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Brock urges JoAnn to learn from her ordeal, and to fight for her husband. He says that if Johnny didn't feel something for her, he would have left her for this other woman. Brock is surprised to learn from Chris that the other woman is Peggy. Peggy tells Jo that she intends to fight for Jack, but she wants it to be fair. She urges Jo to become, once again, the vibrant, assured, attractive and interesting person she once was, it may bring Johnny back to her. Leslie has realized that Brad is in Chicago, fearing that he may be with Barbara. Brad, still in hospital, is reliving his past with Barbara. He looks at the man he used to be, how cruel and heartless he was to her. Barbara takes him to see their son's grave, he weeps, knowing that his son had needed him, had asked for him, he despises what he did to Barbara's life. Bill tells Liz to marry Sam, though she was undecided. Kay was flabbergasted that Liz (of all people) should receive two proposals, she sees a chance of snaring Bill for herself. Kay tells Liz how dependable Sam would be, and how she would have all the things she always wanted. And Bill, with not long to live, would have...his friends. Kay's campaign has some effect. Liz says, rather cryptically, that she has made up her mind. Liz's decision is to re-marry Bill. A renewal of their vows takes place in their home, performed by the same minister who first married them. After the ceremony, Stu and Jen come by with a token of their love and affection, a week in Hawaii. Kay comes out of herself enough to send them flowers. Jill is determined to get Kay to stop her drinking. At first resentful and perhaps fearful, Kay is convinced of Jill's sincerity by her avowal to stay out of Kay's life forever, as soon as she has helped Kay face life soberly. Jill must make a new life for herself and the baby, and she wants to do it with a clear conscience. She must make up for the wrong that she did.

Despite her protests, Jo is taken clothes shopping by Peggy and, after a special purchase, even Jo is convinced she is pretty. She is changing, and even Johnny is aware of it. Through Legal Aid, Chris becomes very involved with the Becker's, a young couple faced with insurmountable problems. Nancy collapses in a diabetic coma; Karen, her child, has no one to take care of her. Ron is in jail, accused of rape. Chris takes Karen to Jen to look after her. Brad insists on leaving the hospital in order to be home when Leslie returns from Mexico City. At the same moment his doctor arrives to tell him the prognosis. Leslie decides to delay her departure until the next day to give Brad a chance to go home first - from whatever he was doing in Chicago. Nancy, in the hospital, is being treated by Snapper. She will be all right, but the Becker’s are penniless and friendless and she begs Chris to help Ron all she can. Against her revulsion and despite Snapper's warning that the guy who raped her also pleaded his innocence, Chris makes an effort to help Ron, at least to talk to him. She goes to the prison to visit him. Waiting for him to be brought in, however, she relives every agonizing moment of her own dreadful experience and, by the time Ron is sitting in front of her, all she can say is that she cannot believe his cries of innocence; she has heard it all before. She has too many scars, wounds that have never healed. She cannot cope with this. Chris is stunned when Nancy Becker calls the Brooks to say that all the charges against Ron have been dropped. Chris at first finds it difficult to believe her instincts could be so wrong, but then she is filled with remorse for condemning Ron in her mind. In an effort to atone, she offers the Becker's all the help she can manage through Legal Aid and Jen steps forward to take care of Karen while Ron looks for work.

Brad's doctor can find no cause for his sight problems. Brad declines Barbara's offer to care for him. It is obvious to her that he will soon be completely sightless. He leaves for home, but Barbara begs him to tell Leslie. At home, awaiting Leslie, Brad is visited first by Lorie and then by the Maestro. They each voice their concern for Leslie, but their pleas that he confide in his wife go unheeded. When Leslie comes in the door, he is unable to focus properly, so he cannot rush to sweep her into his arms, as he so desperately wants to do. He then complicates matters more by admitting he had seen Barbara (whom Leslie has found out about) but insists it was not the way Leslie thinks it was. As she presses him, he says he is due at the office. Barbara, when Leslie phones her to get at the bottom of this, keeps her word to Brad. She tells Leslie nothing. It is increasingly clear that Brad will not long be able to keep his secret. Even Stu notices him stumble into a desk. Peggy comes down very hard on Jo, forcing her to wear the new dress, to make tonight the beginning of a new romance between her and her husband. Peggy even breaks a date with Jack to ensure he will be with Jo. The evening is very sweet and they dance and dine by candlelight. Johnny tells Jo how proud he is of her, how she is beginning to become her old self. While he sleeps, Jo basks in her thoughts of the evening and impulsively touches his shoulder, saying aloud how much she loves him. He stirs, and still more than half asleep, replies that he loves her, too, but he calls her Peggy. Jo is devastated.

Lorie receives a copy of her new book, published under a pseudonym. It is entitled "Out of My Sister's Shadow." Lorie hopes her life will now be proof of it. While Lorie muses on the unknown depth of Lance, and how little is actually known about him, the man in question is talking to Vanessa Prentiss. Vanessa, who covers half of her face with a veil, is indeed a figure of mystery. She is half of the business, Lance says, and how surprised his many associates would be to learn that half of the decisions are made by her. He chides her for working too hard, but work is life to her, she thrives on it. Although Lance carefully declines to say how much he cares for Leslie, he does tell Vanessa about her - her music, her life, after, like Vanessa – she emerged from a deep emotional trauma. Vanessa replies that it takes great courage to face the world when rejection by it, is what one fears most. Lance is her tower of strength. Brad can tell Leslie about his worries only in his imagination. In the cold light of day, he is unable to share his problems with her, under the misguided impression that he is shielding her, no matter how desperately Leslie begs for the chance to help him. He wants her to have the security of her career; and she wants only the security of knowing she has all his love. She wonders if a child would be the answer. Jo tells Peggy that Johnny made love to her the night before; what she does not tell her rival is that Johnny was drunk (he remembers nothing about it) and thought she was Peggy. Peggy confronts Jack with this news and then completely rocks him to his foundations when, to prevent him from demanding a divorce from Jo, she tells him of Jo's suicide attempt. For once he is truly at a loss. He does not know what to do.

