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DAYS: February Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I don't like this new Sydney. The old twins were so engaged in everything! Ciara is a terrible little actress, but she's so enthusiastic about it. Just shouting her lines and acting crazy. I love it.

Nice to have a wedding that didn't feel SO cheap. I'm sick of watching these "billionaires" get married in their living rooms. However, I cannot handle EJ and Taylor. I like the idea, but every time you put them together, it seems to be little more than a staring contest between a man who just had a stroke and a very constipated woman. I can't.

Kate was the MVP of this week. A million golden lines ("What a delicate flower!"), that little talk with Maggie, and that fantastic scene where Melanie realized how deranged Kate is and Kate was all, "Ugh, the legal way will take way too long!"

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Yeah Ive felt the same way about Sydney too. I only give her some leeway bc she's younger but it does get bothersome how she doesnt interact with or respond to anyone in her scenes

IA on Ciara. Bad actress or not, I find her enthusiasm admirable. She really does try and comes across cute in her scenes. She's so bad, she's good

Anyone else think that Chloe was going to kill Parker? The way she was holding him and looking at that water, I thought she was going to toss him into the river! Thank god she didnt.

Im glad Nicole noticed the connection between EJ and Taylor instead of being blinded by stupidity

Taylor is way too opinionated about people she doesnt/barely knows

Why was Maggie at the wedding? To the best of my knowledge, she isnt close to the bride or groom? I didnt think she cared for anything Dimera and it seemed odd to have her there

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I think just because Chez Rouge was hosting it.

It WAS weird how she was all, "Oh, hey, EJ. So handsome!" or whatever. You would think the bad blood between him and Lucas would be enough for Maggie to at least be giving him the side-eye and not swooning!

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Another LOL line to me from her was when she said to Philip "The diva took a dive off the pier, obviously she thought she was in one of her operas." LMAO! Loved Kate this week!

That is exactly what I thought and I said it earlier in the thread. It was really seeming like she was ready to launch him into that river. That would have been INSANE.

It just makes me lol how all of a sudden everyone is going to Chez Rouge. That place was MIA for a long time until like last week! Not complaining though, it is great to see it back ;-).

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I agree that this will be good... plus we'll be treated to some interaction between Sami and Stephanie. Very telling when Stephanie remarked that she hardly knew Rafe. Back in the day, the Brady's always had family gatherings like the Horton's. Now you hardly have family interactions which can enrich the canvas (i.e. no interaction between Jennifer/Kayla, Jennifer/Adrienne, Will and the rest of the Hortons... etc)

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I like Fake Rafe and Stephanie


Jen's looking kinda haggard these days

Maggie and Chloe...loved them and how Maggie has taken her under her wing. As for her story, did Maggie have a miscarriage or was her baby a stillborn? Thats what caused her to start drinking?

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I think Maggie was talking about when she and Mickey adopted Janice Barnes, and then Janice's birth mother came back into the picture and wanted her back. That drove Maggie to drink. I don't believe Maggie ever had a pre-Sarah pregnancy (because Mickey was sterile).

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