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Oh wow!  I've been so out of the soap opera loop, I totally missed a full Eden episode

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And yeah, I think it would be impossible to suggest that Nixon didn't create Kate and Ava (unless whoever did, did so as a homage to her AW and AMC creations of similar characters )
I know it's largely believed when Marland left after two years, that Nixon became the defacto uncredited HW for at least a couple of years (I believe Ralph Ellis got credit but his credit wasn't separate from the rest of the writing team the way a HW credit usually is, but, again, my soap opera knowledge is rusty.)

As you know, I also have a lot of affection for Loving even if I acknowledge what a mess it was, and how frustrating it was too that often when they seemed to be on the right track (like in the early 90s--when I started watching due to the AMC Carter Jones cross over "event," up to which point I wasn't even aware of Loving's existence--when they briefly refocused on the campus) we'd get a regime change and it would be back to square one.

I think I'm in the minority but I really enjoy Nixon's year long stint as credited HW again around 93-94 (I even have some scripts from that time,) even if it included Nixon at her most full on Gothic (Dante and his "pet" who turned out to be Curtis in a cage, etc.)  I know Gothic Nixon is something even a lot of Nixon fans don't really like, but obviously it was a side of her writing she seemed to enjoy indulging in every so often.

(I guess I should post in the Loving thread )

My pleasure--this is the type of stuff I could talk about, try to work out from the little we know, etc, endlessly.  (Nixon's memoir was a mess when it comes to facts--and a lot of the reason for that was stuff that I guess couldn't be helped, including how during writing it she had another stroke, that her well-meaning son was basically her fact checker even though, despite how important the project was for him, he never was much of a soap watcher, etc.  But I was still so disappointed that I don't think Loving even is *mentioned* in it.  And then there's her role as a consultant/co-creator of The City, a soap whose final six months I really loved...  In the long Museum of Television video interview with Agnes I think she's asked about her role in The City and she completely blanks like she'd never even heard of the show )

I actually have an old OLTL and two AMC scripts with her notes on them as I befriended a wonderful woman who worked as a freelancer on those shows, as well as Somerset, for a brief time back when they'd actually freelance scripts out when they were overworked (I think she did her work between 190-73?).  She was terminally ill and wanted to unload some of her stuff on people who would really appreciate them.  Anyway, it's *wonderful* to read Nixon's corrections and comments--and like any good teacher she also is sure to give full out praise to stuff she likes.  But I can understand why writers like Mulcahey felt condescended to and stifled working in that way.

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And new information suggests that she wrote another mother/daughter pair for The Brighter Day but the show was canceled so they never existed except on the page. Our loss.

Her book, OY, on the one hand it is so wonderful. On the other hand, it is so riddled with errors. And, those of us who were hungry for her to talk about raven-haired troublesome daughters with put upon mothers were definitely SOL!!! 


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I also really enjoy Agnes' Loving stint(s?) in the '90s. I would argue her love for a gothic flirtation remained right up to the end in AMC 2013, where she was supposedly involved (though who knows, people say a lot of things). The Celia Fitzgerald mystery and her fairy tale romance with Pete Cortlandt certainly felt like that side of her to me. I also saw her hand in elements of poor little rich boy/foundling A.J. Chandler, a la Cooper Alden or Phil Brent (though that regime apparently intended to make A.J. gay).

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Admittedly what hooked me at 12 on AMC and on soaps in general was the Natalie in the Well, saga of Wildwind storyline, and you don't get much more Gothic than that (I may have my timeline wrong but I believe that was when Nixon had returned as HW with Broderick and Washam as associates, just before she handed things over to McTavish which carried over some of that but kicked into high gear with Who Shot Will?)

It's interesting because when people (and I guess I mostly mean the soap press) talk about Nixon and her achievements and style they *never* to my knowledge bring up her love for dipping into the Gothic, as if saying that would tarnish her well won reputation for social realism, drawing room comedy, etc.  (And this wasn't a faux Gothic like JER wrote, but truly the stuff of 1860s sensation serials, etc--)

I fully believe she was overseeing in some capacity the 2013 AMC.  We do know on pretty good authority that she wrote herself the funny scene between Joe and Billy Clyde (where he thought he was soliciting) at the request of Ray to actually get to do a funny scene. 

When I saw Francesca James on the Y panel talk, all I kept thinking was "please, please tell us where the Celia mystery was going!"  And ugh, Vee, you've made me sad and annoyed all over again about what coulda been with AMC2013...

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I can understand why some are reticent to talk about it given how it ended at the management level (with almost no one getting paid, and Erika Slezak by her own account staring down the Prospect Park payroll agent after hours). I do think Francesca James being onscreen again in that story was no coincidence per: Agnes and her favorite actors. I'm still sore about the shows too lol. I know Bob Woods and maybe Corbin Bleu as well as Eric Nelsen (per the above) knew more about what was supposedly coming, I wish someone would share. I had heard Agnes also wrote the scene with Dixie's letter to Billy Clyde. And certainly Angie's direct address to the camera re: abortion rights in the wake of Todd Akin, etc. - even more relevant and searing today - felt like Agnes' last gift to us.

Also interesting seeing Broderick again, given the recent claim by someone that she almost went to GH in 2012 with Frank Valentini. (I have a hard time seeing that)

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Could you imagine her working under Valentini? That said, I've always been curious about her co-writing stint at OLTL and if there were issues...  As much as I worship Broderick, she wrote a few dog stories at AMC (Maria's baby comes to mind.)

In general it's such a depressing, and annoying situation.  Just six months later, I am convinced they would be able to have handled it.

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I just wanted to brag. Yesterday I saw the episodes of Bianca's birth... and now it's even more interesting. Erica has started tripping herself with ominous premonitions. I am here for it. 

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 1988 has been amazing so far. The easiest soap I've ever gotten into. 

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I don't like to judge people so I try to look at interesting info as neutral which may or may not make sense. But I definitely do not judge them for writing DAYS even in 2024. Heck it would be hypocritical if I did since I watch the show daily.

Good for you! Also, hooray Binks is in the world.

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