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Mama Khan: "Bitch ever heard of a stamp?"

But seriously, Heather's motivation remains awfully damn weak. Even if Heather is unstable mentally and therefore unpredictable, we're still supposed to be able to step inside her shoes, as it were, and rationalize whatever she does -- just as she does -- no matter how crazy. Otherwise, she stops being a character whose viewpoint we care about and even empathize with on some level, and starts being this ridiculous plot device the writers can drop into any situation to do whatever the others reasonably couldn't and/or wouldn't.

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If she really wanted to "drive story," then why doesn't swat Sam away like the gnat that she is and go after the real prize: driving a real wedge between Steven Lars and Olivia by turning Steven Lars' mind gradually against Olivia? Yeah, I get that she's angry that Sam didn't take her letter to Steven Lars. I'd understand, too, taking that as a personal affront and seeking revenge against Sam. (Although, probably not to the point even of switching paternities. I mean, wouldn't it have been simpler just to plant a seed of doubt in Jason's mind that Sam and John are getting too close?) But even crazy people are more single-minded in their purpose than this. I mean, any minute now, I expect Heather to come between Starr and Michael for no other reason than Starr stepped on her toes (literally) when the two crossed paths on one of the hospital's elevators.

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Dont worry, Olivia will get hers in due time. Heather is driving story for Olivia by giving her something to do, whereas in thje past sh was just there. Im sure Heather will go after her when she realizes that Livia is close to uncovering the truth

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So she switched her child's paternity, then made it seem as if the child had died? HUH?

If Heather is so damn worried about what Sam might tell Steve, then Heather's objective should be to find some piece of information to hold over Sam's proverbial head so she doesn't tell.

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So Heather is only crazy and irrational when the script says so.

Olivia seems like a bit player in this, not that I really care, but she just does not work at all in this role. The Olivia/Heather scenes are often incredibly bad.

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IOW, "do you want it fast, or do you want it good?". Sorry, but I prefer the latter. I have the patience to sit and wait while Heather insinuates herself back into Port Charles and into the lives of Steven Lars, Olivia, Jason and Sam. Frank and Ron just don't have the patience to write it.

Oooh, that Heather, she's one crafty bitch! ;)

(BTW, glad to have you "back," Eric!)

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But the problem still remains. Sam could tell Steve any time she wants that Heather sold her children away or whatever secret she possesses. It's still not smart and it's still idiotic. Heather has virtually no motivation for stealing Sam's baby.

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