Members DRW50 Posted September 23, 2013 Members Share Posted September 23, 2013 Dani was terrible in BB8. She just whined and whined and allowed her father to destroy people, all while insisting she had nothing to do with it. I didn't think she was anywhere as bad in BB13. I could see why she was upset by Rachel, as Rachel was weird and Rachel also followed her around, but it wasn't comparable to her father. I think Rachel also sometimes acted up for TV, and it didn't translate well in the house. This was a typical moment likely done for TV (it didn't make the show): My feeds are ending in a few days but I am going back to watch some things I missed the first time, like Helen "pumping it up" with Aaryn a few hours before POV (during Helen's HOH week. I hated Helen but moments like that are priceless. And Elissa laughing so hard at Judd's comments about GM and Nick that she starts snorting. I wish that alliance had worked out... Anyway, Rachel and Nick were at the Emmys tonight. So was Jeff, with a CBS bigwig. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 23, 2013 Members Share Posted September 23, 2013 S8 Please register in order to view this content S13 I almost (just almost) wish I had kept the feeds for the flashbacks. I missed most of the first week. I wish somebody would clip Elissa lying to Amanda about being MVP because she didn't nominate who Amanda wanted her to (Howard obsession: The Early Stages). Well, this is close enough but not nearly as good as the unedited version: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 23, 2013 Members Share Posted September 23, 2013 GM apology and a lot of plugging. She seems sincere, but I think she'd be better off just taking a break from Youtube and Twitter and the rest. Liza from Big Brother Canada is trashing Aaryn on her Twitter (they're at the Vegas party together) claiming that she's bragging about how this stuff will help her career. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 23, 2013 Members Share Posted September 23, 2013 Elissa is also going to be on B&B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted September 23, 2013 Members Share Posted September 23, 2013 Aaryn is deluded if she thinks her actions on BB are going to help her career. If anything, it killed any career opportunities. Minus Fox News or any other conservative media outlet, Aaryn's career in the spotlight is over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members London Posted September 23, 2013 Members Share Posted September 23, 2013 Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 24, 2013 Members Share Posted September 24, 2013 McCrae interview. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 26, 2013 Members Share Posted September 26, 2013 I guess this clears up some of the Vegas drama: This is the guy they're "fighting" over JoJo Spatafora (BB14) Jessie #bb15 about 20 mins?? I think to drop her panties n let Alec get off his horny train #truestory #ionlyspeaktruth So yea to answer all ur questions that's the real deal,Alec tried but I said no I don't get down the first night so told him to do him.... And luckily for Alec!Jessie #bb15 was right there to fill that void Alec was missin awww thanks @JessieClaire88 hope u guys were safe As much as fans want to think id be the one to move fast nope! I actually have class unlike some women or should I say girls Sorry but I keep it real &@JessieClaire88 is just another danielle #bb14 it's pathetic n I don't like girls like themthat is all folks! @teamjuddalways @JessieClaire88 nothin I don't like needy clingy attention seeking girls that's all and I called her out in person peace!! JoJo is definitely on Team Racist (Aaryn, GM and Spencer with Amanda trying to tag along from Florida). Liza's vendetta against Aaryn? I'm guessing Aaryn stirred the chit pot like she did in the house. She's only really happy when she's making other girls cry. Kaitlin and Jeremy have broken up over Twitter. And Kaitlin tossed out an "ILY" to Liza after she started ranting on Aaryn. My guess is, in Vegas, Aaryn still wanted Jeremy and was on Judd's piece to work Jeremy and it may have worked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 26, 2013 Members Share Posted September 26, 2013 A lot of fans were all, "Yay Jessie, you ditched that ugly hillbilly and now you have a real man!" but some BB Canada fans have said that Alec was a sleaze and treated Topaz like crap. I think some fans make Jessie into a little too much of a victim and forget that she was man-hungry. I don't think she's done anything wrong but I'm not sure she's making a great choice here. Someone attacked Judd on Twitter for dating Aaryn and he said he's single. I don't think he ever saw Aaryn as anything other than a friend he might get to grope. I think he had feelings for Jessie, and maybe Elissa, but not Aaryn. And Aaryn probably likes him as a friend but just uses him to get a rise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 27, 2013 Members Share Posted September 27, 2013 I completely agree with your analysis of the situations there. Jaffer Murtz video-chat interview with Elissa, Rachel and their mom: It's a really fun interview (starts out just okay but gets better and better). Summary