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Stunt Casting

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I agree that stunt casting by definition includes a promotional element. To me, stunt casting is bringing an actor who has no previous soap connection to a show for a short-term role and promoting their addition to the cast."

I don't consider Genie's moving to Y&R stunt casting because she's an established soap actor.

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I don't consider the former sitcom stars that have barely worked since their respective shows went off the air stunt casting. I highly doubt they thought "hey, random sitcom star from that 1980s series will really bring in the viewers and get us some attention". James Franco is stunt casting since that whole role and story line wouldn't have existed without James Frano approaching the show.

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But they do. They usually get a writeup on EW's website, which is probably the whole point of casting them. When B&B cast Elvera Roussell as a nurse, probably about five people (including me) cared. When Y&R cast Elinor Donahue, they got EW, a TV Guide Online interview, etc.

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stunt casting is like hack writer, a highly overused term by soap fans. not every actor who was ever in a primetime show or movie that hits a soap is a stunt casting, esp when no promotion is given to it. an EW article doesnt matter, they also write about what shoe ashley greene wore. they are desperate for content and know that soap fans will read anything related remotely to soaps. most of these actors are out of work and hitting audition rounds and have agents trying to get them a job, any job. for me stunt casting is when a role is created for an actor in the hopes of driving up ratings, or something like james franco hitting GH.

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When ever I think of Stunt Casting I think of this:

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I would like to Debbie Reynolds as Brooke English (AMC) and Liz Taylor as Erica (AMC) if Liz were still alive and they bother were in there youth's. I wonder how there on-screen chemistry would be as Brooke/Erica if the show was on around the time Liz stole Eddie Fisher?? I mean that theoretically.

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