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At Chris’ request, Stuart did what he can to help Ron get a job. When he did a routine background check he found that Ron had a prior for burglary and possible rape. Chris meanwhile told Ron to deliver the table he made to Chris’ place, telling him Snapper would not be home and to wait for her. Brad can’t handle the web of lies he has created to keep Leslie from the truth of his blindness, he once again decides to leave the woman he loves, as he did with Barbara. Barbara enlists the help of Lorie, she tells Lorie about Brad’s blindness. Leslie can no longer stand Brad’s secretive behaviour and refusal to share what is going on in his life, she confronts him and he tells her he is not the same man she married, she is better of without him. Leslie is stunned. Jo is appalled by her recent suicide attempt. Brock comforts her and tries to convince her of her own worth, even kissing her and asking her to go on a date with him. Jo politely refuses, telling Brock she is still in love with Jack and couldn’t think of being with anyone else. Jack visits Jo, and feeling guilty about his part in Jo’s misery, tells her he has been inconsiderate and selfish. Jo tells him her suicide attempt was not to try to hold onto him, she loves him too much to hold onto him if he is miserable. Jo wonders how two people so in love, could end up as strangers. Peggy realises the three way affair can’t continue because it will soon destroy them all. She goes to Jack and tells him it is over, Jack is upset, but Peggy states that their love cannot be right if it causes so much pain.

Lance flies Lorie home with the ulterior motive of seeing Leslie, the love of his life. Lance tells Leslie that he wants nothing more than to make her happy and give her the world. Leslie reminds Lance that she has Brad for that. Snapper asks Brad about his condition. Brad is sure he will be blind within the next two months and he won’t inflict that on Leslie, he tells Snapper about his plans to leave town. Snapper points out that Brad is running away from his inability to face his problems. Stuart tells Chris about Ron’s priors. She immediately heads to see Ron and confront him, but he is out. Nancy tells Chris that Ron met a woman a few years ago and went up to her apartment only to have her change her mind and accuse him of rape, when he went to trial the D.A pushed him to take a deal and he served time for burglary which he did not commit, Nancy says that Ron feels he was rail-roaded since the woman in question refused to testify. Feeling distressed over ending her relationship with Jack, Peggy heads to Chris’ place using the spare key Chris gave her to let herself in. Ron arrives home still carrying the table. He tells Chris that he had the wrong address so decided to come home instead. He is relieved to have his past out in the open because Chris has been so good to them.

Chris returns to her place to find Peggy cowering in the corner crying. Chris soon realises that Peggy has been raped and though she has visions of her own rape, she moves past it and comforts her sister. Kay is no match for her son and housekeeper, she is coerced into attending a dinner party Liz is throwing to introduce her to bachelor Ralph Olsen, a plumber and friend of Liz. Kay is astounded that although Ralph is socially beneath her, he is well spoken and a recovering alcoholic who understands her torment. Despite Kay’s snobbery, she allows Ralph to drive her home, once there she makes a bee line for the liquor cabinet, but Ralph stops her and makes her see the suicide in it. They instead share a ginger ale together. Jack, not able to see Peggy, meets with Jo at The Allegro. He is surprised by the change in her, especially when she tells him she has had enough, if he wants to be with Peggy, that’s where he should be. Jack tries to visit Peggy, but the family won’t let him, instead of calling, he tries again, unaware of the tragedy he will have to face. Ron gets a job as a woodworker and at Nancy’s insistence he tells them about his prior record and is happy when they don’t mind. For the moment at least, The Becker’s are happy. After being questioned by police, Chris realises the intended victim of Peggy’s attacker was her; she begins to believe that Ron was the one who raped Peggy. After Peggy’s harrowing recount to the police and painful examination at the hospital, Chris decides to confront Ron about her suspicions.

Jack is on his way to try to see Peggy, filled with thoughts of happiness and joy, while Peggy is being comforted by her family. Her life has changed forever. Vanessa, it seems received her scars saving Lance from a fire. He tries to convince her she has his love and gratitude. Kay begins to realise how lonely she is and decides to make the first move with Ralph by inviting him and the Foster’s to dinner. Liz arrives without Bill, who has just had another attack, despite this, Liz is happy to help Kay plan and cook dinner. Stuart tries to keep Jack away from Peggy, but Jen tells him it is better that they see each other. Peggy is too ashamed to talk about love with Jack and it may be a long time before she gets back to that place. Chris confronts Ron, who denies the accusations; she pushes him into going into a line up to help Peggy identify her assailant. Chris tells Snapper of her suspicions, he reminds her that there is no hard evidence against him, but Chris remains adamant. Ron plans to go to the police, but hesitates, as it is his first day on the job, a job that has taking six years to get. Chris reads his delay as an admission of guilt. When Chris receives a call to say the line up is going ahead, she assumes that Ron has another trick up his sleeve. Despite her inclination to cancel, Leslie goes ahead with her benefit concert, knowing that Brad will finally be in the audience. Snapper tries to convince Brad not to leave town, while Lorie, unaware of Brad’s plans, tells him if he hurts her sister, she will tell the truth about his illness.

