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Oh Believe me, I would love to get more early/mid 80's episodes too someday......especially after seeing those compilation clips that came with my latest dvds....the late 80's/90's stuff is easier to get , but I'm sure someone out there recorded and saved full episodes from 1980-1985? 


Yeah it all went by so fast the time from when Kimberlin left Y&R.....I still feel that the only way to salvage the Sheila stuff that happen the last couple of years is to have her go back to B&B, which makes sense as next year it will be the 30th anniversary.....I've sort of mapped out a great story if she would return that would eventually get Y&R involved too......Kind of like an ultimate make or break story for Sheila....LOL

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I am surprised at what we're able to salvage from YT from time to time, particularly the 70s/early 80s episodes. It is nice being able to get a glimpse of that era in some form.


I have to agree with you there. I'd love to see her attempt to track down James and Mary. Plus, was her supposed child with Massimo ever followed up on? 

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It's sad how they just can't re-air all that good stuff on a retro soap channel or something....but I guess they are not that nice....LOL....

There is certainly enough room on the B&B canvas for Sheila's kids......Diana would probably at least be R.J's age about now (in SORASed form LOL), and as or Daisy being Diana, I'm not sure how true that is, but it would have made more sense then the horrible Sarah Smythe mess.....

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That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm amazed it's been this long since Daisy last disappeared with barely any mention. Not that I really care about her, but I'm amazed Lauren didn't have a complete meltdown once mention was made of Daisy's 'mother' signing her out. However, I did like the little reference Lauren made about keeping a gun in the apartment because of Sheila right after Carmine tried to kill her.

I'm surprised B&B hasn't at least done that with Sheila's kids. But then I guess crazy Quinn's enough for them for the time being. 


I think the only thing worse than that Sarah Smythe thing was Pheila. It's debatable I guess, both just made zero f*cking sense at all.

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Thank you for posting this! I watched this last night, and it was a joy to watch. A few questions and observations that arose for me after this:

  • So Nikki was pregnant with Jack's baby but for some reason didn't actually want the baby (was it because she still wanted Victor?)Also, was this the baby that she lost in the riding accident that in turn caused her to become addicted to pain killers?
  • Traci coming back to claim Brad, but he was dating Ashley. So eager to find out what happened at that dinner date (did Brad and/or Ashley end up telling Traci about the two of them?)
  • Danny being set up by the drug stash - correct me if I'm wrong, but this was one of David Kimble's devious plans? Also, was it explained what was with that detective's attitude towards musicians in general? (that came across really suss to me).
  • Rex and Leanna???? They were a thing???
  • Jill, John and Kay. It was actually nice to see Jill and John trying to reconnect and reconsider getting back together. I know they eventually remarried 2-3 years later, but did anything come between them in the meantime?
  • And that conversation between John and Ashley - so beautiful to see Ashley be happy for her dad and supportive of his choices.
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Your very welcome! :) I'm working on getting some more dates as we speak......there's some more 1993 that I saw was newly listed from my usual seller that I have been wanting to get so I hope to get those dates soon! :)

This was the baby that Nikki lost while riding the horse leading to her addiction....(I posted the October 1990 episodes showing all that) I think she wanted the baby but it was more of wanting Victor back more.....if wasn't really till after this miscarriage she developed real feelings for Jack as he had already done too....(at least for a couple years)

I know Traci found out eventually, but I don't have any dates showing how she did.......hopefully down the road....I personally would have stayed with Brad if I were Ashley, but I always thought Brenda Epperson and Don Diamont looked hot together, LOL

Yes David framed Danny to prevent him from going to Newark with Cricket.....He was afraid that while they were originally going there to get engaged, they were also going there to fix Nina's brooch (or something like that) that David had given Nina as a wedding gift.....the brooch originally belonged to David's first wife who he killed and I guess he figured that Danny and Cricket would uncover evidence from the Brooch that it was originally from his first dead wife, totally busting David in the process.....(I might be missing some details but it's been a while since I watched the episodes LOL)

I'm totally with you with that detective.....ugh......he's such a smug SOB.......I know this was an example of Bill Bell showing backlash people can get, but he did it sometimes in such a way where he makes all those side characters come out like jerks....and what annoys me is that I don't think this dude even apologized to Danny after he was cleared of the charges.....not that he wouldn't still feel like he had too cause of his opinion of rock and roll (which in a way is understandable especially from that time) but he was just a prick to all of them........I don't know why but it always annoys me when you have those type of characters who always (mostly recurring lawyers/detectives) go after all the good guys and never realizing or at least the show letting them realize they have been doped by the bad guys.......This detective never knowing (at least not in my episodes) Danny was framed and then that nasty Glenn Richards guy who went after Nina for shooting David.


