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OLTL: Discussion for the week of September 5th

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I told marcline I wouldn't put caveats before my opinion again but... I *am* a OLTL fan, and I think he has a point, though I don't think he expressed himself well (and actually I wish he was on OLTL still, where I mainly liked him, and not in the horrible role of Zack). But Marty's flip to psycho was SO over the top and lacking in motivation, I'm sure Susan complained to her husband about it, and he didn't want to support it. I'm more on the fence about his thoughts with the two Todds story. What's interesting is it sounds like if they HAD had him as Patrick, they might have made the transition last a bit longer... I'm not really sure why they didn't just recast Patrick, which I would have prefered to the over the shoulder shots. Thorsten left the show so long ago that a brief recast, wouldn't have caused much upset.

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JMO, the problem wasn't Marty's breakdown as that was long overdue.

RC had perfectly set up one trauma after another for Marty and losing Cole to Statesville was the trigger that set her over the edge. I know I watched SH execute that breakdown perfectly in the police station when she faced that her own vouching for Hannah had led to Cole's downfall. Something in her could not face any responsibility and she slapped a pregnant Natalie and literally lost her mind. It was a riveting moment. I was cool with a Marty loses everything and needs a long trip to St. Anne's to get better EXIT. If he had stopped there, I think SH would have been ok, too.

BUT RC insisted on bringing Marty back as so totally obsessed with John's dick, she went on a killing spree. I never liked Marty and I WINCED for SH being subjected to such a humiliating end. A breakdown yes, but a Fatal Attraction I can't have this bore of a guy so I go nuts exit was horrible. More horrible was the suggestion she would be magically cured by having Patrick's dick again. Seriously, that's how it came off. Totallly offensive.

So I cheer TK for speaking out on SH's behalf.

I also cheer him for speaking out against ABC's disgusting real Greenlee campaign year sback and, now speaking out against ABC's insulting TSJ fans.

I only wish MORE actor had the guts to call out ABC!

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Ugh, that ugly beaver is back. That thing needs to be burned. I do love that htey borught Roxy into this story. She's always an afterthough so its a joy when she does show up

Ugh, to Rick being back. Seriously, I thought we were done with him

I have to say 2 weeks ago I had no interest in Aubrey, Cutter, Rama or Kim, but I like how everything has been brought together with them. Kim's secret that David blackmailed her with, the tease that Stacey may not be dead, the fact that Aubrey wasnt Christine's real name, the fate of the real Aubrey, and the secret that Cutter had which Rama taunted him with....its all been well done. I wonder if RC had this all planned out or if he just happened to tie them all together bc he got Kim back. Im really interested in this story

Glad to hear talks of a funeral. We better get to see it

So much win here! I think I may love TK as well
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As much as I'm hoping for an onscreen memorial, I fear they're going to continue saying 8 years over and over which will continue making Jack's anger and rage look dumb. I do appreciate his loyalty to TSJTodd but they need to do what they did with the island fiasco and stop addressing literal time. I'm amazed none of the writers have caught this.

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