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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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Yeah, but it's also the oh so clever way these writers write and segue their scenes--they'll have one line in one scene then basically move into a similar line in the new scene. I guess even in nursing though PC has so few gay possibilities you don'thave any choices but to crush on someone who's straight... (I mean that story angle makes sense in high school stories or other closeted ones, but...)

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Emma, it's time for boarding school! Used to like seeing this gorgeous little girl, but I don't need this Saprina cheerleader. And little children talking to grown folks inappropriately pisses me off. If they are going to continue with Patty and this girl, she needs to be recast. How old is this actress? Patty needs to cut it out. This is embarrassing for him! Shut up, Piph! She needs to be transferred!!!!! Saprina is ready to move on? From what?

Does anyone know Genie's final air date?

TJ, stop wasting your time!

Dante, I've been in your corner, please don't give me any more scenes like that. Kind of embarrassing jeal0002.gif

Liz. lol. Is this what she learned in nursing school? Begging Nik just a bit too much - missing those Cassadine carpet burns, huh?

FRon love bringing people back to put them in comas.

Shawn saving Anna wub.pngwub.png

Dr. O and Britta wub.pngwub.png

Between Emma understanding that boys can like boys and Bobbie wishing her son would find the perfect man and get married, this eppy should have been called General Hospital: Prop 8!

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HA! When I first skimmed this post, I thought "Oh crap, did I mention All Her Children again and not even realize it..." biggrin.png

Exactly. I actually usually enjoy or more or less agree with the posters' posts, but to go on about how you have now wathed 2 episodes in 16 years, and then basically say people who have been watching everyday are blatantly unfair or even blind to the brilliant characterization, etc, is just blink.png Obviously this style of writing makes the soaps easier to jump into than they often are, so I see why it does make a good first impression--in a way anyway. OLTL seemed to get the same praise ("I wondered what all the fuss was about so tuned back to One Life for the first time in a decade for three whole episodes and it's GREAT! Great characters, tons of mentions of names I actually remember from when I watched, bla bla bla") It doesn't show that characters have been having the same conversation for months, there's next to no character growth, the shocking surprises rarely have any real fall-out, etc.

It's not fashionable to say about soaps anymore, but really I think strong soap writing, while it needs to be accessible, has to mean that you don't have a pretty spot on glance at all the characterization and plot connections from just two episodes.

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I skipped some of the insanity that this thread became, but I think it's pretty clear to me that the Dr O thing doesn't have to do with Faison (I still don't get how they never found and arrested her though.) Ron C loves having these henchmen/women turn up again, be connected to more characters and then be working or involved in something even bigger so I'm sure it will be a Cassadine (prob a back from the dead one for more "shock") and all these stories will in some completely nonsensical way that even the writers can't explain be tied together--from the Faison/Robin stuff, to Lulu missing, the return of the Ice Princess, etc. Cuz that's a classic umbrella story and we all love sotries that are umbrellas!

Maybe it can tie into the Relish! story too!!

I do think you're right that they definitely are trying to remind the audience that they remember Lucas is gay too, and that could be in the works, but Lucas coming back--if FV isn't scared of making the show too gay or whatever they thought One Life became--is still a ways off, I think.

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The problem with GH and the problem with their OLTL is their insistence that SOMETHING!!1@!1Q13DC happen in every frickin episode. So everything is rush rush rush to get to that "moment", most of which aren't even fully followed up on. I get that there's something for everyone but with that you end up with stories that aren't fully fleshed out. The show ends up feeling like empty calories.

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