below (just the stuff that's on the "new" side): - Murtz asked which season was tougher to watch for mom, 12 or 15? Mom said 12 without hesitation. Murtz was shocked as was I. Rachel being all fast and loose on television upset mom a lot. She was very, very, very upset. She loves Brendon now, but at the time it was upsetting. Rachel was very stressed this season because she was watching the Live Feeds, she said she was calling and sending e-mails out all the time. Rachel emphasizes that if she was in a house and somebody was being treated like her sister was (the Amanda thing in particular) she would have said something to put a stop to it. - Mom clarified earlier that Elissa was the handful growing up and that Rachel was very well behaved. (I really thought Elissa was making up being the handful when Spencer asked her the question, my bad). As they grew older it totally switched up, Rachel is, of course, Rachel and Elissa is on the conservative side. - Who would mom rather have a lunch with, Andy or Aaryn? Aaryn. She thinks because she's a girl and young there's a chance she could talk some sense into her. Murtz says "and what about Andy?" She doesn't like Andy. She said he was way too personal. - Jeremy? Mom: "Who?" (I'm guessing she probably knows him by the name Anthony). Rachel chimes in "the butt wipe guy." Mom says Jeremy apologized to her for the way he went after Elissa when he met her - blamed the whole BB atmosphere thing - so she doesn't have either the best or worst impression of him. - Elissa was asked to describe Andy in one word: Confused. - Elissa says she would do Big Brother again only IF it was a team setting (with Rachel or Brendon). Talking about Helen, she recalls Helen just never really listening to her much within the bounds of the game. She also mentions everybody getting so pissed off when she tried to give her opinion about this or that game move. - She said the moment she knew the game/her game had changed in the "wrong" direction is when Kaitlin was evicted over Aaryn. She felt it in her gut that it was the absolute wrong move. Kaitlin would have been more game focused while Aaryn was Aaryn - and just handing her HoH's to Amanda. - Who are you done with from BB15? "Almost all of them." She goes into who she'll stay in touch with. She waxes poetic about Candice. Talks about what a great person Helen is. She later adds Howard and Jessie. She says her son looks up to Howard. They ask about Judd. She says she knows some stuff happened but she likes him, she really likes him and they'll keep in contact. She adds Kaitlin as well. - Jury house? She elaborates that Amanda was of course still playing the game because her boyfriend was still in the house playing the actual game. Amanda is aggressive about her opinions and Elissa, Helen and Jessie weren't really complying. She said Amanda screamed at her a couple of times, sort of like the chit in the BB house, but she walked away from her like in the BB house as well. - Elissa mentioned Will talked to them for 3.5 hours at the jury house. - Rachel is disappointed when Elissa mentions she's going to sell some of her BB stuff (and donate the proceeds to charity). Rachel is like "I keep everything and frame it." Elissa is like I'm keeping some of the stuff but I don't need everything and the fans would like some of the stuff. - At the end of the episode, Murtz throws out a challenge. He wants Elissa to do a yoga move that both he and Rachel could do - so nothing too hard. The girl then practically does something where she levitates off the ground, lol. I imagine some of the people at the chat got hurt attempting this at home. Murtz had no chance. Rachel doesn't try because she's wearing a dress. He wants Rachel to do impressions. Rachel does a weak impression of GM and Jeremy. Elissa takes out her full GM and Jeremy impressions. Elissa's GM is on point, Rachel does a Jeremy in the middle of this that is pretty good. The girls daughter-pressure mom into doing impressions. She tries to avoid it but ends up doing a few. Rachel says what about impersonating Elissa? Elissa doing yoga at all serious meetings. Cue Elissa getting up to do yoga in the middle of the chat, hah. - The wrap party invitations. Rachel said she simply put out that the haters weren't invited. There were some BB15 people they wanted there and whom they offered measures to get there and then their were the others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 27, 2013 Members Share Posted September 27, 2013 Thanks for the recap. I don't have a tough time believing Elissa was more willful than Rachel as a child, mostly because Rachel always seems to put on a lot of her antics, and is more low-key underneath (from what others have said about her). I had never seen their mother. She wasn't quite what I expected. I don't want to see Elissa with Rachel or Brendon, especially Brendon. I'd rather her come with someone unexpected, like Matt Hoffman. Or maybe Kaitlin. I would say Judd, because I was drawn into their love/hate/whatever friendship, but that wouldn't end well. I read that Elissa also said someone in jury basically told Will they weren't sorry for any racist talk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 