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Peggy identifies Ron as her assailant, then - screaming out in agony - she attacks him, but is restrained by Stu and Chris. Although Chris denies having any influence over Peggy, Stu and Jen are not convinced. Jen points out the since Peggy never really saw his face, how could she identify her attacker? Stu mentions the fact that Ron approached Peggy before the line up to express his condolences, though Chris sees it as a fantastic bluff. Peggy could have been highly influenced by Chris' prejudice. While Stu and Jen express their concern for the Becker family, Chris is adamant in her belief in Ron's guilt. Nancy is adamant about her husband's innocence, she comes to the Brooks and begs for their help. She knows Chris has disliked Ron ever since learning of his past, but he is innocent, and with his new job, they had their first chance for a normal life. Stu and Jen are at a loss for words. Guilty or innocent, Ron must be held in custody because he cannot post bond. Leslie plays the benefit, her music more wonderful than ever due to Brad being in the audience, Brad prays his sight doesn’t fail him before the night is over. He has made up his mind; he is going to leave her tonight. In his farewell letter he tells her of his love, but not the real reason why he is leaving. He merely asks her to trust him this once more. His departure is stalled by Lorie, who guessed what he was planning. She is determined to protect Leslie and to stop Brad from completely devastating her. Although she feels as if she's betraying her sister, Lorie takes Brad to her apartment. Leslie, humming to herself, opens Brad's letter.

Jill begins her first day in the Baker Hotel barbershop as a manicurist. Just as she is being propositioned for the second time that day, Snapper arrives, grabs her hand and takes her home. She protests, but he quietly explains about compromise and says, "All you have is you. If you compromise that, you don't know who or what you are!" Tearfully grateful, Jill admits she was very glad to see him there. Peggy is having doubts, and is torturing herself with thoughts of what Nancy and Karen will do without Ron. Although Chris urges her to put those doubts behind her, Peggy can't. Nancy visits Ron in Jail. They are both pained by their inability to comfort each other. Ron, tearfully, tells Nancy to divorce him so that she - with Karen - can start a new life. He is a born loser who has just lost the only chance he ever had. Nancy refuses to give up. Stu expresses his concern about the Beckers to Chris, and says that some people can never get out from under. Nancy learns on top of everything else that her mother has died. Lorie begs Brad to change his mind and it doesn't work, she then concocts a plan, she has learned of a wonderful doctor in San Francisco who might be able to help Brad, but he feels it is useless to try another doctor. To convince him, Lorie forces him to hear for himself what pain he is causing Leslie. She gets Les to the apartment and goads her into screaming out that her only chance of retaining her sanity is to believe that Brad will come back to her. That does it. He will let Lorie take him to Dr. Spencer. Lorie tells Lance she must go to San Francisco. He pensively agrees to ask her no questions, as he holds the ring he has just, impulsively, bought her. Leslie continues with the fiction that Brad is visiting his mother, who is ill. Lance wonders where Lorie is - and with whom. He pretends her mystery is intriguing, but Lorie's sudden departure has hurt him.

Lance and Vanessa are now at the summer home at Lake Geneva. When he remarks that it is an ideal time for entertaining, she is disconcerted. She has elected to live in seclusion and she regards his statement as an indictment. Does her son regard her as an encumbrance? Lance assures her he does not. JoAnn is emerging as a woman in her own right. In one afternoon she is able to accept a dinner date, and also to tell Johnny that he can stay at the apartment or move; it doesn't matter any more. Nancy, trying to use psychology, asks the Brooks to care for Karen while she goes to her mother's funeral, but Stu feels it would not be fair to Peggy. Jen wonders how sure Peggy can be of her identification if Karen’s presence in the house can cast doubts on it? Although it is painful for her, Peggy must testify at a grand jury hearing that will indict Ron. Tormented by her doubts, she hopes that Chris will be there soon to help her. Chris is in Denver, trying to find out exactly what happened that night six years ago. The woman who claimed to be raped, and who has kept her past secret from her husband, will not tell Chris anything more than that she did not testify against Ron because her past was not very clean. Despite Chris' pleas, she will say no more. Brock is of more immediate help. Visiting Peggy, he recites some beautiful prayers to her; the one which says that with God's help we can all face any problem, is the one that goes straight to her heart. She is able, then, to look at him and say that she now knows she cannot blame all men for her misfortune. Brock has also aided Jill. With his help she is able to get a better perspective of herself plus a good job in a beauty salon.

Lance does his best to take care of Leslie during what he thinks is merely Brad's absence, and he makes sure she sees a doctor after a fainting spell at his summer home. Later they share one dazzling, bewildering kiss and Leslie suggests they not see each other again. Leslie then learns from Snapper that she is pregnant. She wants no one else to know about it yet, but she is thrilled to be pregnant with Brad’s child. Nancy inherits $9,000 from her mother and uses the money to arrange Ron's bail. Jeff Lawrence will defend Ron, and during their interviews the lawyer finds enough cause to petition the court to drop the charges. Because Ron introduced himself to Peggy before the line-up, and because of the influence exerted by Chris, it is possible that there is no evidence to convict Ron of his heinous deed. Whatever doubts Peggy may have harboured in her heart about her identification of Ron, as her attacker, they disappear when she hears of the action taken by Ron's lawyer. She is now convinced of his guilt. Chris is also convinced - that Ron cleverly planned the introduction before the line-up. Lorie and Brad return from San Francisco. There is, apparently, no known cause for his blindness. Brad is determined to stay out of Leslie's life. He has no ready answer when Lorie, after her offer to accompany him in his flight is rejected, asks him how he expects to manage? Jack, at loose ends because Peggy is not ready to see him, asks JoAnn for a date. He is unpleasantly surprised when she turns him down because she has a date for that night. She also has a new hair-do: and a new young woman is beginning to emerge, confident and pretty. Brock has good reason to be happy for the part he has played in Jo's "recovery."

