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Prospect Park Sues ABC Over ‘One Life To Live’ & ‘All My Children’ Licensing Agreement

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You seriously think Frank or anyone at GH called PP up and told them this? Or thought about making it easy to bring them back from the dead for any other reason besides the fact it would make for an obvious story *for GH* to tell later down the road (as it seemed they were about to).

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The ratings rising every week that the OLTL dead weight is off GH kind of tells you about how GH viewers feel, IMO.

As for the lawsuit, I think it's a bad idea, but I'm so tired of this whole thing it makes me uneasy about PP as well as ABC, it makes the whole thing feel very seedy and becomes more about a cage match than about producing quality work.

I'm also preemptively rolling my eyes at Hinsey, Logan, Nellie Olsen, DC, etc. likely shilling for ABC at all costs, especially since the last two were furious at ABC when they put their fantasy boyfriends out of a job a few years back.

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Because, honeslty the show didnt get saved. The title got saved, the town is being used, with a few characters. I can see why former fans wouldnt be interested in that.

And yes, I am a Brenda fan so therefor I am 100% team ABC and GH. I despised AMC and OLTL and am glad they are dead. I am busted.

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Thank you.

I am on ABC side in this though, but not because I am a GH fan - because im really not a huge GH fan.. I am atching again right now because Brenda is back and Elizabeth is beaing featured, and those are two of my favorite characters ever. I have totally hated GH for a long time, actually. I think GH bringing all three back on the same day is spiteful and done to stick it to PP, while I think PP is also very spiteful and dont respect them at all for trying to force actors onto their show that didnt wanna do it, and other things I cant post about.

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so the fact that ABC threw AMC and OLTL away, and are trying to hinder PP every chance they get, when PP was more than willing to compromise with them..

I know... no one said they were forced to do anything, those who said are the fangirl bloggers but ME's whining on FB really turned me off to him

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Oh, your keeping count. Thats cute.

Yes, we do have an idea of who wanted to do what. KA has made it clear she had zero interest in iOLTL. ME's posts make a pretty strong argument he wasnt down either. RH seemed eager to do the web series in order to get back to GH, and thats it. Thats all pretty public and out there.

And for the, going by your counts, nineteenth time - I believe that PP wanted to get them all onto the webshow, and used their standings on GH to get them onto their show, or else off both shows. I see that as manipulating, strong arming, forcing, whatever you wanna call it. You dont, thats fine.

ABC cancelling them doesnt factor in, imo. And i dont think they are trying to hinder PP every chance they get, nor do I think PP saying that todd can only air on GH on days he isnt on oltl, they have to basically follow their story, etc and not letting GH keep ME/John and KA/Starr if they wouldnt appear on iOLTL and avide by the same rules is willing to compromise, but ok.

I agree, totally.

As for the soap bloggers/writers - Perhaps they knew more than they are telling, and thats why.

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