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K-Pop Appeciation Thread


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I couldnt wait till the weekend so I went ahead and watched it today! Let me just get this out of the way first. This was probably my least favorite of the concerts Ive viewed so far. I still enjoyed the show but not as much as the others . Here are some of the complaints I had.

1. I didnt like the venue. One thing I love about Beast's performances is how motile they are. They are all over the place, singing around the crowed, singing in the crowd, dancing and moving all around the arenas. This one was so small and only had that one stage so it felt like they were so restricted. They couldnt really go all out as they have done in the past

2. I got so excited when I heard the music for Midnight and was so dissapointed that all they did was play the Japanese version iof the music video. I dont get why they never sing that song live, especially since its the title track to their last EP. Its such a good song too

3. On a personal note, I didnt like what Junhyung was wearing. That thing made it look like he had a skirt on. Even after the clothes change in the middle of the show, he kept it on instead of changing. Also was not a fan of Kikwang's hair. The shaggy look looks better blonde like in the Midnight/Beautiful Night videos or the promo video they aired during the show. Not so much dark. On a side note, I love Junhyung's hair. Love the length and it was perfectly combed. Dongwoon's color and style was working for him as well.

4. One thing that Dujun and Hyunseung tend to do alot in their performances is not sing but instead put the microphone out to the crowd. I dont want to hear the crowd. I want to hear you guys! They seemed to do that even more so than usual here.

5. The worst part was that annoying faceless voice! They kept talking to her numerous times during the show and the chatter went on for so long. It might have been so bad had I understand. Actually it would have bc the vocie was just grating and irritating to listen to. Whoever put together the last shows did a much better job at editing so that the focus was on the singing and all that extra chatter was like bonus material but this was interspersed within, kinda killing the momentum. I had to FF too much to get to the performances

Thoughts and what I liked

Its Not Me.....I LOVE the crowd chanting during that. It kind helps make the song. I love Junhyung's "Calm down, Trust me baby"

I Like You the Best. Man thats my favorite Beast song and its a shame there arent many live performances out there. The Beautiful Show is the first and I beleive only time they did the whole song live and here is the second (or maybe third). Here though I think having the small stage worked in their favor and kept the song and perforamnce focused, unlike in the Beautiful Show where the guys were singing from different parts of the stage. YoSeob is a cool cat. The guy was straight up signing people's lightsticks WHILE he was singing the chorus. Gotta love the multitasking. Kinda odd seeing this followed up directly by Beautiful since with the music videos, its the other way around


His hair is perfect!

Nothing beats their rock version of Lightless from the Beautiful Show, but I really dig the Unplugged version as well. It really showcases their talent as they have powerful voices. Following this up with Easy was a good choice as they have similar elements

I Knew It is growing on me. DIdnt care much for it before but the more I listen to it and now see it perfomed, Im digging it.

Weird seeing You sung but no girl on stage. Probably didnt have space to accomodate one...lol

Didnt it soung like Kikwang and Dongwoon were clucking like chickens during V.I.U.? LOL


OMG, what the hell is Junhyung doing? LOL...eventually Dujun gets annoyed and Jun goes RIGHT back to doing it again....lol

Haha, I liked the dancing. Loved how they were having fun with the singing

LMAO! I saw that. Dongwoon picked himself up well to sing the next part

I love it bc Junhyung gets a chance to sing in the song instead of just rap and he sounds great. The song is very soothing. I really like Dongwoon and YoSeob's parts

Haha, I saw that and LMAO

IA. Although I think Dujun could get more parts but I think he does a great job at being leader and holding the guys together. They truly are a good ensemble group. Glad there's no "Beyonce" LOL

Man I wish there were english subtitles. It was cool how they spelled out WE


You mean that? I missed it! Must have happeend during the chatter I skipped. I found these on Tumblr and its so cute. Junhung is like a big brother to him


This boy...lol

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Great analysis Cheap. I guess I wasn't phased by the size of the venue, though I can understand your annoyance with that - it is more enjoyable when they have a bigger stage to move around and interact more with the crowd.

Junhyung oozes so much swagger and looked so cool in his shades that I didn't mind his skirt that much I guess. And I was feeling Kikwang's shaggy look!! laugh.png

And, oh. I thought that faceless mystery voice was actually someone important that I didn't know about. I felt bad for being annoyed with her laugh.png

The Midnight video fully being shown was beyond weird. I thought they were just going to show some of the video & then have it lead into them singing it live or something. Very disappointing that didn't happen.

Never really noticed that about Dujun & Hyunseung!



LMAO. Yes! I was wondering what the heck they were saying/doing, haha.

Junhyung must've just been in a really hyper/playful mood...lol its so clear how comfortable & close these guys are with each other. It's adorable. And funny to see them get a little peeved with each other too.

Dongwoon & Kikwang were clucking away in this, too...LOL

It's now one of my fave songs by them along with You, Special, I Like You The Best, Breathe & the "Thanks To" and "When The Door Closes" duets.

Yes! Yoseob's reaction to that makes me LOL every time. The way he darts his head. And look at how Junhyung acts after Yoseob leans in to his face ;-3 If you still have the file It's at 1:33:49


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The boys did a photospread for Marie Claire. Check out our models. LOVE the Junhyung/Dong Woon pics

Credit: http://www.b2strising.com/index.php?showtopic=17102&view=findpost&p=2625850

Here's a behind the scene shot


BTW, YoSeob just won the M Countdown Triple Crown award



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Their latest video was just reelased smile.png


Its a sequel to Skinny Baby, which is part of their ad campaign for Skoolooks clothing line


I never saw this before but check out Beast doing their own remix to 4Minute's Hot Issue. They really made it their own. I think I like!