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Jo decides to divorce Jack, she wants him and Peggy to be happy, she even visits Peggy to tell her of her decision. For Peggy it may be too late, she isn’t sure she could ever get that close to a man again. Jack seems to be in the same place he put Jo, a lukewarm love can be worse than an unrequited one. Peggy and Chris prepare for the trial, Ron’s lawyer files a motion to have the line up identification suppressed and there is a possibility all charges may be dropped, for Peggy having to recount her ordeal is horrible, but if it means putting her assailant behind bars, she is more than willing to do it. Nancy is hopeful Ron will return to her, as there is a chance he may come home a free man, and any chance is better than nothing at all. The mood is hopeful, but turns to shock when Nancy discovers a piece of paper in Ron’s pants with the correct address of Chris’ apartment. Nancy does her best to explain it away, but is shaken by her discovery. The judge makes his decision, the motion to suppress the identification is denied, the trial will begin next week. Brad tells Lorie he will return to Leslie if he feels that she is cracking under the pressure of his absence, the concert will be the deciding factor. Lorie and Brad listen by telephone and Leslie is brilliant. Lorie is glad her sister has the strength to carry on, while Brad is convinced that Leslie will be okay without him and makes plans to divorce and leave his wife.

Snapper knows Brad is doing the wrong thing by Leslie, he decides to go to Lorie, he is sure she has the key to getting through to Brad, but will he also tells Lorie that her sister is pregnant. While at home Vanessa is startled by the sound of a fire siren, it brings back painful memories of the fire. Lance reiterates that the fire was arson, started by his brother Lucas. He reminds her that Lucas left them because he was too ashamed by his actions and what they resulted in for his mother. No matter what hopes he harbours of having a life of his own, Lance knows that Vanessa couldn’t go on if he left her too. Because he is kind and understanding to her, Kay decides that Ralph is her salvation, it doesn’t matter that they come from different worlds, she has decided to marry him, he will save her from herself. Kay organises a dinner date with Ralph, against Liz and Brock’s suggestions of a low key event, Kay goes all out to show Ralph the finer things in life she can offer him. Kay wastes no time and proposes to Ralph. Ralph is taken aback and tells Kay he is very attracted to her but the differences in their worlds are too great. Kay is devastated. Meanwhile Jill, hearing of Kay’s failed romance with Ralph and seeing an opportunity, tells Derek Thurston, her new boss, about her former friend and employee. Derek is intrigued, he definitely dreams of a better life and sees in the very wealthy Kay Chancellor, the opportunity to attain it.

Snapper accepts that Lorie has no idea where Brad is, Lorie and Brad then call Maestro Fausch, who tells them that Leslie has agreed to accompany him to South America. They are relieved to learn of her whereabouts and Brad is happy that Leslie seems to be facing life without him, with the courage he always knew she had. Nancy’s faith in Ron is beginning to waiver, she tells him of her doubts and he frantically explains that he introduced himself to Peggy before the line up as he felt sorry for her and kept thinking of Karen. Nancy is remorseful and realises her error, she rushes to see Peggy and convince her of Ron's innocence, together maybe they can stop the trial before it begins. Peggy listens to Nancy’s explanation, though she gives nothing away, she is definitely affected by her. Peggy is tormented and alone she begins to relive the rape, at first the man’s face is blank, then she can see the face covered by a stocking, she then sees the man in full view, it is Ron Becker. Peggy testifies the next day and stands firm through both her questioning and cross examination that Ron Becker is the man who raped her. Brock consoles his mother over her failed romance with Ralph and tells her when God closes one door he always opens another, Liz tells Kay that Ralph wasn’t good enough for her and gives her what she needs, a shoulder to cry on.

Lorie is appalled when Brad tells her of his intention to divorce Leslie, he explains it is the only way to set her completely free. But Brad has doubts that he will be able to say the words to his wife once they are standing in the same room together. Lance tells Lorie he wants to take her to Rome with him, while she initially says no, thinking of Brad and Leslie, she later agrees. When he kisses her, Lorie is startled to see the door they are standing in front of begin to open. Vanessa watches, she begins to realise that things are getting serious between Lance and Lorie and she decides that she must get rid of the tramp before she loses her son. Lorie happens to come upon Vanessa. Vanessa makes no secret of her ambitions and tries to buy Lorie off. When that doesn’t work, the duel begins. Both women agree on one thing, this meeting will be kept secret from Lance. Vanessa then goes to Lance and tells him she wants to accompany him to Rome, she is ready to face the world, Lance suggests she join himself and Lorie, but Vanessa deviously tells him she isn’t ready to meet Lorie yet. Lance, wanting to do the right thing for his mother, the woman who gave up her life for him, agrees and goes to tell Lorie the change of plans. Lorie unaware that she is no longer invited to Rome, wonders if she should take the trip now that Brad awaits Leslie’s return with the news he wants a divorce. Lorie feels she should be on hand for her sister and brother in law. In the courtroom the trial continues as both sides present their cases. Ron, against his attorney’s advice, decides to testify, he is so good on the stand, even Peggy admits to Jen that she would be taken in by his performance if she didn’t know better. The trial comes to an end and the jury is taken away to deliberate.

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Thanks so much for these - I still have a lot of reservations about both Chris and Peggy being raped, but it does sound like high emotional drama and like they were told from the woman's point of view and showed the true ugliness of rape.

I always wish I could see this Lance/Lorie/Lucas early days, although it must have been sad for Brad fans.

