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Toya's trash too. Loser didn't even have the smarts to wear black underwear under that fugly 1980s Soul Train dress. But again, I will take her over that clown, Mariah any day of the week. Mariah's costume was horrific! She wanted to be unfashionably late to show off that frock. It was awful!

Simone, her talking head is so ghetto! Not many likable people on this show. Shah's Of Sunset anyone?

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I need to see more episodes to decide who I believe. Toya has been messy, but Mariah has been bad too. I find her to be worse than Quad because she always seems to think she's right and takes responsibility for nothing. That wine tasting scene with Mariah and Kari was terrible. I didn't feel that Kari was out of place and Mariah just was mad her friend wasn't invited and kept hitting below the belt.

As I continue to watch the ones that I find myself REALLY liking are Jackie, Simone, Kari (yes, not a typo!) and Quad. They are all harmless, fun and unique personalities. Toya and Mariah are both haters and think too highly of themselves.

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Just saw the ratings from Sunday it is definitely getting a Season 2.

Episode 1: 1.8 million

Episode 2: 1.3 million

Episode 3: 1.8 million

Episode 4: 2.6 million (the Fight) looks like everyone tuned in to see them go at it. We'll probably get a reunion too.... lol

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I was reading up on the show, and not one of these women has less than a Masters (except Kevin...um Kari). They are all educated and Mariah does not need Aydin's money. She is a very smart business woman with her hands in many successful projects. I guess everyone wants their 15 minutes.

But the old saying is true - you can take the girl out of the hood, but you can't take the sewage out of the girl...

Oh, and some Howard Med Students went toe to toe with Bravo so that this show didn't air. They didn't want to put that message out there about black people In this profession as it would affect them negatively when they finished their studies. Obviously, they failed unfortunately.

Edited by ChitHappens
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That fight was all sorts of embarrassing....and I don't even claim to be that elite but I would have been appalled if I were any of the guests there and especially if I was Kari.

And it seemed to start out of no where. One more they're talking (perhaps with voices raised a little) and then Mariah grabs Toya's hair and IT IS ON. Just ridiculous.

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Oh no, Chit, Toya does not think she's a hood rat.

She thinks she's above the fray with that shiny, cheap, plastic ass weave in her head. If Toya is going to be a bougie b*tch, please get some Bella Dream hair or some high end weave and staple it to your head. She spending all that money on that new house when she needs to spend it on getting some human hair . . . not horse hair.

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