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haha Oh yeah, about to place an order for them so I shall post them to YT as soon as they arrive :P


I'm really glad Sheila and Victor never really got to know each other personally. As much as I love Sheila, I would never want her to succeed in, say, killing Lauren or succeeding in committing some atrocity to that effect. Having said that, the idea of her being manipulated and having the wool pulled over her eyes by TGVN and ultimately screwed over would be one of the most excruciating things to watch. Still, like we've discussed in the past, with Stephanie basically being the female equivalent to Victor, it was nice to see Sheila give her hell for all those years.

Even Katherine acknowledging Sheila with "Sheila got exactly what she deserved." is still weird for me to listen to. And as much as it pains me to give any credit to anything they did in that Pheila storyline, I did appreciate those scenes where everybody joined together to help find Phyllis and the babies, especially the Nikki scenes you mentioned. I always imagine the real Sheila was out there somewhere just laughing after discovering she indirectly had the most prestigious of Genoa City up in arms courtesy of 'Sugar'.

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awesome! :) between you getting those episodes and the ones I'm getting there will be a lot to look forward too!

I think Bill Bell was afraid that Sheila would be too much for Victor to handle which is why it was smart of him not to have them meet (or at least not have story together) and ugh.....it still annoys me how much Stephanie really did become a female Victor......she really could have used one more visit from her old pal Sheila before she died......it was sad to see her go granted, but she was just an insufferable witch towards the end....I know Flannery comes off a lot more likable then Braeden IRL but the fact that she had a "no slapping Stephanie" clause in her contract (well....maybe the last 6 or 7 years) kind of made it really ridiculous as Stephanie would've been slapped several times for all the stuff she said.....it was more like Stephanie always said all these hurtful things and someone would retaliate by insulting her back then it was....SLAP!!! haha.....yup such a Victor Newman thing, except he punches people out knowing damn well he deserves a big knock out too...LOL

Yeah Katherine really didn't have to go there, and Jill was actually correct when she said "what do you deserve then?" I will always love Katherine but sometimes I feel  like after the first decade most of the town never realized how much of a manipulative person Kay could be in the early years of the show when Jill was working for her.....I know it was all character driven how Katherine sort of grew out of that sinister side of her, and Jill became more harder and bitchier, but the problem I feel with Katherine AND Victor is that unlike DOOL where the whole town knows Stefano is basically the devil and treat him that way....I feel like sometimes it would be better if all along people knew of Victor as this horrible ruthless man instead of everyone mostly kissing his feat and bowing towards him as this great human being (if you watch the episode I just uploaded from June 15, 1993 which is Victor's funeral, though it wasn't Victor who died you will see what I mean) I guess that's one thing that made Y&R unique that it was the soap's where the anti heros can be the leading character's in a way......but in retrospect I think all of G.C gave Victor too much credit.....and it's like when people like Sheila eventually come along, who sort of did suffer for the havoc she caused, you kind of think it's such a waste not to see Victor defeated more often.....I know back then there were rare occasions, but even then he was mostly treated as an anti-hero....I hope this all makes sense LOL...

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haha Yes, there certainly will be. I almost miss Michelle Stafford when I see this version of Phyllis. There are times where I honestly have to remind myself that Gina Tognoni's been here just over a year, Michelle's Phyllis I haven't really been invested in since the early 2000s, I cannot for the life of me remember loving her as much in the last ten years as I did watching these 1994-2003 episodes. Although, having said that, I did enjoy her going back to her old ways in 2007 after Pheila.


Stephanie was probably my favourite character out of everybody on B&B. Well, her former self, before she became a complete caricature and was just there to meddle and cause hell. I think the last time I truly enjoyed Stephanie was any scene she had with Darlene Conley. Oh, and in 2003 when she took back Forrester and literally had Brooke dumped in the trash. 


That's where my hatred for Victor truly comes into play. Look at how much Sharon has done over the years and some of the hell she's caused, and practically all of GC is usually armed with their torches and pitchforks. Hell, even Sheila! Lauren's utter refusal to even contemplate the thought of forgiving Sheila for what happened with Scotty, even when Sheila was getting psychiatric help from James. And yet, after everything that Victor has done, where the hell is his lynch mob? I'm amazed no HW has come along, taken one look at this character, and refused to have anybody, namely EB, screw with their script, and told him too bad if he doesn't like it. I'm disappointed to hear about the no slapping clause in Susan's contract also. Granted, I never noticed it since I wasn't watching. Hell, I think the last time I remember her getting slapped was 2005 when everybody discovered her heart attack was faked. Bridget slapped her then didn't she?


I actually watched a September 2012 episode recently, with Victor's funeral/Sharon's wedding to Tucker, and I could not for the life of me believe how many people were bereaved that the man was dead, most of all Jack! The only thing that made it worthwhile was watching Sharon making the absolute biggest mockery out of the whole thing. Granted, she knew he was far from dead, but it was still hilarious to watch. I cannot believe they all kept a straight face filming that.

