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I just like the uploaded videos quality better. The live streams are laggy at times. And watching only 3 episodes a day keeps me and my husband more interested in the show, like we have to wait for more. It's psychological, haha. I do hope they upload at least 4-5 more seasons in this HD quality. The 2005-2009 youtube episodes that have production timers on them are kinda... off-putting. 

Edited by Maxim
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I hope they can replace them all in HD (without those production timers too) in due course, and fill in the gaps for the episodes they skipped or incorrectly labeled. I'm crossing my fingers hard for a complete replacement of Season 18 onwards - when they started uploading the classics they started mid-season 18, which was weird, and I hope they can fix that, providing the ones before, and replacing the ones from episode 4564. 

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I think this is the creepiest, most badly written, disgusting episode of Bold's history. The strange music montage with Ridge and Bridget walking to each-other. Him caressing her hair and cheeks... and calling her - princess, after hearing from Massimo that she sees him not as a brother, but as a man... Bold should have been cancelled for this episode alone. And the one before it.  

This is legit disgusting and glorifying things that shouldn't be even...  Ugh... I will throw up! 

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I guess we should be lucky Brad backed down from doing the lolita storyline between Eric and the 16-year old Caitlin in 2004. Rumors say John McCook objected to doing the storyline, and who can blame him? Makes me morbidly curious how it would’ve been received, though.

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For people wondering about bonus scenes or other things like this... I'll tell you what I know.  I never found bonus scenes on any official social media after the covid break mid-2020. I was actually the person posting full episodes in the vault between October 2020 and June 2021 (8369-8547). Episodes between 8427 and 8547 still have the incorrect number BTW (there was a 8427A and 8427B so 8429 should be 8428...etc... I think it's correct again since July 2021). I was using some online tool to download CBS episodes... until that tool (I think its name was keepv) was no longer working. Then since July 2021 someone else found another way to download them and upload them to the vault. You can see there are still bonus clips until April 2020. No more in July 2020. I never knew what happened. These clips used to be available on Cbs.com AND the official Youtube channel (with the hot clips and full episodes). It stopped when the episodes resumed in July. CBS and Youtube stopped uploading them and never told us why. Now the only 2 ways to watch these bonus clips is 1) Australia's tenplay episodes or wait until they air in another language (French, Italian,...) or 2) catch them randomly on Youtube, X or IG fanpages if you're lucky... I spent hours trying to find an easy way to catch these bonus clips in 2020-2021. Never found one, so I gave up. Since 2021, I downloaded a few ones I accidentally found on X and IG but I'm no longer looking for them. Too bad because these bonus clips are sometimes more interesting than the episode and give you great dialogs and a completely different perspective of a situation. One couple can look pretty bored or act like they're arguing in the episode... and in the bonus scene, you'll see them happy, making out and madly in love. In May this year, Ridge visited Thomas/Douglas in Paris. When he returns there is a Bridge classic scene, Ridge says his son and grandson are happy and excited to live in Paris... then I watched the associated bonus clip and Ridge is saying Thomas/Douglas were looking sad and missing Hope and life in LA... the exact opposite. What are we supposed to do with these contradictory informations? Just one example here. It's a shame we aren't seeing these bonus scenes.


Unfortunately the quality of the writing isn't the only thing that went downhill during the last few. years The promotion of B&B for viewers is absolutely terrible too. I can explain why with specific examples :

1) No more bonus scenes available on CBS on Youtube. As explained above.

2) No more "NEXT on Bold and Beautiful" on Youtube since late 2018. They used to release a 30 seconds PROMO every day between 2007 and 2018. The last one I can see on Youtube now is from the episode #7936.

3) Hot clips (last minutes of the episode) are now geoblocked on Youtube. It wasn't the case until like... 2023. Very difficult to see or download them if you aren't in the States. I saw a lot of Australian and Canadian viewers complaining about this.

4) No printed version of SID (SoapsInDepth) since 2018. And no printed SOD either (SoapOperaDigest) since November 2023. The only 2 reliable Soap magazines ended. As a result, no more Sweeps or Previews in January, February, May, July and November. Less and less quotes and opinions from the actors and writers about the characters and storylines. All we have now for Sweeps months is websites like TVinsider or gossip blogs with crumbs (usually unreliable informations). It's getting harder and harder to know when and which character/couple will be featured next or how the actors feel about the storylines.

5) Reliable spoilers sites have been closing out one after another since around 2018. Highlighthollywood, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Tuesday recaps, Pressreader, etc... all gone. Sites like Soaphub, SoapoperaSpy, CelebDirtyLaundry, , Fame10 and Soapdirt are only posting rumors, I never trust them.  Let alone Youtube videos labelled as "spoilers". Sites like DaytimeConfidential or Watercooler are only reformulating spoilers but they never give anything new. I guess the last reliable sources standing are this one (SON) & the good old TVguide.

6)  Sunday Weekly promos stopped after the covid, too. Strangely since May 2024 we get them again  after the Friday cliffhangers. But CBS and the official Facebook / X / Instagram pages are no longer posting them on Sunday. They did between 2013 and 2020.

7) Less and less "sneak peek" pics for the following episodes. The official X/Facebook/Instagram pages used to post plenty of pictures for the following day and some interesting polls. Now except photoshoots and some random clips, they hardly ever post anything interesting. SON is actually the last source I know posting sneak peeks.

8 ) Less and less Bold Lives on Youtube. There used to be 1 (with Casey) every Friday with a new guest and viewers asking questions. They were so fun.  Now they're getting increasingly rare and shorter and shorter....

9) Not sure what's happening with the ratings but there is less and less informations. They aren't as detailed as before the covid. Now we don't even have the 'total viewers' anymore. Weird.

10) Most annoying thing has to be informations about the casting. Until the covid the magazines were always giving specific dates. We knew exactly when and why an actor was joinging or leaving the show. Exact dates, status (regular, recurring, short arc or guest). Now it's awful. Poor Katrina Bowden... her character hasn't appeared since 2021 but officially, no one ever told her her role was over. 1 year later she was still hoping to be back and posting on IG. Officially, her departure was never formalized. The online magazines don't even inform us when an actor has been taken off contract.... we have to hear it from actors on their IG. MA/Thomas is the most glaring example at the moment. Thousands of fans are begging for crumbs of informations... his last episode was 4 months ago and we still don't know why he left, if he's gone for good or returning. Such situations were NEVER happening for major roles before the covid. It's just so disrespectful (towards the actors and the audience).

The promotion of B&B in other countries has significantly declined too. The show is very bad but these things aren't helping either. No wonder more and more people are tuning out.

@BoldKara Episodes 1450-1540 are still out of sync for me. So strange. I'll download these ones on Youtube, despite the poor quality. Thank you for your response.

Edited by Jennybold1974
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Thanks @Jennybold1974 that was very informative. If that is how it is on the business then imagine how bad it is on the creative side. These shows have been on auto-pilot since COVID. Probably let go of all the people that did promo and then just never hired them back and figured they could do without it. Apparently Days of Our Lives got rid of their entire promotional department and it sure sounds like B&B did too. As drab as the soap magazines could be by the end, at least they were professional enough to try to confirm casting information and such, as you said.

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