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So I'm guessing it's a wrap for A1 and Lyrica?  Even if this stuff is scripted, there's no way a man would say the things A1 said to Lyrica.  But I hate what's she's done to her face and body.  She was so beautiful but that plastic fvckery just made her the average wannabe.  


Nikki Baby looks even worse than before.  She continues messing up her face AND she really serves no purpose.  


I loathe RayJ


Teairra is a mess and that's sad.  Her pathetic SL does her no favors.  Her fake boo continues to look into the cameras.  


Moniece continues to be trash.  Fiz don't have her back?  That man always has her back in spite of practically raising his son by himself.  Moniece doesn't want Fiz's gf respect.  She wants them to bow down to her as the mother of his child when all she really did was conceive and spit the kid out.  She does not raise him.  Hate her still.  AD can certainly do better.  


Brooke is so pathetic, she's interesting.  


Oh, and before I forget, I laothe RayJ!


On another note...Jessica Dime is coming for Nicki Minaj.  LMAO!  I'm no NM fan, but Dime needs to stay out of the beef with Nicki and Safaree.  She's a new mom and she does not want to turn folks against her.  She's a nobody in the rap world.  

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Brooke...she is doing the damn most. I had to look up her birthday and sure enough she's a Libra (Oct 5). Im Oct 4. She reminded me of me in that scene outside the clinic

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Tea and messy Paris are making a big deal about Akbar's ex wife using his last name? They were married; of course she has his name


Speaking of which, anyone else sick of pigfaced Paris? She is getting WAAAAYY to much airtime and has her hands in too many storylines. WTF is this nosy ass bitch sticking her ass in the mess?


Another gay cast member. He seems less messy than the last bunch we got. Hopefully he can be a positive portrayal bc I know how Mona operates. I will say I was not ready for Kandi


Sade looks like Tommie's mother


The Lyrica vs La'Britney confrontation was so aggressive for no reason


I cant stand the bootleg Warren G. We can just get rid of him by next season

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Paris needs to get a damn man. Her bitch ass needs to get some business

"What does MDE stand for?" Meanwhile it literally says that on her shirt. Meanwhile this chick looks old and ugly

Amber: "Everyone knows me as Cisco ex gf." No. I dont know you. I had to google her as I thought she was talking about Thong Song Sisqo. Her vocals were tragic. Roccstar lied to her like a true scorpio would

I feel bad for K Michelle. As messy as she is, I hope she can teach a lesson with this storyline

Apple's father is on some f--k [!@#$%^&*]. He's the parent yet gonna blame her

Moniece was so likeable this episode. I really enjoyed her

This mother always has an ugly wig. ALWAYS

These ratchets are always fighting. Lyrica is pregnant...why is she throwing chairs and getting into a fight with people dont know she is pregnant and will f--k her up?



OMG, Paris is gonna get tag teamed by Akbar's hos! I want them to beat her fat ass!

LOL this one got sweat stains!

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I like Paris but she does need a man.  She's funny as hell and a really good addition.  


Nikki, don't get yo ass whipped.  Alex's body is real and can break plastic in half without breaking a sweat!  


A1's mother looks like a rag doll on crack.  She is super entertaining, but there's no way I'd go on tv looking like she does.  Same for Lyrica Sr.  


Lyrica Jr needs to lay off the injections STAT!


I am happy K Michelle is healing but she gets no sympathy from me.  She's removing her fake ass because it has messed with her health...never mind that it looked absolutely ridiculous on her small frame.  Save the croc tears.  Many need to follow suit because these fake asses look so bad and comical that its hard to believe the women actually believe they look good.  You rarely see a fake butt that actually looks real nowadays.  


The new chick and her sistermother is not needed at this time.  


Brooke is the shot in the arm this entire franchise needed, IMHO!  The woman is an actress and saving LHH for me.  So entertaining.  

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4 BITCHES fighting over one man


I love Brooke. She reminds me of me. We both Libras. Im the 4th and she the 5th. We'd be great friends. I find her so entertaining and beautiful. People going in on her for being crazy but this sh-t aint real. There's paperwork that needs to be signed and forms that need to be submitted before you can have a wedding in CA. That ceremony was never going to be legal and all parties knew that

Amber and her mother are disturbing to watch. What kind of a mother calls her child all types of bitches? This is worse than Tommie and her mother bc at least there you could see years worth of hurt not to mention drug and alcohol use. For all intents and purposes, Amber and her mom look fine except that her mom talks to her like some ho off the street. I dont get it

Why did they take Safaree out the opening credits? He has more of a storyline here than he did on NYC, even if it is fake

Ray J is so messy. He is on his Peter Thomas sh-t. I forgot Princess was even pregnant. IA with her though on that husband



Have you seen her IG? She actually looked good on tv by comparison! She ugly as hell in her pics!







She too old to be trying to be an IG model

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She is to up!!!!!!!! 


Last week:  Brooke going in the recording booth after Moniece has a panic "attack"?  LMAO!  She didn't even try to go to the hospital 

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The end!


Yesterday's eppy:  Brook taking over whatsherface's interview?    She is everything on this show and has cemented a few more seasons for herself.  


No, Paris!  The world is not talking about Teairra's sex tape because no one cares.  And I agree with Nikki.  She had better things to do than to deal with this fake crap.  


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What a terrible opener and Kimbella must be on something to botch herself up that way.  Cyn Santana is so extra and its not working.  Hopefully, this season can offer something even tho I was not wild about the trailer!  


What does Safaree have on Mona or is she slipping her the schlong?!  

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