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haha I will be honest I am excited to see the hit and run part, but I'm also excited that these episodes apparently have scenes of Lauren interacting with Ryan and Nina, cause they were bridesmaids (Nina was the MOH of course) and Ryan was the best man (IDK why???) at Paul and Cricket's wedding which of course was suppose to happen......I always feel like they never interact in any of the old episodes except when the group is all together, so it will be cool to see that, LOL..

My main problem with Stafford, was that though she is the definite Phyllis, I always got fed up with how much she complained about stories behind the scenes.....I feel like she's another person who never liked to see Phyllis lose so they caved to her and had her come out on top sometimes.....I LOVED it when Nina slapped the hell out of her a few years back! I was praying so much for that to happen and it finally did.....I think I was shaking cause I thought Phyllis had a "no slap" thing too, LOL.

with that said I do wish more of early Phyllis circa 1994-1996 was available.....Gina is a great actress, but you can't deny how dumbed down Phyllis is and I just roll my eyes at her and Jack cause ugh.....I just don't buy this great love of theirs. I guess they are endgame, but that doesn't mean I have to endure that LOL

Believe, I often do daydream about that ONE writer who will want to sit down with Braeden and really talk some much needed sense as to why he shouldn't dictate how Victor's story will be played out.....I know it's terrible but I feel like it would be kind of awesome if Braeden even gets emotional...almost like a therapy session....I would personally (and I know this sounds like really bad) tell him, think about all this villains that you watch on disney movies with your granddaughters.....they all have to pay at the end.....I know this is a soap, but would YOU get tired of watching villains with never pay for there crimes, then work their way back up???

SF apparently started that clause after KKL really slapped her during that big BELIEF fight. She insisted that Brooke actually slap Stephanie back for once cause it hasn't happen, but then was like "NO MORE!!!"..... of course I don't get that since she was slapped 2 or 3 other times by Brooke......maybe KKL was the exception...LOL

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I don't really recall Ryan's character at all when I was watching his final years, but seeing his stint from the beginning has made me disappointed that he's no longer around. And as for Nina, oh god yes, her slapping Phyllis was FANTASTIC! That has to be some of the best dialogue exchange in a long time: Phyllis: "This coming you, the person who trademarked lying, cheating tramp." Nina: "Only because you'd trademarked greedy, sneaky whore!" :D

Oh, as much as I love Gina in the role, I could never in a million years picture Michelle even trying to sell half the stuff that Phyllis has said and done over the past year. Speaking of Phyllis, I went back and watched some of Sandra Nelson's performance last night. I'm not going to lie, I actually loved her in the role. This was early 1998 when Phyllis, Danny and Christine flew to New York to obtain Sasha's manuscript. I didn't even know I had them.

I had no idea that slap during the BeLief fight was genuine. Wow, I didn't think I could love that scene anymore than I already do. I'm not sure if this was just an edit from several episodes from around the same week as the fight, but I was thrilled when I found a YT clip that featured a scene between Taylor and Sheila discussing Brooke and the formula while all hell was breaking loose at FC. I'd never really seen the two interact before.

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Yeah like I said, Ryan wasn't one of the characters that made an impression on me either when I was little, as I didn't even know he was on the show till I got into it......the first thing that caught my eye is how young he looked or how young Scott Reeves looked, like I know in real life he was 25 when he first came on(weird that he will be 50 this year!)  but he did only look 19-21 which was suppose to be the character's age anyways.....his wife actually always looked a bit older then him though she's a year younger which is kind of funny, still always thought they were an attractive couple (with attractive kids now I can say) 

of course I always have to throw in that I was stunned that Ryan came on so early as 1991 when Sheila's arc was in full swing....I said this before but visually the way both characters looked seemed miles apart from each other, yet they were on the same show for less then a year.....with Sheila's crossovers the next 2-3 years.....yeah I'm with you, though Ryan did start out as a sleaze he does represent the type of man Y&R lacks today (kind of Like Scott Grainger).....I'm sure if he were still around he would totally do a major 180 as most characters have...It would be cool if Reeves came back on another soap (maybe B&B) but I like that he's gotten some primetime stuff....he was recently on the MTV show "Finding Carter" and played an alcoholic abusive deadbeat dad who tried to reconcile with his son who's one of the main characters I guess but things got violent and he got sent to Jail.....it's weird cause at his current age I always said he would be good getting those types of roles now (probably cause he sort of has that look now) and that's exactly what it was........With that being said it was interesting that he was on an MTV show where I'm sure you know has all these young good looking people all over their shows, and he was now the adult after having that younger role for years on Y&R..................which of course was always so much more old fashioned (in a good way) then all the younger shows now.....

Phyllis really deserved that and Nina was the perfect person to do it, LOL, yeah I heard Sandra's Phyllis was pretty popular and I have seen a few clips and they were all good.....It's too bad she probably wasn't considered when they first decided they were going to recast Phyllis with GT...I mean SN probably doesn't act much these days, but I honestly thought that would be kind of cool to get her back.




