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Love and Hip Hop Thread


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"You gonna stop havign sex with all of this?"

"He wants this" points to mouth

"He wants this" points to vagina

"He wants this" points to her head

"and he wants the money"

LOL...I cant with this bitch

Edited by Cheap21
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LMAO! Embrace that you watch it and NEVER be ashamed! We're not (at least I hope). I was against it at first until I saw two eps one night and said ... this is simply marvelous! You beeter say it loud and proud! I'll do it with you.


What did I miss guys?! My baby cousin is over and I won't watch it in front of her... she's a tad on the young side.

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Mimi and Steebie J had a therapy sesssion with the shrink from the Maury Show! They also had a long drawn out convo prior to this where he sang her a song in public. That scene where they were alone was SOOOO staged and looked like I was watching a soap opera script with the blank stare at the camera and fade to commercial. Gimme a break! LOL

Scrapp is talking to Bucky about his custody with Erica and I dont like that. I dont like that this thirst tricky is now throwing in her 2 cents about it when it has nothing to do with her.

K. Michelle got anew weave! I thought of this thread when she debuted her new hair

Karlie's producer doesnt think its a good look for her to be with Benzino bc he's not hot anymore.She told Benz that and got offended that she considered slowing down bc of it. He told her "They need to get you a hit record bc you aint so hot yourself" LMAO! I cant believe he said that to her. She looked so stupid and dumbfounded yet its so true




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Thanks for the rundown Cheap! Good Lord, I didn't need to see visuals of it! My eyes! negl I like the beat to Bailar (not her "rap" or whatever) and I liked "Stebie's" as well... Mimi had me cracking up with what she was saying in her confessional!

Somebody needs to give that Trick a box of Trix and go play with the kids. THIS IS NOT YOUR AFFAIR! It has nothing to do with you Buckeey! His child matters are between him and Erica and he's flippin' triflin' anyway with asking to be let go from child support. GTFO.

LOL K & Karlie are non factors and LMAO she definitely did when he said that. I need to go find Benzino's old ass track because I definitely blasted my TV when it came on.

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Was my jam in 2002! I had no limit, I admit that but the beat was what got me hooked.

LOL, the woman was cracking me up "She wants to come up for air!" Jos needs to quit it, Sorry but true. She talks so much ish on Mimi yet does the SAME thing and vice versa. He must put it on them something fierce to have them fighting over his Master Shredder looking ass.

What in the Sam Hill is this "whirlwind" romance between Karlie & Zino? Note ven remotely interesting or cute.

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OMG...the Mimi/Stevie J scene outside was so overdramatic. It felt like a soap! They even gave the hip hop background music a rest and played a sad music cue laugh.png I loved it!

LOL at the therapist laugh.png That guy doesn't play! He straight up said to Stevie J "So you were hittin' that on the regular?" (or something like that) LMAO!

Karlie looks a million bucks in every episode. Just flawless! wub.png

Really, K. Michelle? You weren't feeling that random football guy after you CLIMBED onto him and sucked on his face?! rolleyes.gif Pathetic!!

Once again I didn't care much for the Rasheeda drama's.

Scrappy's BROKE ASS telling Buckeey that he put up 3 stacks for him & Erica's daughter. LOLZ.

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Karlie looked so much better in that bedroom scene without all that caked up makeup on. But she and Zino would be ff material if I ever ff this show. I don't because its just too delicious! I don't want the hour to end.

Too much Stevie J and Mimi. Not enough Joseline and I hate that Erica was MIA last night.

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