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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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That actually wouldn't surprise me in the least and it would certainly be less controversial than her taking over Carly Schroeder's role. That said, then they couldn't put her and Chad together romantically.

Does anyone know, is this Twitter accurate?

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I think it would be more controversial to have that homely chick take over the freshly vacated role of Kristina. Shexis would have never created that thing! CS? Why should we care about this person who has not been on GH since she was a child? While I'd love to never see KA again, it only makes sense for her to be someone we have not seen in what...3 weeks!

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They have no blood between them...

Kristina comes back from community service with a brand new face(like Michael's gradmother's do) and Michael can't help but be drawn to his non blood related half sister as she reminds him of someone he once knew..

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