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So I watching some 1985 clips of where Jack blackmailed and threatened Ashley over her keeping her true paternity secret from John into giving her full executive control. I was surprised greedy Jack was going to hold that against her when they could have easily had Jill accidentally overhear and be the villainess in the story. After it was brought up a few more times in Y&R history most notably in 1999 and just again last year about Ashley's true paternity, would John have actually cared even if Ash wasn't  his own blood? Sort of like Phillip still being forever Alan's golden boy on GL despite his true family being the Marler's. I could so easily see him cutting off Jack over that blackmail attempt and seeking revenge against Dina, but not give up on loving Ashley and even going so far to adopt her. Given it probably wouldn't have made a difference or not I see why Bell let that twist just be left largely unrevealed. Brad Bell made the same mistake later on with the Ridge paternity twist which proved ultimately meaningless. 

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I'm almost tempted to say that I'm completely disappointed about Ryan's death, but I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a riveting way for him to leave the show. Those were great episodes to watch. I always laugh my ass off whenever I see Victor throw the chair through that window and jump out into the streets :D I'm glad to hear he's still getting work. 


I remember watching The Wolf of Wall Street for the first time and thinking 'I know that reporter from somewhere', and wouldn't you know it, it was Sandra Nelson. I couldn't believe it. I was actually gunning for them to get her back after MS departed, but I'm glad they didn't. Although I abhor the stepford wife routine that Phyllis has adopted, GT's just that good an actress, and whenever the old Phyllis comes out, she sells it. The thing with MS' Phyllis was that, although I loved her devilish ways, she could be such a pantomime villain and campy. Sandra's Phyllis for me seemed like a serious and genuine threat under all circumstances. A lot of people I know consider MS the most evil, but I've always thought Sandra Nelson was the darker one out of the three.

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That's what I thought and some people were like "Hey John doesn't know that Ashley isn't his daughter" back in 2006 upon's John's death. It wouldn't have mattered anyways. 


However I did think it was bit of stretch for Terry Lester's Jack to go as far as to shame Ashley for not being John's real daughter. What a jerk! 


I forgot about Nina slapping Phyllis after her continuous affair with Ronan, that was one of the first things the Griffith regime did to knock Phyllis back down off the pedestal she had been on since the Phick affair. Sandra Nelson's two year tenure is so underrated and not credited enough for the amount of work and story that Nelson covered as Phyllis. Does anyone even remember that Jack and Phyllis had their start under Nelson? 

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I sometimes even forget they weren't related LOL......I'm still annoyed that they almost had Victor blackmail Ashley with that secret.....after their whole affair, it didn't make sense, and I'm glad they dropped it......though I'm sure it was either Braeden or even Davidson that had them drop it.....

I still wish more of Lester's Jack was on youtube, I mostly have seen his final year in 1989, when he's really hamming it up.....I have a feeling if I were able to watch his entire stint I would probably think that Jack deserved all that Victor did with Jabot later.....Lester was the better A.hole as Jack then Bergman ever was.


It was a great story with Tricia shooting him, and yep Victor was in a good place and I liked that whatever he felt about Ryan in the past seemed to dissolve especially after he took the bullet for him....now I kind of wish Ryan had let Victor get shot....

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I'd like to say it would've have had to have been Braeden suddenly remembered in the Marco story Victor helped and saved Ashley from losing her sanity over the Brent revelation, where as Jack was the villain in the story from the clips I watched. "Give me complete executive control on Jabot before I tell Dad first about your secret!" to a terrified Ashley. Again I would have found such a scene more believable if Brenda Dickson's Jill knew the truth and been all "Show those pictures in the cabin and John finds out his beauty isn't his!" before Lester's Jack being sadistic to Davidson's Ashley. 


Lester's Jack indeed NASTY though. I've seen clips of Jack gleefully telling Ashley about what he had digged up on Brad and Lisa and was hopeful to destroy Brad for good with the infomation, even knowing that Lisa might be unstable "A pile of hair" as he later called her. 

YRfan23 I'll dig up the link the link to the clips here for you to watch. Apparently Bell had his own Miss Universe snafu with the the Daytime Emmy's, but I'd say Bell was more deserving that Pamela K. Long that year at GL. 

Edited by soapfan770
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I'll give Braeden credit if he did intervene this time.....though I don't get (minus the fact he just wants Victor to win) why he has allowed this crap with him and Marco.....

That would have been great and I can just see Dickson really eating up those scenes if she knew the truth.....gosh, I love Jess  and she did play Jill as a fury ruthless beast for years, but I was just reminded that Dickson's Jill was just ruthless period.....they really did try to make her the Alexis of Y&R....

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Dang.....Jack was an ass.......how they even fixed Jack and Ashley's relationship later is a mystery now that I watched this.....that's so unforgivable to do that to your own sister....

I will say, I kind of wish sometimes that Jack was always the cruel bastard while Victor was the good guy throughout the show's history....maybe I'm thinking that cause the show seems to think that Victor vs.Jack has always been the heart of the show (of course Jill/Katherine will always hold that tittle) and even with Bill Bell both were  always seem to be written as the male leads of the show....but if Victor and Jack were more of a male version of say Vikki and Dorian,(Victor being Vikki and Jack Dorian) IDK I just think it would justify how they are both written as the leads now if that makes sense....

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