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OLTL Did anyone else like Niki Smith?

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I'm not posting any spoilers or anything but i was thinking of Niki Smith because there are several scenes on youtube. Who can forget when Niki used to wear the red wig. I'm almost sadden that she hasn't worn it in her last several stins in town. I always thought it was weird that in 1985 it was like they were trying to reinvent Niki. They made her voice very hushed and almost sweet. They made her unaware of who Viki was but remembered bars she used to go to during her last stint. but a lot of the story was kind of fun. or at least the stuff i saw on youtube.

My favorite Niki moments was when she came to Viki in late 2001 and early 2002. She kept taunting Viki about the secret. she even wanted to come out to give Alison Perkins "a make-over" for framming Niki for the kidnapping of Jessica. It was before she had an extended stay in 2002. I always like it when Niki's Niki. Not pretending to be Viki or whatever. I like her when she is wearing Niki clothes and acting like Niki.

"I'm like a genie in a bottle: rub Viki the wrong way and here i am!" Niki 2001

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the last time I liked Nikki was in the classic mid 90s storyline. Everytime adter since ha been a big joke which was completely unneceary. She is alright in small doses but the writers made the mistake of having her out too long. I thin she was out almost half a year back around 2001/2002. That story kinda ruined her for me

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Niki pretty much gets on my nerves. I think I would have liked her in the '80s and in the original s/l when Gillian Spencer was in the role. The Niki I'm most familiar with (DID to present) is so hokey and when ES's playing her is really the only time I find her acting actually a little cringeworthy. Jean Randolph's my favorite.

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I've theorized that Niki became so incredibly broad certainly by that point but even earlier during DID to illustrate the fragmented nature of the personality disorder, i.e., these alters are less fully realized 3D human beings but more one-note slices. Of course they'd love for us to believe that Tess is the equivalent of a naughty twin opposed to an alter even if they give Viki lines like, "Tess is not a real person!"

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Nikki was out for like 5 months in 2002. That was way too long. In that time none of her friends or family realize that she wasnt Viki until it was too late. It dumbed down everyone around her. I dont think ES shoudl get to play her, jsut bc she likes her. Bree Williamson said Tess is her favorite character, but they've certainly made a mess of her

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I don't know why Niki is the one they keep on trotting out every time they need Viki to lapse out of herself. She has a handful of people crawling around in her head. I would sooner welcome Jean or Tori over that silly old cow Niki Smith.

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Oh it was horrible. Niki taunted Viki about having some big secret so she goes to Rae who literally got her psychiatry degree while dumpster diving let Niki out, but failed to put her back in. I remeber the initialsecret being that Viki hated Natalie. Then for months we had Niki pretend to Viki, all while gaslighting Naalie into thinking she had DID so she could prance around town as Natalie, framing her for stupid stuff. Remember when she put on a Natalie wig and they had Jen chase after her, not even realizing that Niki had a bit more weight to her and looked nothing like Natalie from the back. The stuff that year was just bad.

Nope, you are thinking of the 1995/1996 story. That was the last time Viki's DID was interesting.

Here's somce clips of that

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The 1995 story was pretty damn great.

The 2002 amounted to Niki accidentally coming out because Rae hypnotized her and left the room. Then she went around for months pulling stupid schemes and plotting to kill people (which Niki never did - she only ever killed in self-defense), lusting after Bo, and just OTT all the time, while no one in Viki's life recognized that she was acting like a total stranger.

It was the worst acting I've ever seen from Erika.

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