Members JackPeyton Posted July 17, 2013 Members Share Posted July 17, 2013 I think his story is true, he has mentioned pieces of it from the start and honestly as cliched as it is, his daddy issues explain a lot of his issues. Not saying he is blameless, he is an adult and he chooses to not address and fix the issue, but i really dont think he is a completely terrible person. I think he is immature, ignorant and overcompensating on what he thinks makes him a man due to his past and he does seem like the only one who can change his views but we will see when he gets out. Helen totally has the super genius edit. Its locked in. I wonder if they will show her deal with Aaryn or not tho, because its actually one of the real smart moves shes made in this house and handt blown it yet by telling everyone (or even anyone). Aaryn contentious to forge relationships and redeem herself in the house tonight. I honestly think unless production really steps in shes about to fly under the radar for awhile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 17, 2013 Members Share Posted July 17, 2013 They're going to struggle showing her as the genius this week. They may just have to focus on her DRs and one or two small scenes. To be fair, she didn't have a terrible HOH, as a big target is going, but she has pushed most of her allies away. Spencer says so many creepy, creepy things. He's one of those people who is so proud to be crude, like everyone must be turned on if he is. I hope Jessie is kept away from him if they end up in jury alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 17, 2013 Members Share Posted July 17, 2013 Seriously, i am impressed with both Aaryn and GM tonight as far as game goes. They both have forged these new relationships in the house. They both spent a lot of time having personal conversations with groups of the house and the majority of the house seems to like them. GM is def safer than Aaryn, because Aaryn is still hardcore on the outs with Howard and Elissa. Aaryn has such a naive view on love and relationships. I wonder if shes experienced that first real heartbreak yet or not. Spencer def says [!@#$%^&*] just to try and shock people and sound cool. Unsurprisingly they all seem very ignorant on asexuality and bisexuality. Jerm talking about how he never wants to go through a divorce because of what he went through as a child is sad, and very real. I know a lot of people that are a lot like him actually. kait is the most annoying to me now. I honestly can not stand to watch or listen to her. howard really seems to be isolated from the house in general. the only time i saw him talk to anyone tonight was when he was with candice in a group setting. There was such little to no game talk. Judd is worried about going up if GM wins. Elissa/Helen still think their redic alliance of 6 or 8 or however many are in it are solid. Jerm tried to get people to keep him for a min. Elissa is instant that Aaryn goes next week but nobody seemed to comment on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted July 17, 2013 Members Share Posted July 17, 2013 Like DR, I did wonder if Jeremy is just a sociopath making that story up to play to their motherly instincts. Pleased to here that it doesn't appear to be a false story even if he was using it 100% for minipulation. Spencer has always creeped me the f--k out. He creeps me out with a capital 'C'. I just feel there's something a little off there. El needs to dump Helen but unfortunately she's not that type. Helen would be a good player if she didn't blab so darn much about everything. She acts like ruler of the universe when she's just a clumbsy mess. I cringe when I hear her talking in the feeds between the fast pace, blabbering, subjects and tone. It'll be very interesting to see what happens with HoH/MVP. I think Howard needs to go sooner than later because you can't read him at all but I question the overzealousness and the severe groupthink in the situation. I really do think they will be catering this HoH to him. Unlesd H/Ar team up they're not going to want Aaryn to outlast H/C. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted July 17, 2013 Members Share Posted July 17, 2013 Looks like one of the upcoming games might be a 'what America thinks' Q&A. Those are always interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 17, 2013 Members Share Posted July 17, 2013 The questions are on CBS now. Howard would be my main target in this house right now just because I don't feel like anyone in that house knows what the hell he would do and that would scare me more than keepin a known enemy in the house and m confident he is throwing comps and will turn on beast mode when needed. I'd be tempted to try and secretly team up with hi, but I'd be too scared because you seriously can not read him at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 17, 2013 Members Share Posted July 17, 2013 This is the voting area. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted July 17, 2013 Members Share Posted July 17, 2013 Howard just told Candice that Amanda is his target. Yay. Please BB give him the answers to the popular vote HoH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members juppiter Posted July 18, 2013 Members Share Posted July 18, 2013 I hate to top post but SON is being weird to me right now so I'm forced to.... sorry. Read quoted text first lol. Exactly this. People in this very thread were freaking out over the MC just last week and you and I were like "lol". Now people are freaking out over the big group dominating too much. There is already a pronounced Tito/Stalin... I mean, Helen/Amanda split in that group. Plus there are still five (FIVE!) outstiders to pick up the pieces. No way no how this coalition sticks together next week. Plus Elissa/Aaryn bitched each other out on the feeds about half an hour ago, there is plenty of drama left once the Helen HOH mercifully wraps up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted July 18, 2013 Members Share Posted July 18, 2013 It's amusing how frustrated Aaryn is by Elissa's refusal to even fake it with her, lol, especially considering Elissa talks to both Gina Marie and the evil Jeremy now. "But I won't nominate you." "You're a non entity to me" "I guess I'll have to earn your trust. You'll see" "I don't like you. I don't dislike you. You're just there but you're not." "But, but you said this and that and I'm apologizing..." "Listen, I'm not going to fake a relationship with you. Just go enjoy yourself but don't involve me in it." My favorite part of that was Gina Marie refusing to engage with Aaryn in a bash Elissa session after that exchange. The girls did a talk show tonight under the orders of King Helen III. During the show Candice asked McCrae and Amanda if it was love at first sight and then (Candice) slipped in "it was love at first HoH" I screamed. LOL, she might have surpassed Howard on Amanda's s--t list now, lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 18, 2013 Members Share Posted July 18, 2013 Howard and Candice are obnoxious right now. Candice is literally telling Howard what he can and can not wear. The only thing I'd like more than aaryn winning and putting Elissa's terrible game playing ass on the block again would be Amanda winning and putting Howard and Candice up. There's just so many people I want gone. Mostly Howard because Candice is awful around him, but also Elissa, spencer, aaryn, GM, Kait... So bb had the noms give pov speeches but ended up cutting them. I always think it's weird when people have to give a speech when someone else on the block won a pov. