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GH: Alternative

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Here's what I don't understand: why didn't what-his-face -- you know, the psychiatrist with the strange accent who is about as useful as an I.U.D. -- restrain Konnie or have her restrained as she was reliving the rape? Granted, I didn't pay too much attention 'cuz I could smell this hot mess a-comin'. To me, though, it looked as if he just stood there and watched as she choked herself. Shouldn't it be his obligation as a physician NOT to allow her to injure or harm herself in any way?

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WHAT! I can only appreciate it for the comedic disaster that it was. People actually took it seriously and thought it was great acting?

He has a big bandage on the back of his head and was in a coma for over a month due to her knocking him with a heavy object the last time he tried to restrain her. Probably doesnt want to take any chances with her confusing him for this rapist and ending up in a coma for the rest of the summer...lol

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Not that I should justify any of this nonsense, but I believe too that he felt he had to let her relive this experience--hence him not wanting her to sleep, not sedating her, etc. Some shrinks do actually believe that, though now the common thought seems to be that people don't have to relive past trauma to heal from it (of course like many such beliefs the pendulum swings back and forth every few years). But I mean he'd prob feel kinda dumb if she had strangled herself...

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Either way, between his radical methods for getting Kate to relive the trauma, and the fact that he did not restrain her properly either before or during the episode, Monica has enough ammo as chief of staff either to bring him before the disciplinary committee at the hospital, the AMA, and the APA, actions that could result in his getting censured and/or fired, or even stripped of his medical credentials.

Of course, this is "Cartini," so they'll probably rename the hospital after him or some [!@#$%^&*].

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Monica's CoS? She did get her job back, didnt she? I lose track of this stuff...lol

Looking at those gifs, I need Beulah, ugh I mean Epiphany, to walk up and slap her "Get a grip girl!" I can just imagine her saying that

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Let me say, i love me some bad/mediocre/ott soapy acting. I am an NBC boy, so thats in my DNA. However... KSul is just... wow. I am at a loss of words, i really do not know what to say about it. She is.. this scene was.. just.. wow.

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I noticed that crap. I've seen bashing on the boards for acting that was no where near this level of bad. But then again that acting wasn't ott like this. I refuse to watch this crap the gifs were bad enough and I think I'll stick to watching GH in clips from now on when I do feel like ocassionally checking it out.

Emmy party

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No, you had it right, Cheap. Her name is "Beulah." ;)

Last time I checked, though, Monica was Chief of Staff...or is it Steven Lars now? Oh, [!@#$%^&*]. Whoever it is, my comment above stands.

Congratulations, Frank and Ron. You're so awful, you've left a DAYS fan virtually speechless. And that isn't easy to do.

(No offense, Jack, lol.)

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What bugs me and someone on another board mentioned it is how Y&R continues to be lambasted for offensive storytelling, boring actors, and I even saw folks all over blasting Michelle Stafford for that hammy miscarriage scene but this stuff gets praised. Go figure.

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Makes me laugh because while Y&R is no where near perfect it's been more watchable to me in the past month than GH has been. I called out that hammy misscarriage scene for the mess it was but I always see KSu's performances being praised. She's not showing that she's a good actress if anything she's becoming the poster child for bad soap acting.

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I cant believe all the laughing at rape. I am a guy who was raped by a guy & let me tell you that the Kate scenes were very well done & spot on. Being held down and choked so some !@#$%^&*] could violate me. It happened & it happens & for someone to laugh at it is DISGUSTING. I dunno if its just hate on FV & RC but this laughing has to stop. What was on GH was really true to life, especially for me. Like watching it happen all over again. Laughing at it, not very classy at all guys. I guess i expected better from this board.

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