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Haha, those are great. Dujun is so totally the dad of the group...lol

My fave Beast Tumblr was teh BeastVids one, but the owner went on hiatus bc it was taking too much time from her life. She was tracking them everyday for 16 months. I understand her taking a break but sucks for those that went there for all Beast info and clips.

What's your top 10 fave Beast songs? Here are mine

10. Midnight

9. Fiction

8. It's Not Me

7. Lightless

6. Special

5, Breath

4. Bad Girl

3. Beautiful

2. Beautiful Night


1. I Like You the Best. To me this is like the perfect track. All the guys get a chance to shine and I love the beat , the singing and Junhyung's rapping. Plus I love that the hook is in english. I need to find an instrumental version bc the music is just so good.

and just for fun, here's my ranking of their albums

6. Mastermind

5. Shock of the New Era

4. Beast is the B2ST

3. Fiction and Fact

2. Midnight Sun

1. Lights Go On Again


LOL at his dancing
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Can we include duets?

Without duets, my top 10 B2ST songs are

10. V.I.U

9. Fiction

8. Bad Girl

7. Shock

6. You

5. Breathe

4. Beautiful

3. I Like You The Best

2. When I Miss You

1. Special

Ever since I heard them sing Special at The Beautiful show I was addicted. I think It's one of the best songs they perform live and It's a shame they never made a music video for it!

With duets, my top songs would be

10. Bad Girl

9. Shock

8. You

7. Breathe

6. Beautiful

5. I Like You The Best

4. When I Miss You

3. When The Door Closes

2. Thanks To

1. Special

Thanks To & When The Door Closes are two of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard...even though I don't even fully know what they're about. LMAO! I just love the melodies & Dujun/Dongoon, Yoseob/Junhyung mesh so well together. No offense to Hyunseung/Kikwang's duet "Let It Snow" though, I like that one too it just doesn't have as much of an impact on me.

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Great choices! I really love all those songs too. Im with you and I hate to say it but honestly whenever Let it Snow comes up in the shows, I skip over it. It doesnt do anything for me. Kikwang has the weakest voice in the group. Its a good thing he has an amazing smileand bubbly personality, bc he's good to look at and he's always the best dancer during their live shows and gets the crowd hyped up. Like in the "Should I Hug or Not" performance for the Beautiful Show, clealy Dujun and Junhyung are better than him in the audio department, but he seems to be having the most fun and puts his all into his performances. Oh and I love his dancing during V.I.U.


BTW, have you ever listened to any of his material when he was Ace Junior, aka AJ pre-B2ST? I actually like some of his stuff

Here he is with two of his future group members. Thank god Cube saw potential here and decided to pair them up afterwards


Not really feeling the long hair. LOL...this is such a teen song. Boy has he grown


and some fan compuled video to put together with his song 2009 which also features HyunA


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Wow, I didnt know Taeyang from Big Bang was so talented! Ive had his album, Solar in my iTunes for quite some time now and I decided to listen to it and its quite good. I went ahead and downloaded his live concert and its amazing! The guy goes ALL out. His dance moves are incredible. He has quite a bit of range bc he has alot of slow ballads and faster upbeat dance tracks



Break It Down. wub.png This is one of my favorite K-Pop performance out of all of the ones Ive seen.

Speaking of Big Bang, I finally got around to listening to Still Alive and I love it as well. Fantastic Baby was really the only song I really knew before bc I never really listend to the rest. Bad Boy is my current favorite.


and Feeling


I have their Alive Comeback Show on my PC waiting to be watched sometime in the future. They just released a Live Concert Album based off and it also has a few of their older songs. I wish B2ST would come out with a Concert album but sometimes I prefer those over the studio versions

In related news, GD is going to be having a world tour in the upcoming months. So far only Korea and Japan are confirmed


It would be cool if he came to the US!

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Thanks. And I was afraid to say what you said up there...yeah his voice definitely is the weakest but he no doubt has the winning personality & dance skills.

Oh no...I think he sounds pretty mediocre in Wipe The Tears ph34r.png Dujun and Junhyung totally outshined him!

Dancing Shoes...LOL!! Cool video concept & dance number. Did you see Yoseob in there? laugh.png

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Cheap I've been so in my B2ST bubble this past month or so that I haven't been listening to any other K Pop. It's weird how first I was hooked on 2NE1, then GD & Top, and now Beast. I'm going to make a playlist w/all their songs that I have and put it on Shuffle. LOL. I'll start listening to somemore Big Bang & 2PM as well. I need to stop getting fixated on one group...lol

Taeyang is a natural performer. I really love that Superstar performance wub.png

Good for GD going on tour. I wish B2ST would come to the US just one time for a tour!! Surely they have enough fans over here?

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Haha, Ive een the same although Ive been listening to Big Bang as well. I would say its been 75% Beast for me, 20% BB and 5% other. I dont even listen to any American music anymore. I try but it doesnt really hold my interest for too long bc I keep going back to the boys of Beast and Big Bang. Im slowly trying to ween myself off of Beast so I can give other acts a chance and also so I dont get burned out (but I cant see that happening as I literally am constantly listening to them)

I'll send you a link to Big Bang's 2011 Love and Hope Tour Concert. I havent watched it yet but I skimmed through some performances and it looks amazing!

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