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Can't thank you enough! :) still not sure if I will be able to watch 1/11/06 eventually without being sad....haha


For some great news though........You know how I was saying recently how it would be nice to see the full episodes of Sheila coming back to see Scott before the catalina trip? well my seller has updated his 1993 with those dates and I have placed my order! :) haha.......

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haha It is very depressing. Especially considering how much Kimberlin sold those final few minutes. 


Oh wow, that is fantastic news! I haven't been browsing on there lately, I should probably check to see what else they have. Still dying to get my hands on Phyllis running down Christine and Paul as morbid as that may sound :D


I do have some more 2006 in my collection, such as some episodes from April and November. I do have late December and a bit of 2007, namely that whole Pheila thing if we're all in dire need of a laugh as someone on here once said? :D

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It's also depressing as not only did we lose Sheila forever (maybe) Scotty was sent packing too.......my goodness if they had the slightest care that man would have been able to start the next generation of Grainger/Fenmore's (AND Abbott's/Carlton's if he did get with Colleen like....ahem.....he was suppose too)....seriously it's not too late, and it's not that hard to find a tall dark and handsome actor to play him now, LOL

Yes i'm so excited! I just love getting all the full 1993 crossover episodes even if most of the actual Sheila clips are not exactly all that new (maybe some will be) I am a little worried that the dates might be wrong as that happens from time to time, but we will see.....haha

in case you were wondering, this is who I will be getting those episodes from.....not sure if you have seen his page, but he's the one most of the episodes I have collected are from and he also taped them and saved them originally...


The ones I'm getting that he just added are Oct 19,20,21,22,25,26, 1993 (hopefully all or most of those dates are right LOL) I got the other 1993 dates from my French friend who's list I believe you are referring too and he DOES have the Paul and Cricket getting run over episodes! Dec 27,28,29,30 1994 I believe.....I was gonna get those eventually, but please if you are interested you should get them too! :D

haha I'll be honest and probably jump around those 07 episodes with Pheila just to watch her scenes and see people's reactions.....it was just fun getting to hear all of G.C react to Sheila...haha...

She would do well......but It's stupid when you think about it, that of all the people that should have known Jack was Marco all that damn time,Phyllis would be the first to figure it out,as all she had to do was think back to the Pheila stuff........

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haha I can't imagine she'd ham it up as much as MS did. I wouldn't be surprised if every regime since LML and MAB has taken one look at Sheila, seen all the sh*t they've done with her even after she was supposedly 'killed', and just thought 'f*ck it' and not even bothered with her. Which is sad, because if they actually did bring Kimberlin back, I couldn't care less how they explain Pheila or Sarah, Daisy and Ryder. 

Thanks for the link. I've been buying from another seller so far, ghfan, or something to that effect. She had a lot of the missing Sheila episodes from '05. I'm just waiting for someone to add August 11 and 12 to their list and that's it really. I think those are when Michael meets up with Eric to discuss Sheila, followed by Michael visiting Sugar in the hospital.


Thanks so much for the '94 dates, I've been trying to find the exact ones for a while now. 


haha I did like hearing the great Victor Newman shaking in his boots in regards to Sheila, and even acknowledging something along the lines of 'she's a very clever lady.' 

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Oh yeah I know who that is LOL.....I think they also mostly have every dates that are the same from the other sellers......the ioffer one is a little more exclusive as that does eventually get updated with more stuff....even if it takes forever.....haha (but it's worth it) 

haha no problem! it would be cool if you got those dates!

I think Sheila would have probably been up Victor's ally in regards to woman.....at least until she stabbed him in the back (maybe literally LOL) granted I'm glad they never interacted during her original run, especially since she would have just become Victor's latest pawn in a scheme against someone......(Victor decides Michael needs to "pay" for something and unleashes Sheila on Lauren....again...LOL) but I do think Victor deep down admired Sheila's crazy, haha.....you have to remember Eve Howard scared Victor a little in the 80's.....

I actually also really liked seeing Nikki's reactions towards Sheila too in those episodes as it sort of seemed like they made it hit her in a more personal manner if that makes sense, cause remember Nikki once upon a time was gonna be Scott's step-mother....I know Nikki/Lauren onscreen were never closed even if they are friendly with each other, but since Nikki at one time was sort of close to Scott because of his dad I'm sure she got an earful about Sheila (maybe even met her once) even though Scott and Nikki didn't interact all that much once Sheila was in full swing.....but the way Nikki said some of her lines about Sheila..."She's evil, she's just evil...." "She knew exactly what she was doing" kind of sounded more like she was remembering all the hell that her almost former Step-son and Step-grandson for that matter went through....


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