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Y&R: Two Actors Let Go

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I don't mind Porte actually. I'd say the only 'controversial' actors (other than Zima) that need to go are Genie Francis and Julia Pace Mitchell (and Khalil and Goddard but that's a pipe dream).

But it specifies a male actor so it probably is either Porte or Stephen Nichols (maybe Tucker goes with Ashley?).

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I could see how Ricky would be considered in the same vain as Yvonne Zima. Zima isn't really controversial either: she's pretty much universally hated by everyone except MAB. The only controversy is over why they keep re-hiring her and firing people like Eileen Davidson, who makes everything work and "pop".

A case could be made more for Porte, who seems to be pretty polarizing: you either really like him or you hate him. I happen to be in the camp that really likes him. I'd MUCH RATHER watch him subtly underplay Ricky than watch Billy Miller's mugging or Michael Muhney's over-inflated ego (The NERVE of a first-year soap actor complaining about being left out for an Emmy when it took Jeanne Cooper her lifetime to win one and KKL still hasn't ever been nominated and probably never will now that Brooke's "heydey" is long gone, not to mention the fact that his costar in his initial story (ED) had about 25 more years in the business than he had, yet has never won the elusive statue).

I could also see it being:

Muhney (doubtful though), Miller (also doubtful), Nichols, or, knowing Nelson, that Jeff Branson has opted never to return, so he's been "let-go" from his non-pilot season implied contract.

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Right now (with ED already gone) there are very few actresses left that I truly care about them keeping- Jessica Collins, Jess Walton, MTS, and I guess Stafford, if only because Phyllis causes a lot of drama and can be written in story with pretty much any character}.

The rest of em can pretty much go as far as I'm concerned (including Cooper, who I'd KILL to see recast with Michael Learned permanently! :) )

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