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OLTL: New HW Rumor

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Cara/David are ok but its been too fast for me to really care much about them. Angie and David totally different story. She's about the only one that brings out the humanity in his character and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that she's not part of the "David is evil" group of Ryan Zach Tad Jessie and doesn't wag her finger chastizing him constantly. She can actually see that there is some heart and goodness in this person.

I think she would be wasted at Y&R not that I think LB is Bill Bell but I think Sony is a factor in some of the issues over there and I don't see MAB going anywhere and I do think she is also an issue. I am curious how Debbie Morgan will do there and if she can actually make anyone care about the Tucker/Devon storyline with Katherine.

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The problem with new people on Y&R is it doesn't matter what you do. If you're bad, then you're bad, and the writing will kill you. If you're good, and people like you, in spite of bad writing, then your butt is canned anyway - you may even be punished for being liked when you weren't supposed to be liked. There's no chance.

No one at Y&R knows how to tell a story now. I'm sure Sony is a reason, but I do think MAB, Hogan, and Hamner all have zero ability to write a story. Hogan and Hamner both stunk at this on all their other soaps, and MAB only cares about getting her name out there.

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He wrote for Port Charles. I stopped watching during his time but the "highlights" were a bizarre psychic espionage story with an evil dwarf (sorry, not sure if that's right), Frank spying on Karen with a telescope and stealing her panties to make her boyfriend think she was cheating, Lucy getting amnesia and being bedded by the show's new villain, who made her think she was his wife, and more rewrites of rewrites of the stupid General Homicide story.

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Lorraine really writes from character and I agree that her wriitng has heart and soul. She "gets" the characters and writes story from character. The problem is that she tends to make some questionable story choices. Now, whether that's her or Agnes, I have no clue. The Orpheus thing was terrible and the type of story that was never a good fit for AMC, though I don't know how much of that was her or Addie Walsh or something written by Donna and David that she was compelled to finish off. Basically, her 86-89 stint is a perfect example of how when she's good she's absolutely amazing (Cindy-AIDS, Laura's death, Natalie's rape) and when she's bad she's mindboggingly godawful (Damon Lazarre). I can't think of any other writer whose material has such a range in quality.

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Wasn't Broderick there at the start of Kriezman's time on GL? That was the whole, "Phillip goes to hell and takes SF with him," and his shooting and death and especially the first part of the Roger is dead and Sebastian is his kid...( I think she wrote the episode where SF finds out Roger is dead, and his ashes are scattered and he "smites," Alan when his ashes get stuck in his eye!! The last, really good, full episode of GL for a long time.) If that was her, she was really good, or at least helped Davey out, cause it all fell apart right after she left.

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I liked some parts - some of the deaths were terrifying (poor Grace), and the pacing early on wasn't too bad. I don't know if that was LML, or Riche, or what. After a while it just became so confusing because they decided to redeem Julie. I think it was under Hamner that they rewrote it where Cooper had actually killed everyone and made Julie think she had done it, which was just silly. I can't remember if it was retconned again after this.

Shades of JR. I didn't make the connection until now.

At least Lorraine and Kriezman didn't have Tom Pelphrey terrorize Pine Valley by shouting into a mircochip that he was the true David Hayward.

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But maybe that's something OLTL needs right now. So much about OLTL these days is cold that it's hard for me to become invested emotionally. Not that I believe LB would be perfect again for this show, but I look at this as a potential step in the right direction. (Then again, since it hasn't been confirmed, I'll take a wait-and-see approach to the news/rumors.)

My fear is that James Harmon Brown and Barbara Esensten will be asked to resume AMC's reins, and I don't want that to happen under any circumstances, with or without Agnes on-board.

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Don't assume LB was responsible for Phillip Spaulding's downfall and shooting on GL, though. There was plenty of anti-Spaulding (and pro-Cooper) sentiment around after she was gone, too. ;)

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I agree, I'm just not sure whether she'd write OLTL that way or not - I didn't get that sense from the writing in 2001-2002, although that may have been down to Tomlin or Whitesell.

But yes, there was a certain, at times, heart, in 2008 and part of 2009, which is long gone.

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