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All the teen drug stories are usually bad, but I guess it was brave of AMC to try it at the time, and it made sense for Tim. I thought he should have relapsed when Janet got with Trevor in 97 (I know he went bad for a short time but don't remember if he did any drugs).

Was it McCartney or Bennett who had the drug story in 2001?

Sorry for posting all this together - I'll take a break for a bit as I don't want to clog the thread. I thought this stuff might be fun to read since a lot of you seemed to be watching AMC at the time of these magazines.

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It's great to read, just takes me a while. But don't apologize.

It did make sense for Tim--LSD is a drug that I think since the mid 90s has fallen out of fashion for teens to experiment with--I NEVER hear about it anymore and I did in Jr High, so I wonder if they ever use it anymore. And it wasn't all that badly done--but the effects were cheesy. When Tim went bad afterwards, he didn't fall back into drugs, though it would have made sense. Such a wasted opportunity not bringing Tim back (that one week stint with the actor who went on to Passions does not count... I think that was one of Culliton's dropped stories/characters).

McCartney was JR. He was acting out, hanging with the cool older kids at the boathouse (I miss the boathouse lol), dropping E. They were the kids who were mean to Bianca who tried to befriend JR--Mindy was one, just vacant badly portrayed teens. I think JR drove with Mrcus and he got into a coma because they crashed, not sure if he woke up. Very shortly after he was replaced by Bennett, who I liked as JR (though oddly a lot of people online hated his acting) but he had pretty lame stories under Rayfield. He liked that random girl who had the drunk abusive father that I believe Liza helped in a weird short term story, etc (Amanda Seyfried was her best friend Joanie and was interested in Jamie--she lasted a bit longer than the others but not much).

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And always a joy to read an interview with Agnes. Interesting, that was dated end of June, and I am pretty sure from when I checked credits obsessively that McTavish (who was probably one of the co headwriters she mentioned earlier) was officially given credit by April or May--Wiki says May. Also the Who Shot Will story is almost always credited as one of McTavish's earliest plots that got her credit for the job, but Agnes sounds heavily involved (McTavish copied many elements of it in the Michael Cambias murder mystery). But I know often back then Agnes would still oversea overall story but not get credit (apparently when Wasam was listed as HW and Agnes wasn't even, he has said her and him co wrote together).

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Andrew Ridings was playing JR when he was hooked up with Laurie. I remember Bennett's JR, but did he really have any storylines? He was on for almost a year (01-02), but I can't even remember him doing anything of note besides mourning Dixie.

But then again, now that I think about it, I really wasn't watching much during his time. That was during the whole Bianca/Frankie stuff, and that was before I got my trusty ol' VCR.

Edited by All My Shadows
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I thought you'd like the Agnes interview :)

Dylan Fergus. He was around for a few months but didn't do much, other than date Maggie.

AMS, Bennett's only story I can remember is that he lusted after Kendall and I think they almost had sex. I can't remember. I liked him in the role.

I wasn't too fond of McCartney in the role, he just seemed fake to me.

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Yes sorry it was Ridings the Net hated--you're right. He didn't hook up with Laurie till later Rayfield though because it was connected with Liza and Adam going to new age therapist Lysistrate (who dated tad briefly and was one of the few Rayfield creations I really admit i liked)--she told Adam and Liza to go to a movie date together where Adam threw a fit cuz he saw Laurie and JR. Laurie was a poor actress too which didn't help (unlike Joanie) and her issue story was really forced.

Bennett;s JR was during Culliton's brief era-I assume he left on his own to persue other aroles, and yeah he had next to no stoy. Of course Ridings quickly ran away on the steam liner to be reacast by Young under McTavish.

I never liked mcCartney though a lot of fans did--for a teen actor anyway.

Was Tim really around that long? I remember they thought he might have DNA for Hayley's kid or whatever--all I literally remember is a few scenes in the hospital and that's it--didn't even remember he saw Maggie.

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