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 18, 2013 Members Share Posted July 18, 2013 The Elissa/Aaryn relationship is something that is interesting to me because they just don't like each other and never will, and there's no pretense. Normally I'd say you should always try to be nice in BB, but Judd and Candice have both tried to be nice to Aaryn and they've been burned. Amanda seems to be very thin-skinned. She was upset about Candice's joke, and she was also upset because she wasn't named hottest woman in the house. I guess she's on slop and having her period, but she needs to toughen up a little. I want to see Howard stay at least another week or two, but I agree that I don't think the Howard/Candice relationship does Candice any favors in the game. I don't think it hurts her standing, because she was already in a low place in the house, but it dulls some of her instinct. Judd seems to be increasingly fed up with GM. If she wins HOH or one of her allies wins it I think that he may blow up at her. I wish she'd go soon. She's just not in a good place and she shouldn't have been cast. I did like that Elissa told him he was too good of a man to call GM a bitch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 18, 2013 Members Share Posted July 18, 2013 It's def hurting Candice's standing. She may not have been on the top of the alliance but she was in very tight with Elissa and Helen and even Judd but all have commented now on how close she has become to Howard and she's starting to become aware and make it a point to say that they don't really talk game and she's started to try to cover it a bit but it's too late. It would have been interesting if the dr didn't block them from putting up Howard to see what Candice would have done. And oh yeah Judd vs GM is building. It's sort of like aaryn and Elissa in every thing they do just annoys the other. It's quite amusing. Judd and aaryn are interesting too this week. They have spent more time this week than before together, talking and hanging out. They never discuss game though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted July 18, 2013 Members Share Posted July 18, 2013 I've never known how close Judd and Candice were. I mostly saw him on his own or then with Andy/Mc/Amanda. Helen showed her true colors this week, to me, when she said she wanted Spencer and Kaitlin around past Candice. This reminded me of earlier in the game when she didn't want to believe most of Candice's skepticism about the guys. I think she sees herself as morally superior to Candice, and this means she doesn't want to take her too far, since she seems to see the game as one big "deserving"-athon. (Ayn Rand wouldn't be pleased) I just want one of Aaryn/GM/Kaitlin out next, and to see Howard and Amanda at full war. Jessie is still friendzoning Judd. He has said he resents being seen as a showmance, and McCrae encouraged him to just pursue this to have Jessie as an ally, but I think it's more along the lines of he wants her but he knows it's just not likely to happen. That's probably going to eat him up over time so I hope he can keep a grip. (this would be a very interesting story for the TV episodes, but they don't show complex stories nowadays, sadly) Judd knew that most of Aaryn's group aren't overly fond of him, and I think he wanted to try to use Aaryn as a pawn too, but after he found out she'd been telling people in the house how smart he was, he got very annoyed. I guess he realized she was still trying to put a target on him (I'm not sure if she likes him more than she once did - or if she's capable of liking anyone). I keep reading comments that GM is sick of Aaryn and they're going to be parting ways. I haven't seen any of this. I hope if it's true we get a blowup. Part of this must be down to Aaryn refusing to coddle her. Andy guessed the HOH comp. McCrae and Amanda are laying their love story on thick for Elissa. This season has had so many homances. I guess that's what AG was casting for this season. We have the sleazy homances, like J/K, the more controlling and confusing ones, like A/M, the ones that will likely never be because of unrequited feelings, like J/J and C/H, and then David/Aeryn, which probably would have involved her whipping him and leaving him tied to a radiator if he'd stayed in the house. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 18, 2013 Members Share Posted July 18, 2013 I don't think all the showmances are a result of casting for it. I don't think anyone in casting expected people like Judd Amanda McC to end up in once. Or even Candice, Howard. They def castes jerm nick and what's his name for eye candy, and Jesse and GM for showmances. But damn this season as so many! Judd and Aaryn have always talked here and there but this week they both seem to be going to each other more than enforce and she's told him about her announces with team and he just told her was annoyed his alliance didn't talk to him before noms so there's def a possibility of something there. He is smart and she is the only one that sees it. He's got such a good read on people. I think part of this is also aaryn trying to get other allies in the house and she picked Judd because he is open to talking to her and hates GM. When aaryn is with Judd GM doesn't really approach her. Jesse is friendzoning Judd because she wants a storyline of a showmances. She will let him go further in a week or two. Watch. She hasn't even really denied this. As for aaryn vs GM. They have been doing this dance all season so far and will keep on but they need each other. Helen is cray. Like she's got a good social game going on right now because I don't think anyone would target her at this point because she has deals with everyone but eventually all of her deals will come out and it will blow up. I just really need someone from the friendship alliance gone next. Hopefully MVP ends soon but I doubt it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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