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Liz and Bill are concerned for Kay’s health. Bill goes to Kay who, drinking heavily, tries to ignore the doorbell. Finally she opens the door and Bill barges in, he tries to reason with her while she smokes, not realising the smoke is depriving Bill of oxygen. Kay gives him his oxygen tank and calls Liz. Liz rushes over and tells Kay, Bill will be ok, but Kay feels guilty, despite Brock telling her this was a gift from God to save the life of a friend. Lance tells Lorie he has to cancel their trip as someone who requires privacy will be going instead, Lorie knows who that someone is and isn’t impressed, though she knows she has to stay and help Leslie anyway. Vanessa develops a high fever, which may cause Lance to cancel his trip and her re-entry into the world. The jury foreman announces the verdict, but not before explaining they felt Ron was guilty, but that the case was not sufficiently proven. Ron is acquitted. Peggy is devastated. All she can say is that somehow, someday, she will make him pay for what he did. Ron smiles. It is a slow and, to an onlooker, horrifying smile. "Now how about that?" he says to himself. Brad goes through his carefully rehearsed recital of his desire for a divorce. Leslie runs out of the apartment in a state of shock and he is drained after the effort of his ordeal. Snapper is the only one who knows both Leslie's and Brad's secrets; but each hold him to the silence of doctor/patient privilege, and he is unable to intervene. Lorie feels Brad can’t go through with his request for a divorce twice and convinces Leslie to confront him again, but Brad does it again. Leslie never suspects he is blind, she tells him there will be someone else one day, Brad never suspects that someone is his child.

Lance comes to Lorie's apartment and, in spite of the lack of champagne and flowers, he presents her with the ring he bought for her. For once, Lorie is speechless. Ron comes home and begins talking about remaining in Genoa City instead of starting over again somewhere else as they had planned. Nancy has a small glimpse of a stranger, when she is frightened by the violence of his refusal to leave town or explain what he means by "unfinished business" he must attend to. Peggy is shaken out of her inertia by a proposal form Brock, she does not understand Brock at all, but one thing is sure, it worked. He holds her hand as he describes the lovely, smiling afternoon they will share. Bill knows he has not long to live and he begs Snapper to keep him out of the hospital until the last possible minute. The only thing he can do for his family now is to help them avoid worry about hospital bills. When the plan to have Derek seduce and con Kay out of her fortune falls flat, Jill begins a campaign of torture to make Kay sign over the money that she feels is Little Phillip's - by right, she accuses Kay of almost killing her father and sending him back to the hospital. Lorie, still angry at her mother for her affair and the pain it caused, doesn’t tell her about her engagement. She runs to Stuart with the news, and he couldn’t be happier. Stuart tells Lorie he isn’t thrilled to learn Brad and Leslie are still in town and that Brad’s mother is on a cruise when she has been ill. Lorie remains silent. Vanessa tells Lorie she would sooner die than let the little tramp marry Lance. Vanessa then requests Lorie come to her house for a talk. Hoping this is an overture towards peace, Lorie is stunned when Vanessa explains that Lance only loves one woman, Leslie.

Brad's plan to have Leslie divorce him has met with a snag. She has decided that she will not divorce the father of her unborn baby. If he wants a divorce, he can get it himself. Bill's attempt to hasten things along by smoking one cigarette is foiled by the arrival of Snapper. Later, when Liz is called home because of it, she lets Bill have it with no holds barred. She will not allow him to walk out on her and the children a second time. She believes God will not take him for quite a while, and she makes Bill promise never to try to tamper with the Will of God again. They pray together. Chris is beginning to live in fear. She has just received an obscene phone call. Is it a coincidence? Or the first of many? Has Ron begun the campaign of revenge identical with the one he carried on against Sharon six years ago? She is sure she will be Ron's next victim, but without proof - there is nothing the law can do to protect her before she becomes another statistic. At the Allegro, Lorie looks at her ring and wonders what, exactly, it signifies, what it means. Her musings are interrupted by the arrival of Lance. He suggests that now is a good time for him to meet her family. They are all delighted at Lorie's announcement, and she has only a few disconcerting moments when she sees the warm rapport that exists between her fiancée and Leslie.

Vanessa does her best to delay “meeting” Lorie, but Lance is insistent. Vanessa tries to use her condition to guilt Lance. To no avail, though he loves his mother, he will not allow her to keep him from marrying Lorie, he will not be blackmailed in order to mollify Vanessa. When the two women are fact to face, they tacitly agree to pretend that this is a first meeting. Lorie does her best to offer the olive branch, knowing now the cause of Vanessa's attitude and why she wears a veil. It does little good, because Vanessa continues on her track of diverting Lance away from Lorie by praising Leslie (who is "safe," because she is married already). It strengthens Lorie's resolve. To herself, she says that she will see to it that she and Lance are married, and within two weeks. Stu and Jen are stunned by Leslie's announcement that she and Brad are separated, though she does not know why. Stu is determined to get to the bottom of this, and he goes to the apartment, using Leslie's key to gain entry. Incredibly, Brad manages to hide his blindness. He convinces Stu - without actually saying the words - that he no longer loves Leslie, making Stu feel nothing but revulsion for the son-in-law who meant so much to him. Hoping against hope that her father will be able to plumb Brad's secret reason, Leslie hears from Stu something she does not wish to hear. He tells her to divorce Brad. When Chris receives a second obscene call, Snapper is livid. He has vowed to tear Becker apart if Chris is bothered again, and Chris is worried that he might do just that when she sees the anger exploding from his entire being.

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At all costs, Lorie decides, Lance must not know of Leslie and Brad's separation. When she learns that Les has already told Lance, Lorie swears to herself that if they make one move toward each other, she will tell Leslie why Brad wants the divorce. Brad tells Laurie that her needs are not as great as Leslie's. But is Lorie really that strong? Lorie still fears rejection by Stu if he were to learn the truth about Jen's affair, and she uses Jen's visit to the apartment as an occasion to vent her wrath. Jen, heartbroken, leaves to go to the doctor for her check-up. Leslie overhears Lorie lay into their mother. She tries to convince Lorie to forgive Jen, but to no avail. As she leaves, she sees Stu getting into the elevator. He knows. Leslie rushes to the house to talk to Stu, to try to explain what happened. Horrified, Stu remembers that Jen only came back to him last year because of her mastectomy. Bruce is the man she loves; their marriage is nothing but a lie, a travesty. He is utterly devastated. Jen leaves the doctor's thinking she has been given a clean bill of health. She does not know that at that moment the doctor is placing an urgent call to Stu. Snapper believes Nancy when she gives Ron an alibi for the time of the latest obscene call. Later, she is horror-stricken to learn that Ron had gone out while she was in the shower. The vehemence with which he counters her accusations frightens her out of her wits.

