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GH50: August 2013 Discussion

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Despite the fact that it was held in a bar, I like that at least some attention is being given to Mac and Felicia and I liked the scenes between Felicia and Maxie.

Who crashes the wedding? Richard Simmons? Clearly filler to fill the episode until the end (IMO) if it is him.

If Robin doesn't return from this I'm so done. I refuse to invest in ... nothing, which is what Ron often gives. I'm avoiding spoilers. I mean, it's seriously time to resolve this.

Why aren't ROBERT and Holly doing this? Have they even mentioned Robert really? Did I miss where he came out of his coma? I could have missed that mention due to Fast Forwarding through some mess sometimes and outright skipping episodes.

I'm also concerned we're going to get a Sabrina/Nikolas/Britt triangle. Nik will become the new Patrick. Ron already started by having Nik creep after Liz, practically stalking her.

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Pretty sure he did, but I can't say for sure. Didn't watch the show, too young at the time. I'm assuming so because Ron loves his winks nods nudges. It's soapy goodness. However, because I really want to see Loving, I did appreciate the nod, even though he over does it. We get it Ron, you know soaps. Sigh.

I think the house was just abandoned, unless I missed them saying Corinth was, just that people fled (ala to start 'The City'). I find it hard to believe but who knows. It was nice to see them actually show pictures, too. Not to mention Laura Sisk (Wright) was on LOVING of course. Ted King. Etc.

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Hmm. Maybe but I was thinking Simmons.

I wonder if Ron/Frank got all pissy after Jack Wagner spoke out.

And to kind of switch gears a bit ...

I wonder if we'll ever see Bobbie again? Nice they reunited Noah and Bobbie, you know, OFF SCREEN. (Did they reunite? Were they dating? I know they were working together so I just assumed). Made me think of her today when Patrick remembered taking his father to the airport and running into Dr. O. Did Jackie piss them off again?

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Puke Lavery and Anna are a flop, and the only reason people are talking about them is because of nostalgia. Puke Lav s/b at the top of the "characters to axe" list because IB brings nothing, and he's no longer capable of a facial expression. Besides, he's way too orange for Anna!

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