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^^Nice picture. You both look awesome!

I forgot to mention but Mimi looked stupid playing up the maid role. She thought she was being so slick, taking control of the situation. Jos clowned her and she doesn't even realize it. "Hey you say Im garbage, so Im going to dress up like garbage but Im not really garbage. Hahaha" No bitch, the joke is on you! The maid comment was how many episodes ago? They don't even interact anymore.

Edited by Cheap21
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She was really down to earth and friendly. I've met her and Mimi, and seriously they are stunning in person without all the makeup.

As much as I think Steebie brings her down, I need Mimi back in that orbit. The rivalry with Joseline kept all three interesting.

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LOL, ya'll happy Stevie back in Mimi's orbit? I do agree that they're kinda boring separate and Che Mack ain't cutting it -- she's no foil.

LMAO did I read correct on Twitter? Stevie bought Mimi a BMW with Jos' label "advance?"

L M A OOOOOOOO! Someone said Mimi's back on the bus and now I flashed back to Stevie talking about how he has a bus and they're both on it. I need more passengers for this ride like a LOT more.

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So happy that Che Mack and Traci were MIA. I hope those two are on the chopping block.

Mimi is a special piece of trash! I want to book a flight to ATL, find her and beat her ass. Then relax on a flight back to Chicago.

So happy not to see that illiterate asswhipe Scrappy!

Arianne is really working for that spot! She is working!

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Lol....Arianne clearly watched my gurl Brandi from Beverly Hills!!!

I'm kinda mad at how this b*tch K Michelle is STILL throwing things at heffas left and right....

And umm yeah Rasheeda will never be my favorite person nor will I really care god her predicament but her mother!? Talk about nailing that a$$ to the wall. She tore into Kirk and didnt hold back. He looked so pathetic and cheap with his weak arguments.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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OK . . . I'm starting to believe that rumor that K & Jose jumped thirsty Karlie b/c them meeting up on tonight's episode was suspect. I don't really think that K. Michelle let it go (i.e. the diss record). Karlie giving K. Michelle her record as a b-day gift was just low. Who does that? She deserved that drink in her face if you ask me. I was glad that Georgia Prune's mother dug into Kirk's behind. I wish she'd whacked him one time. I agree that Ariane is working for K. Michelle's spot. She knows it's either going to belong to her or Shay. Which lady will get it? We shall see. . . . Mimi is a nutcase. I'm starting to see it. Everyone better watch for her once K. Michelle crosses over to the original show. One second she wants Steebie, the next she doesn't. One second she's annoyed and arguing with Nikko, the next she's loving him. This heffa is becoming unraveled.

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Makes for good television now which one of these mofos DON'T do that from Erica to Mimi to Joseline with these "men" on this show but I'll be happy when one truly stands their ground and it'll either be Mimi or Erica at some point because all Joseline worries about is being sent back to the strip club like she some damn kid, you are your own woman Sir! Act like it!

Have we seen this contract yet?

I'm dead serious I hope this new spawn for these two don't ever see how its parents sold their souls to make a buck.

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Jos is sticking around to get what she is owed for her international record deal? Bitch, why don't you first work on releasing a record in the US. Better yet, work on releasing a mixtape in Atlanta

Oh boy Jos and K becoming friends? This isn't going to be any good

Love Rasheeda's mother READING Kirk. You go Mama! I wanted her to knock him dead across the head. Seriously can we have more of her and less of Mama Dee? "I'll kick the car in the damn ass just like I should have kicked him in the damn ass" laugh.png LOVE her!

Karlie trying desperately to remain relevant. Why is she still on the show? She was wrong for giving K Michelle a diss CD for her birthday

While I think her photoshoot was dumb, I thought Mimi looked gorgeous. I'll say it now. I think Mimi and Nikko's entire relationship was fake

Arianne is on WAY too much. I cant with her meeting privately with Stevie and crying over Mimi. Girl, you doing too much

Mimi was dumb for accepting the car from Stevie expecting no strings attached. If she is truly about being independent and moving on from Stevie, then she should have never taken it. She cant let Stevie know where his daughter is living, yet she'll take a brand new BMW from him?

"If Im so damaged, then why are you with me" Because you are a weak ass bitch!


New hairstyles this episode: 1. Hairstyles to date = 16

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Karlie looked so pathetic letting K first throw the drink at her, then not even laying a finger on her, and finally hugging it out with the girl. So desperate to stay on the show its sad. Like Benzino said she's probably one of the messiest people I've ever seen.

Loved K and Joseline meeting. I've been wondering for a while when they were going to encounter each other and I'm glad they hit it off!

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