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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I think GH is probably safe til sometime next year at least. But then I think the same of OLTL and AMC. So I really can't say. I do know if that TOLN works, it is GH's destination.

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Preach! Even though AMC is slightly more my top soap than OLTL, I will make you claim that it deserved to be saved and OLTL canceled. We do know OLTL's ratings (after really dropping again post the Kish fiasco the previously year) were on the rise--extremely slowly, and were stronger than AMC which was also the more expensive show. But otherwise, to call one well rated and the other to have "horrific" ratings when they are tiny poitns away (and had been going up and down opposite each other for YEARS) is some weird soap claim I never get.

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It's hard to compare how dishonest PP is compared to the other companies listed. They are all dishonest, but that doesn't excuse PP's conduct.

I am sorry if I gave you gentlemen the impression that I thought OLTL was doing "great" ratings-wise (as others hyped at the time). I guess I meant to say that one could conclude cancelling OLTL was a mistake simply because its ratings rose somewhat after it was cancelled (to the point where it was doing better than GH and DOOL), and--based on that reason alone--it therefore deserved another chance more than AMC did. (Although honestly, I think OLTL also does not deserve a relaunch as other non-last place soaps have been cancelled, combined with the fact that OLTL's ratings really were not that good.) Because AMC remained in last place until the end (aside from perhaps its last few weeks), my point was that there was no objective criterion to relaunch the show (over any other soap that was dead last when it was cancelled). However, Eric gave some other great explanations (which I never thought of) that elaborate why PP may have wanted to relaunch AMC along with OLTL.

Thank you for the kind words. This is just a guess, but I think that the panic may be due to the fact that far fewer soap viewers than expected are signing up for Hulu Plus. Making these shows exclusive to Hulu Plus would obviously eliminate this problem of "freeloading." Of course, the downside is they won't get any casual viewers to try out these shows, but at this point, I think the audience PP most wants to reach is the die-hard fans (who would be willing to pay a fee to watch the soaps).

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Can someone who has FX Canada remind me when AMC and OLTL are supposed to air on that channel? I went to their official website after reading LeClerc's post, and I'm looking at the skeds for next week, and...they're not on 'em.

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I always believed, even if someone isn't a fan of all three or even two of them, they need to go together the same way GL/ATWT go together.

They all compliment each other plus they all had there share of crossovers since the 60s!!

if you want to get the feeling when you are with your hip sister you watch OLTL. if you want to get the feeling when you are with your adventurous brother you watch GH. If you want to get the feeling when you are with your down to earth and traditional grandmother and want to see how Agnes Nixon with her creations "Jesse and Angie" revolutionized the way the galaxy perceives African American individuals and liberated African American's across the globe you watch AMC.

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