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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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I would add my two cents into this cancellation talk but I'm afraid my opinion would be of unpopular opinion for saving any soap at this point.

But I will say this, I'm more baffle at the utterly faulty reporting that the soap press have been doing before and after ABC announced the cancellation of OLTL and AMC. It seems like the soap press was a dog chasing his own tail, and of course, the ego tripping of Jamey and Nelson is turning me off to saving any of these soaps. LOL!

What I'm more surprised no one has talk about a lot is lack of interest the unions are towards the soap industry; it seems for the most part they been lazy with doing any thing supportive and only talk tough when the soaps are canceled and go back into hiding.

To be frank, I can't blame Frons or any network that want to cancel any soaps for that matter or even if BBC canned any of their soaps to keep the network afloat, It all comes down to making money and making them marketable for the network to care about them again.

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Are you sure about that? Canning EastEnders would not be a smart decision on the BBC's part considering it's one of their most-watched shows. The UK soap situation is very, very different from the US soap situation. Even Doctors, which airs in the daytime in the UK, gets a bigger audience than most of our daytime soaps, and the UK's population is much smaller than the US's.

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I was just going off on reports that I been reading about the British government aggressively pushing for the BBC to cut budget and going as far as to eliminating the annual license fee that British viewers pay.

As I'm posting, I don't have the time to look up the costs of the UK soaps, but with the way the economics of the UK and EU for that matter, I wouldn't be surprise if the BBC go through a major shake up sooner or later.

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EastEnders saw an increase in their budget last year.

They're not going to cut EastEnders, which can pull in as much as 10 million viewers a night, over one million on the BBC3 rebroadcast, is their highest rated show, is their most widely distributed show worldwide, and has been their flagship show for over 25 years.

Not mention, EastEnders isn't just BBC One's highest rated show, there's weeks where EastEnders IS the highest rated program on British television period.

EastEnders annual budget is £29.8 million, which is close to $50 million USD. Last year because of the live episode, their budget increased by £500,000, which is close to a million USD.

The BBC spent 20% less on soaps last year, but EastEnders budget increased due to the live episode.


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