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DAYS: Discussion for the month of December

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I don't mind there being so few Horton's. Hell, there have been years where more Horton's were actually major players on the canvas and yet the Horton Christmas was only celebrated by like 5-6 characters, right around what we ended up getting this year. My issue is that we had Nathan at the house and he just left. He could've easily stayed around for one more scene before going to St. Luke's. Not to mention Will and Allie could've stopped by. While I would've liked Bo and Hope to return as a Christmas miracle, you don't rush a story just to do that. They had a valid story reason for not being there. I can deal. Will and Allie not being there and ESPECIALLY Nathan...now that was inexcusable.

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Love seeing Caroline squirm and act scared around Kayla! The basic bitch deserves it and I'm glad Kayla has swooped in and knocked her off of her high horse. It's about time. LOL @ Caroline's reaction to seeing Kayla, it was so ridiculous...she was acting so fake & scared at the same time. She really needs to get it together, she is a total shell of her former self! She said the next time EJ walks into her pub, she's going to lace his clam chowder with rat poison. lol!! And I think she actually would do it. :-\ But back then I wouldn't think she would do such a thing. Caroline is deranged to the trace where she's not even happy to see her own daughter!

Sami vs. Nicole never gets old for me. Loved all their scenes! Why does Sami always get the first slap or punch in?! I hope Nicole gets at least one in tomorrow haha.

I love how Victor acts with Maggie wub.gif such great scenes between them today, they are such a treat. I could just stare at them with the mute button on and I wouldn't get bored, that's how much I love them!!

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Man I love Nicole and I enjoyed how she was goading Sami about the kids. I hated that Sami punched her and all Nicole did was beat her with a teddy bear. I wish she had gotten a real hit in. BTW, her hair was really nice

Caroline's hair was not. She looked horrible yesterday. I am glad that Kayla is back though

Considering her own history, Lexie really shouldnt be judging Nicole for stealing Sami's child

It just hit me today that Philip and Daniel are godbrothers.

I really liked Carly's dress for the baptism

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Today's episode was good as hell.

Caroline is totally batshit crazy, and she is just hopping around all nervous it is hilarious.

Nicole vs. Sami was awesome but I wish Nicole had gotten a punch in too.

It was just SOOOO delicious when Kayla yelled "You need to tell everyone that Daniel is not the father of Chloe's baby" as Melanie and Philip opened the door. I cant wait for tomorrow.

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Crazy Caroline Quotes!

"If God is so sure you're right, then why didnt he do something? If he wanted Philip to know, Philip would know"

"You've been out voted so just dont go and ruin everything"

"Come to think of it, the only conspiracies we hear of are the ones that dont work"

"Well then, go back to Africa"

LOVE how the secret was revealed. That was good. Sucks for Chloe bc Melanie and Victor just made peace with her. Hope Days is on today and not pre-empted

I loved that Maggie was nice to Carly. Everyone in Hope's family except for Jennifer is horrible to her. Im glad Maggie is different

I liked the idea of EJ proposing to Nicole at first but hated how t was brought it. Its as if he's semi-blackmailing her, dangling Sydney in her face, getting her to do everything he wants. Its kinda sick

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After watching DAYS religiously from the 70s to the 90s, I'm a very infrequent viewer these days. But I recorded the Xmas shows to see Doug, Julie and the Horton balls, as I always do, and the daily previews kept me interested in seeing Tuesday and Wednesday. I LOVED the scenes with Caroline & Kayla (and the small bit for Adrienne) and Suzanne Rogers brings out the best in any scene partner. I still have no interest in Sami's world (and I have a hard time accepting this version of Stephano -- the Stephano I know would have had Sami killed without a moment's hesitation) so I won't be watching regularly. But I was more impressed with the show than I have been in awhile. Though the breakneck pace at which they tape shows is evident -- the direction is awfully ineffective. They just don't have time to stage things effectively. (Witness the laughable Nicole-Sami fight, and what I've seen of the Philip-Daniel fight is just as bad. Even the church reveal could have been staged for much greater impact.)

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Crazy Caroline rocks!

Stefano hasnt killed Sami bc of EJ. He mentioned taking her out which EJ vehemently opposed bc at the end of the day she is still the mother of his children. He'd rather punish her by watching her suffer, than killing her off. He used emotional blackmail to get Stefano to comply by threatening to cut him out of his and his children's lives. Stefano back off and let him decide to deal with ami as he saw fit

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