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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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One campy story does not a campy writer make. RC admits he loves camp and he overdoes it way too often. I detest it so I tend to skip over his campy tales.

Hey, dear, at least they don't ooze a snotty superior act towards others and pretend their opinion is the absolute fact.

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Just a couple of days before Frons jetted into New York to drop the LA bomb Carruthers was telling cast and crew members, who were demanding answers about the Daytime Confidential report, that the show was not moving to LA.

All this does is make me think ABC is going to wait and announce the cancellation closer to AMC's end date. Which will result in even less time to wrap the show up in any sort of satisfactory way.

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To be honest Chrishell isn't saying a damn thing. All she saids is

"I swear you guys will find out first than us on twitter!"

Bobbie already slipped

"AMC is not being cancelled"

Really :rolleyes:

"But now is a great time to let the network know you'd like to keep it that way."

WTF Bobbie, your PR skills suck. :lol:

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How nice.

I still believe the show is being cancelled, but really it's not due to any of the reports that we've heard in the last few days, it's mainly the fact that there was no HW announcement. The ratings have done nothing but go down since these two took over, with two failed sweeps periods, and when their contracts are up they aren't gone? I can't get passed that one.

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