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Y&R: June 2013 Discussion Thread

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I thought that BJ and MR had very nice chemistry when they were hanging around each other. They were very cute together when Abby was crushing on Devon. I thought that it would turn romantic but then no. MR had her maternity leave and of course, Roxy showed up for one day to remind viewer that Devon had a girlfriend. Another wasted opportunity for him.

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I have said it once and I will say it again. TPTB at Y&R/Sony have no interest in any young black male that they can not pair with Lily. It is why we have not had young Nathan come back full time and why Devon can not have an on screen romance. If they were interested in writing for anyone outside of Lily...or interested in writing Devon as a romantic lead (which is a shame that Kevin can be but not him) then they would have brought young Nathan on and had them fighting over some woman by now.

The problem, IMO, has never been BJ like some would like to believe. It is Sony/Y&R/CBS has never given him a chance.

The fact that he is sleeping with day players and their has been no obvious casting for him a romantic partner makes me fear that Summer and Noah are on the horizon.

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I agree...That Nick has always drifted away from NE to Victor's dismay. Victor never understood why Nick wouldn't fight for Newman the way that Victoria did. However, as it was stated before, that is canon because of how JM has played Nick, which prompted writers to find something else for him to do because he doesn't come across as a shrewd businessman.

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MAB's inability to write business stories changed the entire dynamic of this show...for the worse. People were going around town just randomly bumping into each other instead of them having a real reason to see each other, i.e. like they work together. At least JG is trying...he is giving these people a reason to have to interact other than them seeming wishy washy..."I can't ever see you again Adam"...yet whoever shows up at his door. It made the characters look ridiculous and no one could take them seriously.

That would be priceless if she was Neil's daughter. IMO, if TPTB were going to keep CK, they should have long casted another Winters daughter for Neil. And had her mother show up too.

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I hope she is NOT Gus' daughter. Because then that would limit her from being paired with Tyler one day. Nope...let her not be related to any of the males on canvas unless it is someone they would never pair her with anyway...preferably Neil to prevent the pairing from crossing JGs mind.

She looks nice with Adam in the pic...so does Angell for that matter. LOL. And since she seems like she will be quite the businesswoman, Adam needs someone like that by his side. Yep!

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Exactly why I want her to be Neil's daughter. I had forgotten about the mysterious Rose. It does seem like she would be involved in that story. But those blog posts seem very personal and are all about embarrassing Neil so some else is probably doing that.

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If she does end up as Neil daughter, without recasting Lily they just gave Neil a daughter. Eventually they going to write Lily out & keep Neil. This way people will stop crying for CkLily to have a backbone like her mother & crying for Dru return. This also leave Hillary open to date Devon too.

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