Dr. Atwater calls Stu to say that Jen's battle against cancer is very good, but it is her heart that concerns him; until he can find the cause of the erratic heartbeats, she must be shielded from all stress. Jen cannot understand Stu's almost detached air. She expected him to be as joyful as she that her check-up went so well. She has no inkling of the pressure he is facing: how he must keep silent about the pain tearing his heart in two every time she says she loves him. Peggy takes a step toward life and wears Jack's ring. Jo, her defences shattered, her self-esteem gone, resorts to the only reaction she knows, a veritable orgy of eating. Even Brock cannot reach her. Johnny comes to the apartment, but she throws him out. She never had an engagement ring. Peggy attempts to save Jo from herself, but fails - even when she says she is returning the ring. In Denver for Leslie's concert, Lorie attempts to convince Lance that this would be a perfect place to be married, but Lance will not rush things - Vanessa, for one, needs more time. Lorie is also increasingly concerned and jealous of Lance's attention to Leslie. Moments before her concert, Leslie confides in the Maestro her plans and reasons for divorcing Brad. She also tells him she is pregnant. Aghast at her predicament and pain, the Maestro resolves to intervene. He calls Brad to tell him about the baby. When the phone is not answered, he sits down to write Brad. He does not know it cannot be read. While his phone rings, Brad sits there beside it, tears streaming down his face. He was able to listen to Leslie's electrifying performance. The pain is unendurable.

Bill is unable to mask his continued deterioration. At his birthday party, he collapses and is rushed to the hospital. Bill consents to remain in the hospital only because Snapper pretends that the fees will be written off because staff members families are not changed. Lorie is not very pleased when Lance invites Leslie to join them in a drive out to the Lake. They plan to discuss a wedding date with Vanessa, but Lorie knows that taking her sister along is only playing into Vanessa's hands. At the Lake, Leslie faints, but pretends a lack of eating is the cause. While Lance and Lorie prepare her tea and toast, Vanessa comes into the room and, all warmth and friendliness, introduces herself. Vanessa's attitude is in striking contrast with her warfare against Lorie. Later, Vanessa manages to throw Lance and Leslie together while she pretends to a desire to show Lorie her private chambers. Alone with her detested future daughter-in-law, Vanessa pointedly remarks to Lorie her astonishment that she and Leslie are sisters. (How much does she know? What has her private investigation of Lorie unearthed?) Taking all she can stand, Lorie grabs the offensive and unerringly finds Vanessa's jugular vein; she accuses Vanessa of opposing Lances' marriage to anyone - because SHE wants him for herself! She is in love with her son and is playing Jocasta while she attempts to make Oedipus out of Lance. While the Fosters worry about the mounting hospital bills, Brock convinces Kay to help them. Kay cannot, it seems, give without having strings attached. She demands that Jill come to ask her herself. Jill does, and hugs Kay in gratitude, until she hears Kay's condition: Jill must sign an affidavit swearing that Philip Chancellor is not the father of her baby.

Nancy confesses to Chris that she lied when she said Ron was home the night of the phone call. Chris does her best to convince Nancy she must leave Ron immediately. Ron is furious that Nancy cancelled the telephone installation. She is the cause for anything he MAY have done because she is mousey and plain, and she never gave him what he needed. She is just like his mother, bossy. He storms out of the room. Nancy crumbles onto the sofa. There is a closeness between Lance and Leslie that Vanessa wishes to capitalise on, and she avers that Leslie is in love with Lance, although she does not yet realise it herself. When Lorie tells Brad of her worries, he convinces her to give Vanessa enough rope. Brad feels Vanessa won’t let any woman take Lance away. Vanessa will show herself for the scheming shrew she is. Lorie feels a little better but how she longs to talk it over with Stu. And now Stu would like to talk things over with Lorie! He is on his way to her apartment when he is stopped by Peggy who tells him of her engagement and asks him to speak with Jack, which he agrees to. Jack is upset when Stu comes over and blasts him for the engagement. Ron catches Nancy trying to call Chris for help. Paralysed with fear, Nancy collapses under the force of his demented personality. Ron then lures Chris to the apartment. He calls Legal Aid and hands the phone to Karen, telling her to ask Chris to come and take care of her, that her mother and daddy have left her alone and she is afraid. Chris enters the door of the Becker's apartment and while she embraces the child, her blood runs cold when she hears Ron's voice. Ron chillingly tells Chris he will prove to her that she is wrong about him: he is a man. Chris tries to keep calm in front of this madman. Liz is disgusted by Kay’s request to Jill. She is further burdened when she reads the Right-to-Die declaration signed by Bill and witnessed by - of all people - her two sons.

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Chris tells Ron that Snapper will be home soon. Not believing her, he begins to attack Chris, until Karen comes into the room and wonders what her father is doing. Ron disintegrates completely at the realisation that his daughter is a witness to his depravity, he runs off into the night, while Chris hugs Karen and wonders where Nancy is. After hearing the message that Chris left for Snapper, Greg races to the Becker’s apartment. He brings Chris and Karen to Chris’ place. When Snapper arrives home, he agrees to let Karen stay with them, at least until Nancy is found. Liz thanks Kay for her help, she was angry about the affidavit, but help is help and it is sorely needed. Liz feels the affidavit was evidence that Kay knows that Phillip is the father of Jill’s son, Liz also makes mentions of Kay’s wealth, calling them empty treasures, this is all Kay needs to hand over the affidavit and a signet ring that belonged to Phillip as a gift for the baby. Lorie confronts her father over his knowledge about her paternity. Lorie tries to reject Stuart before he can reject her. Stuart tells her that he won’t lose a daughter over a technicality and Lorie’s tears turn to joy. Stuart is convinced that Peggy is not ready for marriage, especially when she is unable to tell him of a single plan regarding her New Years Eve wedding to Jack. Jack tells Stuart he will not postpone the wedding, he feels that Peggy is ready to marry and have a full relationship. Jack shows Peggy his new living space, while she is not put off by the small, grubby apartment, the sight of the unmade bed disgusts her. Jack tries to make love to Peggy, but she can’t go through with it, something that gives Jack food for thought.