28, 2013 Members Share Posted September 28, 2013 No it wouldn't. She mentioned Dan's wife in terms of other family members that would have been cool to play with this season. Looks like the Dick/Reilly sister interview didn't go well. I knew there was little chance it would from the moment I first heard about it. Dick said he felt he was being very nice but he thinks Elissa "walked out" on the interview. He said he let them control the interview...initially. He posted the interview BUT he taped the interview without audio, so... He seems confused about what happened. He's not being as nasty as he usually is yet. Maybe he's waiting to see if they'll do a make-up interview. Amanda's interview with Dick. One thing I did like about what I heard is he told her that the racism was ten times worst this year than any other year AND had it been any other year (without Aaryn, etc) that she would have been seen as the biggest racist in the house. After Buzz did phone interviews with several of the BB15 HG (Andy, Aaryn, Kaitlin Jeremy) + BB Canada's Liza today: Vegas Drama: Aaryn told Amanda that Liza told Aaryn that she wanted to f--k her. Aaryn said she said "no." This set Liza off. Liza said she's into brunettes not blond chicks. She basically says that Aaryn was going after any man that had a woman attached to him in Vegas and that she's just a mean person to her very core. Re: Her interest in Judd was about hurting Jessie when she felt Jessie was interested. Her interest in Jeremy is about hurting Kaitlin, Peter/Kara, Alec/Jessie, etc. The After Buzz guys didn't realize the audio was on initially and the story goes that they were defending the racism, "everybody does it; everybody has stereotypes." They also revealed Aaryn's phone number. They edited that part out of the YouTube upload of course. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 30, 2013 Members Share Posted September 30, 2013 Jessie and Ian interview. (she had a friendly date with him and tweeted some photos from it) Elissa/Candice had an interview today, as did Andy, but they aren't available at the moment. Poor Candice said she watched the "bullying of Candice" video and cried and cried ( A few days ago there was some weird business where Amanda claimed that Jessie's mother grabbed Jeremy's crotch at the wrap party, as she and Jessie were both drunk. Jeremy denied this, and Jessie's father threatened to sue Amanda, so I guess we won't be hearing about that again. Aaryn seems to be going to a charity event and a trip to Costa Rica with repulsive Russell Hantz, and he keeps playing it up like they're together. Bleh. Amanda was commenting earlier about how Rachel does all the interviews with Elissa (to be fair a number of people have said that). Funny how Rachel didn't do the interview with her today. Britney blog. She's so brave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted September 30, 2013 Members Share Posted September 30, 2013 Coincidence or not, I did love the fact that Rachel didn't make it. I don't mind Rachel's point of view and input at all, but it was refreshing just to have the two of the more tolerable BB15 HG there talking and reflecting on the season they were just on. Elissa not feeding her hungry trolls, Amanda and Andy, was a bonus. Amanda's implication with her comments are Elissa is stupid and unstable. I don't know if you can call it an implication since she's straight out saying it, eh. If a family member of Janelle, Dan, Will, Jeff or Jordan were on an installment of BB their would be a desire to get the HG and the former HG on from most interviewers. For example, Dick has said he contacted Rachel while Elissa was still doing the show and did ask for both of them. Did they take the video off YouTube? I can't find it. Not the interview from Sunday but the video Candice watched. I sort of didn't dislike Russell. There was something about the great Parvati Shallow mind-f--king him so well that made him tolerable. Now, I'm going to be more than a little slow to take on any new reality series he does. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 30, 2013 Members Share Posted September 30, 2013 I agree about Jessie. She was always man-hungry. Didn't she literally follow men around the house? Or was that just one of the ugly trash talk rumors thrown out by the HGs, I can't even keep track at this point. I HATED HATED HATED Russell. But Parvati mind-f-king him was wonderful and I did sort of not hate him SO much. He nearly ruined Survivor for me but at least they've managed to churn out a few decent seasons. BB on the other hand is often a disaster. But ew at Russell and Aaryn. Can't say it really surprises me if I had to think about it. Both disgusting people who want to stay relevant in the reality world. Sad. However, Aaryn seems like ... how's the right way to put this? In an old-fashioned way ... a man-eater. Probably uses men and tosses 'em. Poor Candice Amanda wants so hard to be relevant and popular but she ruined any shot she had by her mouth that won't stop (even if some of it's true and she can be very funny) and her disgusting tacticts on the feeds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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