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GH: January Discussion Thread

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Okay so I was cooking last night and decided to watch the first 3 episodes of last week to occupy my time

Weird seeing Kate and Olivia so cool with each other after all their verbal smackdowns and near catfights. Kate looks like a dumbass though when she defends Sonny

Whats the deal behind Johnny and Horse almost sleeping together?

How did Sonny even find out about Johnny being Claudia's? Sonny was so his stepfather and they didnt even know it

This new kid TJ, what is his connection to Shawn and why is he around? I actually like he and Molly together.

Where is Kristina? School?

Where is Brenda and what is she up to? Have they mentioned her status since she left town?

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Michael once again asked Johnny if he could work for the Zacchara's, and when Carly found out she was begging Johnny not to let him. Johnny told her she had to sleep w/him to seal the deal. Carly didn't really want to do it (I still call bull on that) so she secretly enlisted Luke's help to get some dirt on Johnny that she could use against him. When Carly & Johnny were about to sleep together (by that point, Carly had no choice because Luke hadn't come up with anything), Johnny told her he was just testing her to see how far she'd go for Michael. Then, yeah...lol

TJ is the son of the man that Shawn killed when he was in the Marines. TJ is angry with him. When he came to PC, he told Shawn that his mom gave him the option of living with Shawn or going to military school. Isn't it a little odd that his mom wouldn't mind him living w/the man who killed her husband?! So far, I like him & Molly too but I can't help but be annoyed with the stereotypical way he's written sometimes.

Kristina's over at Yale now. Sonny weaseled his way into getting her accepted at the school. She still doesn't know

I think Brenda is still in Rome with her son Alec

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A ruined ending for a ruined character. So much potential wasted, sigh…..

But that's been the biggest problem with GH IMO, the women who truly have great personalities and fire, are destroyed over a man (Lisa, Siobhan Claudia, yes even Tracy - even though I love LuNacy, it's had it's hard-to-take times, etc.), and the women who haven't been destroyed over a man have just become insipid place-holders (Sam, Liz, Alexis, Robin…).

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The Luke & Lulu scenes today were great, I really loved how they turned out & it was nice seeing their relationship improve. What is up with that girl picking up glass off the ground with her bare hands?

David Kreizman did his homework on Claudia, loved all the mentions of her today w/Johnny and Carly icon1.gif

What happened to Helena? Did they really bring her back just to stare at Ethan and Cassandra and not say anything?!

I love Liz slyly getting all up in Sam & Jason's business lol.

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Seriously, why is she still here? blink.png Her character is so pointless now. She could be Nurse #5 and no one would know the difference -- this character doesn't even really feel like Liz anymore. They completely voided her character of all that she once was. I don't even get why she's on this show. It's like they are keeping her on and having her do nothing of interest with random doctor just to placate the few fans who are still watching.

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