While going over Brad’s bills, Lorie comes across the letter that The Maestro wrote to Brad and immediately heads to his place. Lorie tells Brad about Leslie’s pregnancy, and while it shakes him to the core, he remains unchanged about his plans. Unknown to Lorie, Lance arrives at her place to see her, as she returns she learns he has been having dinner with Leslie and his assumptions that she was sleeping with another man, instead of taking revenge on her sister, Lorie heads the The Allegro to drink her frustrations away. Lance finds her there and Lorie explains she was with Brad, trying to convince him to return to Leslie. Lance does not completely understand what is going on, but admits that he loves Lorie very deeply. Leslie tells Brad he will shortly be served with divorce papers, any inclination that Brad had about Leslie needing him goes unvoiced. Chris is told not to get too attached to Karen. But Chris reasons that until Nancy is found, she must look after her. While Greg tells Chris she will be named legal guardian of Karen, Nancy sits in a ward of a mental hospital, quietly calling for help. When Bill finds out the costs of the medical bills, he attempts to leave. In a desperate attempt to save her father, Jill goes to Kay and begs her to see Bill and tell him she will be paying for the costs of the hospital stay. Kay goes to see Bill and taking his hand tells him it will all be okay. Whether he lives or dies, Bill at last has found some peace. Lorie has had enough of Brad’s behaviour and confronts him about his selfishness and self pity. She resolves to tell Leslie about his illness. At the same time, Vanessa is showing the detective’s report to Leslie, which shows Lorie’s countless visits to Brad. Leslie becomes convinced, with help from Vanessa, that Lorie and Brad have resumed their romance, she too plans to confront Lorie with the truth.

Leslie and Lorie meet and have it out, Lorie finally tells Leslie about Brad’s blindness, Leslie does not hesitate and rushes straight to Brad. Brad is stunned to learnt that Leslie knows of his blindness and tries to explain his actions. Instead of rushing into his arms to forgive him, she tells him he can have his divorce. He took away her right to plan her own future and denigrated their wedding vows, he can have his freedom, she hopes he enjoys, because she will not. Lorie is now free to defend herself against Vanessa’s attacks and does so with relish, but while Vanessa concedes to losing the battle, she will not give up the war. Vanessa is now determined to remove Lorie from Lance’s life, if she has to accept anyone it will only be Leslie. Lorie and Lance celebrate, believing that Brad and Leslie are reuniting. Their celebrations are interrupted when Vanessa calls to say that Lucas may have been found in South America. Lance rushes to find his brother and Lorie has every intention of joining him. Brock tells Jo she should move in with Kay, while Kay agrees, both women are tentative about it due to their differences in age and background, though both have one thing in common, loneliness. Leslie is confused and tormented by her current situation. Matters are not helped when Lorie tries to convince her that Brad did what he did out of love, while Vanessa hints at Lance’s unrequited love for her.

Stuart is not at all happy about Vanessa’s meddling in his daughter’s lives and goes to Brad and tells him if he truly loves Leslie and wants her back, better act fast. Vanessa then turns up at Brad’s and tells him while he may love Leslie she would only return to him out of loyalty, duty and pity. The very idea is abhorrent to Brad, while Vanessa leaves him with that thought, Leslie is on her way to talk to him. Lance and Lorie return from a fruitless journey to South America, Lance is perturbed by his elusive brother, who he has not seen in almost ten years. Lance then suggests to Lorie that they marry on Valentine’s Day, while outwardly happy, Lorie is determined to marry him well before that. Watching Bill suffer unimaginable pain is too much for Liz to bear. He begins to beg for mercy, he asks her to turn off his respirator and she eventually she does, within seconds he is dead. Snapper walks in to find his father dead and is shocked to see Liz in the corner and the respirator plug on the floor. He immediately thinks of his mother and takes her home, but forget to plug the respirator back in, hoping to return to the hospital before anyone notices, he is too late. Nurse Warner discovers what has happened and immediately calls the hospital administrator. Bill’s funeral is held shortly after and Brock gives the eulogy, telling his loved ones to celebrate his life. If they mourn it is for themselves. It helps to sustain the Fosters and Kay in their moments of deep sorrow.

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Lance and Lorie tell Vanessa of their plans to marry on Valentine’s Day. Vanessa refuses to be apart of the celebrations. Lorie does her best to paint a glowing picture of their future together, which includes Vanessa, while Lorie thinks she is making in roads, Vanessa is more determined than ever to stop the union. Leslie is more determined to have Brad back. She tries something different, instead of babying him , she tells him his place and appearance are a mess, he has been wallowing in self pity all these months and she is finally sick of it, during this meeting their hands accidentally touch and Brad mentions the smell of her perfume and asks about her hair. Leslie pretends to be busy and leaves while Brad softly asks her to come back to him, she doesn’t hear, but she will be back. Liz is trying hard to follow Brock’s advice regarding Bill. Only she and Snapper know what happened that night, and while her actions are not yet a threat to her, they are a constant reminder of how her husband died. Nurse Warner has reported the pulled plug to the Hospital administrator board, only time will tell if an investigation will result in the police being called. While Chris wants Nancy to be found, she also believes that she is very good for the girl too, when Karen asks if she can call her mommy, the smile on Chris’ face is answer enough, Snapper, on the other hand, is afraid that Chris will be the one who ends up getting hurt in all of this.

