake and Frankie talked about Donna and Emily Ann. Jake said something about Donna was still trying to help Emily Ann pick up the pieces of her life after learning about Billy Clyde and that Donna sent Jake letters sometimes letting him know how her, Chuck, and Emily Ann were doing.

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