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That would make sense and would be understandable. Heather right now has no motivation or reasoning for doing half the things she does. The excuse is just that she is crazy. She is basically a reverse dues ex machina for the writers, any problem can be explained away by Heather's craziness. Heather is there solely to cause drama she has no real characterization or motivation on her own and that's the problem. Even RM can't even hide the fact that her character doesn't make sense because on paper she simply doesn't. Straw dogs. Straw dogs.

That's still dumb reasoning. She is going to take a baby from a mother simply because Sam didn't want to be a carrier pigeon? Ridiculous.

Sam only "threatened" Heather during those run in's when Heather purposely started making Sam uncomfortable and threatening her. Heather started the threats first. Heather has been annoying and heavy handed from the very beginning and it's getting to the point where I want Sam to roundhouse her face in and push her off a ledge because her craziness isn't even smart nor does it even make sense. OLTL's Tess and Marty made more sense then this.

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Well that wasnt her original plan. She simply wanted to mess with Sam's relationship with Jason by switching the tests and making her think she was having Franco's kid. Switching the babies literally fell into her lap and it wasnt her idea.

Do you think Heather cares? In her twisted mind, Sam has been the antagonist. She processes things differently than a normal person as she always feels her actions are justified and everyone else is against her.
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Yeah but that is just lazy story writing. It would make more sense if Heather had a reason, a viable motive for her to do what she is doing. It doesn't even necessarily have to be sympathetic as Kahn expressed you could easily give Heather a viable motive for hating Sam and Jason and still have her be crazy. As it stands now Heather just looks idiotic.

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She does have a motive. People just dont like what it is

agreed. I actually prefer her brand of crazy this time rather than her last return which was built on some retconned ONS which she was obsessed over 20 years later. Her obsession with Steven Laaaaaarrsssss and hating on anyone who she sees as a threat to their relationship seems to make more sense and fits her

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She's barely about Steven at this point. It's just a cheap catchphrase while she drives story for characters who can't do it themselves (Sam, Jason). Nothing in Heather's original run is anything close to this. It's just cheap plot point writing.

There isn't anything to love, IMO, because she's not a character. I like seeing Robin Mattson, but no one can save garbage like yesterday.

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Heather's motive for the most part of her run since 1977 has been her son, Steven. This fits perfectly IMHO. She felt doublecrossed that Sam learned about Franco & Sam left without the letter. Plus Sam has been telling Heather, Ill tell Steve about Franco. That is another double cross 2 Heather in her mind. Your not dealing with a sane woman. I love Robin & what she is doing here. She has a history of playing soap roles of women on the make or Villians. Makes me wanna see her run as Sweet Hope Bauer on GL in 1976-77. That would be weird to see now.

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Its twisted parenting but its still about Steve. This fits in with Heather from 77-83. Now the 2004 was a total whack job. Cause she only had three scenes in 6 months with her son at that time. Never bought that return at all.

That was a evolution so I bought that. It happened over six years but to see her as virginal Hope would be a treat.

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