Stuart runs a story with Nancy’s picture in the paper, while Nancy sits in her ward remembering, Chris is elated at the lack of response, if only to keep Karen a bit longer. The nurses at the hospital discuss the article, while they see a similarity they don’t connect the dots, Nancy was brought in under the name Mrs Jackson and doesn’t fully resemble the clean, happy woman in the paper, the paper, Nancy’s last link to salvation, is thrown in the bin. Peggy’s upcoming wedding is cause for concern for the Brook’s family. Her sisters notice a spark and energy missing from their sister and resolve to help her get it back, while Jack worried that his last name was never legally changed from Curtzinksi, he is mostly afraid that Stuart will not except his ethnicity. Lorie visits Brad and tells him she notices the changes since Leslie’s last visit. Brad has cleaned the apartment and shaved, he then asks Lorie to cut his hair, she sharply tells him to have his wife do it and leaves. Lorie then arranges for the piano at her parent’s place to be put out of tune so Leslie has to practice at Brad’s. Leslie turns up at Brad’s for that reason and he asks her to do his hair, which she does, when she notices a broken picture of her on the floor, she makes Brad admit that the picture broke because he stumbled. Leslie then smiles as she plays the piano.

Vanessa was more affected than she was willing to admit by Lorie’s speech to her. She decides to accept Lorie into Lance’s life and calls a truce. Lorie is overwhelmed with happiness by the news. Dr. Atwater and the hospital board discuss the Foster case and decide it is best for the police to be called. If they find the plug was pulled before he died then they will be looking at murder. Snapper is stunned when Nurse Warner tells him what she has done. Kay’s loneliness is forgotten as Brock comes by with a large Christmas tree and Jo makes a huge feast for them, she is overwhelmed when children call by to carol and stay to decorate the tree. Lorie tells Lance about her new rapport with Vanessa and is chagrined to learn that he knew all along what she was up to. He then showers her with lavish gifts, including a necklace and a Mercedes. Lance and Lorie then visit Brad and Leslie and give them a beautiful tree and some crystal ornaments, Brad makes an effort to hang the Madonna and child, knowing that Leslie is pregnant and Leslie sings their song. Later, Leslie slips a note into his book, transcribed into Braille. It is a message of love, she then pretends to leave. Brad reads the message and goes to call Leslie, saying to himself she must be home, Leslie then softly whispers, she is home.

Liz tries to be stoic, facing the first Christmas since Bill died, but finds it hard. She then gets a visit from David Mallory, a young man who received a cornea transplant from Bill. This brings Liz back to life, knowing this young man was given a second chance at life, that is the best gift of all imaginable for Liz. Bill does live on. Snapper is worried, now that Nurse Warner has reported Bill’s suspicious death. A Detective Dillon is on the case and wants to know the why, who and when. Snapper resolves to protect his mother at all costs. Chris is hurt by Snapper’s refusal to discuss what is going on. She does not understand that Snapper must bear this burden by himself. While Nevada, and on the spur of the moment, Lorie and Lance decided to marry in a civil ceremony. When they return they tell her family. Only Peggy reacts negatively as now her wedding to Jack is off. Dreaming of her wedding night to Jack, Peggy sees Ron instead and wakes up screaming. Stuart hates to be proven right, but tells Peggy she needs to seek professional help. The truce between Vanessa and Lorie comes to an end when she hears of their marriage. Vanessa tells Lorie to enjoy it, while she can. Vanessa has no doubt that Lorie will revert to the tramp she thinks she is.

Jill, thankful for the help Kay gave to her family, visits Kay and lets her spends time with Phillip Jr. It reminds her of seeing Phillip and Jill together in the cabin and she tells the baby about it. Jill overhears and is disgusted that Kay knew all along that Phillip was the father of her child, how can she be so heartless towards an innocent child, taking away his name, his birthright. Kay coldly tells her that they had an even exchange, Jill took her husband, Kay took her son’s name. Jill screams at Kay how much she hates her. When Liz finds out, she confronts Kay and angrily quits her job. Kay reminds her that the money from her job helps keep Phillip Jr. fed and clothed. Liz takes back her resignation. Snapper is concerned about his mother, the police investigation and Chris’ growing attachment to Karen. Karen begins to hate the sight of her mother when shown a picture of her. Snapper worries about Nancy or Ron turning up, and what that will do to Chris. Chris is convinced that her love for Karen will overcome any obstacle. Stuart receives a call from the state mental hospital. They are now suspicious if the woman in the newspaper article is the same woman who was admitted as Fran Jackson. Stuart goes to visit Nancy and is appalled by the state she is in. He is further shaken by the suggestion by doctors that Karen may be the only person who can get through to her. When he tells Chris about his visit to the hospital and what they suggest, Chris refuses to subject Karen to that kind of ordeal.

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Not sure if I have all the facts, but I believe she had forced Lorie to divorce Lance in 1980, he left for Paris, though returned a few months later when Lucas was shot and the sparks were still there, though he left again for Paris. He then returned again in 1981, I believe Lorie and Lance were eventually on the way to a reconciliation and even re-marriage when Vanessa discovered she was dying and decided to use it as an opportunity to ruin Lorie's life and make sure the pair would never be together.

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I asked this already, but never really got an answer, but after Nikki and Victor divorced and she had Nicholas which spammed from late 1987-1988, What did Nikki actually do for most of 1989? I know she was involved with Jim Grainger,but most of that year seemed like it took a break from Nikki's stories and was mainly about Phillip dying, and That long dragged out Cassandra Rawlins story i keep hearing about?

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