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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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As much as it pains me, I agree. Whether or not PeePee's project seemed dead in the water, they still own the characters, so it was pretty damn stupid of Cartini to bring them in and be arrogant about it. Now, the audience suffers again because of this stupidity! Reminds me of the recent battle between Viacom and DirectTV. Both making certain the public knows neither of them is to blame. It was like a bad tennis match - game, set match to those clowns while the audience/subscribers lose.

What I don't agree with is them sharing the characters. That would be too difficult. One writing it's stories to accommodate the other? There's no way I'd agree to that. If the actors don't wish to go, sell the characters to GH and wish them well! I don't believe for one second any of the three are that important to the start up. Hell their presence didn't help keep OL on nor have they done anything for GH. The OL reboot is very possible without them!

The actors/performers are still on contract with ABCd, so they won't suffer. Roger's contract is up next month, so that could go either way.

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I love this post, except I don't think PP should sell the characters to GH under any circumstances. Sorry that throws another wrinkle into Cartini's plans but they'll muddle through somehow. My faith in PP's strategic thinking would be shaken tremendously if they agreed to this.

I also think it would be wonderful if now that Frank and Ron don't have any creative input on OLTL and if they have to create new characters for these actors on GH, if they created vastly different characters for them to play. I have really enjoyed Steve Burton on Y&R so far. He seems energized. I would like for Roger and Michael to get the same kind of shake up. I think it would be good for them.

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The reason I'm siding with Prospect Park in this matter is because, as they said, ABC knew this was a loan. ABC decided to give Kristen Alderson and Michael Easton 3 years contracts knowing this fact. That's the reason we're stuck in this impasse and why Roger Howarth wasn't mentioned in the release by name (he only signed a one year contract with ABC).

The analogies used by some of the posters earlier today are spot on. If you signed a rent lease with a landlord and they asked you to let their best friend stay with you, and when you ask for your privacy back, they tell you to live with it, what would you do? You fight back! You have rights!

I'm not saying Prospect Park is perfect by any means, but at least they were even interested in doing something ABC didn't originally want, which was continue OLTL in any form.

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Well then Errol PP should have said "sure we'll loan them for you, but only for this many months(years whatever) and if we don't get this OLTL/AMC venture off the ground in say a year, then sign them to long term contracts if they're interested"

For all anyone knew it could have been another 3 years before PP got these soaps online if they ever did. So I'm with ABC on this

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I see your point, but ABC knew going in that at any time Prospect Park could step back in and ask for their rights back. They knowingly signed those long-term contracts with those two actors (and short-term one with Howarth). Now they are forced to re-characterize these actors to justify those contracts.

I just don't agree with those saying that PP should get over it and let ABC have those three characters. The company stated that they decided to option rights to OLTL because of these characters, so if they don't get to use them...who's to say they'll decide to not bother with OLTL 2.0 (definitely not likely, just saying it aloud).

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so what is going happen to the actors? It seems no one cares about what they want, why doesn't ABC just release them since they aren't going to use them so they can find new jobs and ABC should pay the actors their full contracts since they entered into not in good faith

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ABC knew that PP had til Feb 2013 to make OLTL work & If they did, PP had first refusual on those characters. They knew that cause they made the lease and then loan agreement with them. ABC GH & Actors knew the score. They are no victims here

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If they are not playing a role and their current contract cycle has not passed, ABC must pay them until their cycle ends, whereby ABC would then have to inform the actors if they are losing their jobs or if ABC will just eat the money for another cycle, until the same thing happens again the next cycle.

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but don't the actors make the characters and it sounds like the actors don't want to do PP, so just release them, it is unfair they are being held hostage, ABC is not making them new characters, otherwise they wouldn't have have to stop taping on Feb 8th, PP doesn't care about the actors, otherwise they wouldn't be threatening them with join our show or else, so let the actors go so they can get new jobs, and PP can recast

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