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Married to Medicine


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Unlike the Basketball baby mamas, these women are actual professionals and married to them. Being a doctor is no joke. I cant see how any of them would agree to be on a show like this. Are they not worried about it affecting their practice? I know if I was a patient, Id have a hard time taking my doctor seriously and Id have a hard time going to their husband when I see their wife acting a fool on tv. Its not a good look at all. Oh well, they are never going to be my doctor so I guess I shouldn't care. I will be watching at least the first episode. It looks to fill the RHoATL void

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Quad must be short for something really ghetto lol

Anywho Mariah and Quad were getting on my nerves, they were saying "YAAAASSSS", "What's the tea hunty?", "Yes GAWWWWDDD", and the talking in third person.

And Mariah is fake playing both sides of the fence between Quad and Toya/Kari.

Toya is an annoying ass trick, why is she confronting Quad over that stupid mess? Trying to hard to get the first episode popping I guess.

Kari's face is beat the f-ck up, and her lips look like a vagina.

Dr, Jackie is a snooty ass bitch, when she was talking about Dr. Simone and said "I have great fashion sense and ....." I was like get over yourself.

Dr. Simone seems cool so far.

That said I will be tuning in next week lol

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Everyone saying Mariah is trying to be Tamar and Tamar threw shade on Twitter.

for the ORIGINAL TAMAR BRAXTON tune in to #BRAXTON FAMILY VALUES on thursday nights @9pm on @wetv...#thatsall

Everyone saying Mariah trying to be Tamar and Tamar threw shade on Twitter

I do admit Quad, Mariah, and Simone are the only ones I see myself liking/tolerating by the end of the season.

And Mariah got that "check your email" line from Andrea Kelly (R. Kelly aka Child Molestor's ex) who was on Hollywood Exes on VH1.

Edited by Eric83
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I like Quad for the drama, but she and Mariah have potential to be very annoying. I thought they were trying too hard and I didn't like them using the gay lingo. Kari was fabulous! I expected her to be more quiet, but she's very in your face. That shocks me considering she might end up punched by Quad. She doesn't seem afraid of speaking up AT ALL.

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Kari seems very judgemental and I did not see what Quad was doing wrong at Mariah's birthday party. Why did Toya's thirsty ass feel the need to get up in Quad's face about the wedding being called off. Clearly looking to get the fighting started off ASAP and be memorable it reeked of fakeness. And turns out Kari got with her man while hewas married to another woman so she doesn't need to be sending texts calling others "low class whores"

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I love the playful shade that Dr. Jackie and Dr. Simone were throwing at each other. I like their friendship the most and enjoy watching them alone, together and with others.

I cant stand Toya

Quads a bit too hood for me right now. She is coming across like Dominque from The Sisterhood

I cant tell if I like Mariah or cant stand her. I will need more time to decide

Defiently cant stand Toya

Kari looks awful. I don't know what she was talking about when she pointed at her face and said it takes a lot to put that all together. Her lips were awful and overall face was distracting to look at. Oh and I cant stand her accent

I don't think she was meant to be taken seriously. They both had jabs at each other. I think they have a playful rivalry Edited by Cheap21
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Oh I guess I could've read it wrong but Dr. Jackie did have me laughing when she saw Quad and in her TH said she wasn't sure if Quad waas from America because of her dialect :lol: Quad does sound look a girl from the hood trying her best to speak proper.

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LOL...I didn't realize I wrote I cant stand Toya twice. To my credit, my post got deleted twice before I posted so maybe I was trying to make sure that came across when it actually worked...lol

I can see where you were coming from with the line Jackie said about Simone. It kinda reminded me of Sheree with Nene in season but the difference is, I didn't see it coming from a place of malice. They seem to genuinely like each other.

LOL..that Quad line was funny. If the other girls keep picking on her, I could see myself liking her by default.

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Simone and Jackie were TV gold. I found this one of the most real relationships I've seen on reality tv. We know they had true history based on their law practice together and the way they joke around with each other feels like very close friends. It just feels natural and fun. I joke with my close friends like that, but if I meet somebody I wouldn't necessarily act that way because it might offend them. I'm glad they'll be bringing some brains.

She is nothing like I expected. I thought the scene where she was romancing her husband and ended up working was cute. I felt that was a very real scene as well. I was surprised to see she was more than a trophy wife and actually has brains as well.

I wonder how things would've been if any of these women were on RHOA instead. I bet it would've been fire with Quad, Kari and Mariah instead of Kenya and Porsha. Hell, I'd even fire Phaedra and throw in Toya as well.

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1) Toya is the most fake to me. She is clearly working class who's fronting as someone who is so super sophisticated because she married a doctor. SHE'S not an effing doctor -- she married one. How upper crust is she when she pronounces the word czar - sih-zar. Are you serious. And her grammar so low class -- she said "we had CAME". Really? And she's so high society. A fake, fronting, biotch is what she is.

Sorry, but educated people who say baffroom, birffday, "I seen it" and don't know basic grammar are just so, so dispapointing. ESPECIALLY when they try to come off as someone who is socially elite.

And,,,,,Toya is the one who starting the mess with Quad.

2) Quad IS correct 'separated' is NOT divorced. It's STILL MARRIED. And Kari was indeed a 'mistress." Instead of calling Kari out on it. Another way to make your same point would have just been to say, "Oh so he was married to someone else, UHHHMM. (with a snooty air). Again, make your point, without being quite as socially rude.

3) yet again we have a HW show falling back on parties as the main plot devices. Two parties in two weeks -- and another one planned fornext week. For Gd's sake, show these people doing other things besides attended parties and having lunch.

Quad revealed her real name as Quadria on WWHL saying it's Arabic. Girl sit down! That name was made up by your parents. :lol:

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Kari said in her blog that her husband was legally separated when they started dating. I don't think that is the same as being the mistress to a married man. At that point they were living separate lives and probably living separately as well. When you have money it takes time to get a divorce, sometimes years, and I don't think to be a good person you should stay single simply because your divorce isn't finalized. As Kari said, she had to completely take over his finances, so he was probably wiped out with that divorce. I appreciate that at least Kari has shown a business knowledge and seems to have a career of her own. For all her talk of being a doctors wife, at least she's working.

I find myself being drawn to Kari and the two doctors just because they seem to have a touch of class and knowledge that the others lack. The others seem far too drawn to these foolish social events. I do like the combination of the two though.

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