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B&B: August Discussion Thread

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Is this show KIDDING me with the writing for Taylor?! PATHETIC! I literally got angry watching her today. The way she defends Steffy & her "feelings" for Liam is disgusting! She is completely wrong but thinks everything she's saying is right! SMDH.

Steffy/Oliver wub.png THOMAS/OLIVER wub.png

LOL at that scene between Steffy and the two models in that Forrester hallway. Those Actresses were trying way to hard. That was an awful scene laugh.png

Marcus was painful to watch talking to the press!

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Between Taylor and Marcus this was a painful episode. What is Taylor thinking? I actually think she does have a point about Liam compensating. I think he's lusting after Steffy and that is pushing him toward marriage. He didn't seem to be thinking about marriage until he kissed Steffy, but that doesn't mean Steffy is the one he loves. It just means he wants to have sex and if he has to marry Hope to get it, he will.

Plus, I find Liam really boring, so I can't see why Hope is all that into him, nevermind someone like Steffy. I'm fine with it if it's just revenge, but if I'm supposed to believe she's really into him, no thank you.

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I don't know what it is, but they've actually been making Hunter Tylo look good lately. Is it the hair? The new clothes?

I was really looking forward to this new Taylor, but if they're going to center it all on Steffy/Liam/Hope ... ughhh ... Why are all the adults playing supporting to these twits anyway? Taylor's definitely not coming out looking good with this crap.

I seriously thought I saw some Thomas/Oliver foreshadowing today, whether they meant it to come out that way or not. LOL!

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I wish instead, that they would keep her on and write her like a sane person. Having her support Steffy's behavior is just ridiculous. I actually do think there are obvious cracks in Hope/Liam's relationship, but why would Taylor be pushing Steffy to exploit that? Liam is not all that, I don't care who his Daddy is.

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Just from bits and pieces, I think the writers are showing that Steffy has grown up with a skewed history of BRidges relationship nad her mother's role in it. The DESTINY stuff came from Ridge, not from Brooke. When Brooke used it, she reminded Ridge that he believed it and said it (and ultimately it happened).

There was no romantic history with Liam and Steffy before he saved her from her near drowning. Steffy also commented on Brooke moving from Eric to Ridge, as if Brooke and Ridge didn't have a relationship before that. She's written like her pitiful mother, missing all relevant details that don't fit her idiotic version of their family's life histories.

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So much for no sex before marriage. WTF was the point of Hope's big grandous speech if she's willing to give it up a few days later just bc she's engaged? She does know that engaged doesnt equal marriage? If all Liam has to do is show her a ring to get some action then I guess she wasnt as serious as she said she was. Oh and her skank mama giving her sex advice today? LOL... what a joke

More funnies!



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Sex advice, I could understand. Picking out her clothes and scented oil was creepy. WTH are the writers thinking? I also don't get Brooke jumping up and down over an uneducated 19 year old getting married. At least get a degree and experience the world before you make that sort of commitment. I could understand if all this was coming from sort of religious conviction, but otherwise? It doesn't make a lot of sense.

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Brooke's sheer giddiness over giving Hope lingerie was hilarious to me. I love how KKL played the scenes. I wonder how she felt about playing things like that. Brooke and Hope have a very unique mother/daughter relationship, that's for sure :lol:

LOL at pressed Amber getting annoyed by Marcus/Dayzee and telling Dayzee to back off! Good scene between Amber/Dayzee - I'm not sure how I feel on this one yet.

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Well, I'm glad Hope didn't go through with it with Liam. I actually love how she didn't - it was totally not her to do the stuff Brooke advised her to do. I say Kudo's to her! I love how Brooke thinks there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with it. I hope Hope gives her a piece of her mind.

Oliver and Steffy blush.png

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