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DAYS: February Discussion Thread

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Nice banner! ;)

So first Galen plays Faux-Luis and now he gets to play Faux-Rafe (FRafe?). I like Galen better when he's playing the Faux-characters. LOL

I agree, the "action" was horrible again. We didn't even see anything! What was the point of Ben having scenes with Jen if he wasn't going to harm her? I thought Jen was going to be in danger because of Ben. We rarely got to see Bo/Hope bond, except for those few scenes in the cabin. I thought we'd get to see more of Stefano vs Bo/Hope, but nope. Blah, the execution and pacing of this storyline was awful. Glad it's almost over.

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Thanks for the banner love, guys!!

I echo a statement darraholic made in the other DAYS thread: "Rafe 2 > Rafe"! LOL!! Wow, I think he is awesome. GG seems to have so much more fun playing Rafe's robot, he actually looks more alive and is more loosened up! I love how Rafe 2 carries himself, his mannerisms, the way he frequently bobbles his head, the way he acts all giddy. All hilarious!! He actually has a personality! Almost nothing like boring arse regular Rafe. Can Rafe Deux stay?? Even after this is all over?? biggrin.gif I was totally not looking forward to this S/L, but I actually am now after seeing how things are turning out.

Is it just me or does EJ love him some Rafe Deux?? Just the looks he was giving him, when he grabbed his face.. & then when he kissed his hands...LOL

There is something so...weird about Taylor to me. I think it might be some of the acting choices NL is making. She sounded so breathy & discordant...but I liked the Nicole/Taylor scenes over all...

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I have to agree. Taylor seems to be just as horrible as she was over 10 years ago. Boring, bland and her first full episode did little to impress me. I hope they do more to give her personality bc I was so not interested. It was also weird seeign ehr and Nicole act so close since Nicole never talks about her and my last memories was of them feuding. Of course that was over a decade ago, but Taylor was reminiscing about the good times as children and I dont think Nicole ever was close to her even then

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Absolutely loving me some RoboRafe!! LOL!! What a hoot this guy is. Him & Sami's scenes were the highlight of the show for me, who would have thought?! LOL @ him trying to get Sami to bear with him as he's trying to "remember" the "small" things. I think it is so hilarious how he thinks of this whole thing as a jackpot "gig", he loves big boobs & all he wants to do is have sex with Sami. LMAO.

Why is EJ so foul with Chad? I hate it. I wish he was more compassionate and accepting of him. I like that Chad & Lexie are getting close but I would rather see him get closer with Stefano & EJ.

I cannot believe this Jennifer stuff! I actually can't take it, it's so ridiculous...

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OMG, they really cut Jennifer's heart out and are trying tio put it back in. Was that really necesary? I would have just been fine with the cliffhanger of Melanie thinking she was dead.

Im confused about Ben. Did he really think the prisoners died naturally or is he trying to cover his butt?

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