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I literally don't know what I want to do LOL I'm recording and posting these episodes but I'm watching at Videoland pace and I don't really want to skip ahead, but at the same time like I'm RECORDING and posting these episodes so I feel like I should watch? Right? LOL Oh well. There's enough other content I'm watching, and I GUESS I could be patient but I'm NOT LOL >.<' 

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Stay the course! I have been going through and uploading my Y&R DVDs over the course of years while not actually watching them as I do it, and then I go back and watch in order. It's sooooo much nicer doing that. I did cheat last summer when they were rebroadcasting classics, but then I went right back to viewing in order. I'm up to end of 1988 for Y&R and 1990 for B&B and I need to get caught up by 1992 cause I went to watch them together once Sheila crosses over. 

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So funny the efforts we go to to fulfil some sort of order. 

In Australia we never got to experience Sheila first on Y&R and then on B&B. As we were 3 years behind Y&R and 8 months behind B&B, we got Sheila first on B&B. When I found out that she started on Y&R, I waited until we caught up to Sheila's arrival, and started watching her bits on Y&R. A very messy way to do it but it was all I could do in that era!

Now in my B&B rewatch I'm up to May 1990, and Sheila has just arrived on Y&R! There's this French person on Youtube uploading all the Sheila scenes in English and some French, called Sheila Carter Story (easy to find in a Youtube search if you're interested), so I am watching the Y&R scenes side by side with the airdates for B&B so that when Sheila arrives on B&B in 1992, I'm all caught up and for the first time will have experienced the two shows together like the North Americans did!

I did French for a year in 1980 and nothing since, and I remember very basic words, so wish we luck watching the French clips. I'm sure I will get the drift even if I don't understand the words! 

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What they do is they post the link to an off-site website (ok.ru) possibly to avoid youtube matching videos and blocking them, so there's no translation to subtitles available there unfortunately! That's good to know though for YT, thank you!

Edited by BoldKara
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That is great marketing. Yes, B&B became huge in Italy in the 1990's. They started when I was there in 1990 with double episodes as they were so far behind.

Yes, I seem to remember Y&R being on when I was there in 1983 on a family holiday, and it was called Febre D'Amore (Fever of Love)...which is similar to the French title Les Feux de L'Amour (Fires of Love).

Sheila Carter Story on YT is great if you're wanting to fill in some Y&R Sheila gaps for episodes not in the Vault, but the missing clips are pretty much the French links provided. A great recent resource, one which I hope runs and runs to build the Sheila library.

Thank you! I'm sure everyone would much rather the superior HQ Cala versions than some of the blurry versions we have in the Vault. The blurry ones can always be deleted once we're sure nothing was cut from the Cala transmission. Fingers crossed they're not in the business of cutting scenes like Ten in Australia does! 

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