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Those scenes were so beautifully done. I loved how they expressed so much of her pain through music. Y&R used to do that better than any show. And how they played her story, even as a filler story, instead of just dropping it. Patty Weaver was so underrated.

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Ughh... even though i'm grateful for whatever clips are still in there, I hate it when only the commercial breaks are uploaded.




I will try my best to see if this person can upload the full episode (I PM'd him on youtube) and I hope it does cause it looks like a great one!

I'm curious about those John and Jill scenes about Jessica, I had no idea that Jill knew that much about Jessica nor had slept with John during that time and was afraid that she got aids as well.

I'm surprised that Traci and Lauren had scenes around this time?

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Hey guys, I found Jan and Feb 1974 at a garage sale, it was just two pages with Y&R, it does have parts from other soaps, LOL, SFT and ATWT. I will put those up with the 1973 synopsis in those sections even though they aren't all complete. Enjoy. Still working on AMC from 1973, but thought I would share this first. This was the first recaps Bryna had for Y&R.



Greg tried to avoid going to Snapper and Chris’ wedding as he was still in love with Chris. But Chris appeals to Greg, who finally agrees to be Snapper’s best man, while Snapper refuses all financial help from Stuart. Sally has second thoughts about marrying Pierre when he wants them to consummate their marriage. She considers telling Snapper that the baby is his. Brad makes her realise that she can’t play with people’s lives this way. Sally agrees not to say anything. Liz, having found out that Sally was going to tell Snapper, is relieved when Sally calls to tell her she changed her mind. Snapper has heard enough on the other extension and plans to confront Sally about it. Sally tells Snapper that she gave up a baby many years ago and couldn’t do the same again, she didn’t mean to get pregnant, but she wants this baby, Snapper makes it clear he doesn’t want to be apart of the decision and Sally returns to Pierre, resigned to be his wife in every way, Sally and Pierre marry in a small ceremony with only Brad as a witness.

With Greg as best man and Jill as bridesmaid, the Brooks and Foster families come together to celebrate Chris and Snapper’s wedding. On their wedding night, Chris has memories of the rape and can’t go through with making love, Snapper understands and is willing to give her all the time she needs, Chris, though, feels better in the morning and the pair make love. They then jet off on their three-day honeymoon. Marianne Roulland, Pierre’s sister, arrives in town from France to visit the newlyweds, curious about the sudden marriage, and aware that Sally was in love with another man. Pierre proudly announced their impending parenthood. Sally dreamed of telling Chris about her pregnancy and Chris divorcing Snapper. Chris starts pressing Snapper to start a family, he refuses, feeling they need to be more financially and emotionally ready. Snapper, however, keeps drifting to Sally’s pregnancy. Jill is feeling trapped and desperate to improve her social and economic position in life. She seriously considers quitting her job at the salon.

Jill has established rapport with Mrs Chancellor, whose husbands’ indifference causes her to live her life on the edge of boredom and despair. While at the beauty salon, Kay becomes sick and Jill rushes her home so she can be looked after by her housekeeper. Jill is an awe of the luxury in which Kay Chancellor lives. She learns that her husband Phillip owns the factory where her mom works. Ironically at that same moment, Liz looses her job. Greg is entranced by a woman trying to resolve a will probate issue. She is the mysterious Miss Sherman and she doesn’t leave any contact information. Chris and Snapper return from their honeymoon, radiant and happy and ready to start their new life together. Lorie, knowing how Leslie feels about Brad, decides to get closer to him. Having a degree in journalism she interviews for a job at her father’s newspaper. Stuart is wary of Lorie’s motives, as she had never shown an interest in her father’s business before and he knows how jealous Lorie has always been of Leslie.

Despite his concerns, Stuart gives Lorie a job. When Lorie meets Brad, she is stunned when Brad tells her she is self centred and shallow for taking so long to show an interest in Stuart’s business. Lorie tells Leslie that Brad is rude and insensitive, though she gives lip service encouragement to Leslie about pursuing Brad. When Brad calls Leslie, Lorie intercepts the call and tells Leslie it was a wrong number. When Brad and Lorie next meet, he tells her he thinks she is jealous of Leslie and that her plans to write a book are her way of toping her sister. Lorie is determined though to ruin Leslie’s happiness, knowing Leslie has just returned from Chicago, Lorie gives Brad a sob story and convinces him to take her out for dinner, making sure that Brad won’t be able to see Leslie. Jennifer flies to Chicago unaware Leslie has returned, she visits Bruce Henderson and they go to lunch. Bruce tries to convince Jennifer to stay longer as she did last summer.


Snapper takes a second job, he refuses to allow Chris to work and won’t take the money that Stuart has offered the couple as a wedding present. Sally tries to make Snapper see how much she needed this baby after giving up her other child, she tries to get Snapper involved, but he reminds her that baby is now Pierre’s, not his. Sally begins to have severe pain and Snapper rushes her to the hospital, her ObGyn manages to save the baby and delay labour. Marianne begins to suspect that Sally was pregnant before she married Pierre and that the baby is another man’s. She confronts Pierre who tries to deny it, but finally admits the truth.

Marianne tells Pierre that Snapper must know the truth; Pierre is suspicious of his sister’s motives, and worried that she might say something, though he sees Snapper’s detachment and cool medical manner and is relieved, feeling he won’t make any trouble. Liz tries to conceal the fact that she has lost her job and takes some other work to make money. When Greg and Snapper learn the truth, they appeal to Phillip Chancellor to give their mother her job back. Jill asks Kay to do the same. Shortly after, Liz gets her job back. Jill thanks Kay, who admits she had nothing to do with it. When Jill finds out that Kay has fired her personal assistant, she offers to become her paid companion. Kay finds the idea laughable, but gives her the job.

Jill envies Kay her possessions and social position, not realising the serious problems she has. Kay is lonely, her husband Phillip is turning away from her more and more, due to excessive drinking and smoking. Jill then meets Phillip and thanks him for reinstating her mother at the factory, Phillip is touched by Jill’s family loyalty, and admires the same quality in her brothers’. Greg’s client and infatuation, Miss Sherman, turns out to be Gwen, the call girl Jill met at the salon. Gwen tells Jill that she is no longer on the place at the edge of town. She has her own place for meeting her male clientele, and it’s much more interesting.

Jennifer and Leslie are back in Chicago. Jennifer meets up with Bruce once again, he tells her he has never stopped loving her, but Jennifer isn’t ready for such overtures and changes the subject. Lorie finds the newswire that Brad hid the year before, about his supposed death. She flies to Chicago to see Leslie perform, while there she tracks down Barbara Anderson who tells more than she should about her life with Brad. Lorie feels the information will come in handy for driving a bigger wedge between Brad and Leslie. Leslie takes to the stage, with Brad’s words of encouragement in her mind, Leslie’s concert is a personal and professional triumph.

These months were orignally posted by French Fan. Thought I might re-post to go with Jan and Feb


Sally told Pierre she agreed they should sell the restaurant and move to Paris. She added Snapper did not know about the child. However, Sally and Pierre were robbed and Pierre struggled with him when he tried to take Sally hostage. Pierre was injured and at hospital, did not respond to the neurological tests Brad gave him. He suddenly died. Marianne Meulot, Pierre’s sister arrived from France and vowed over Pierre’s body that Sally would pay. She told Sally she had no right to the restaurant and tried to throw her out. Stuart was upset to see Snapper comforing Sally and told Jen he did not trust Snapper. Marianne was furious when Pierre’s will indicated Sally was the sole heir of the restaurant and made an appointment to see Stuart.

Jill was ecstatic over her new job but realized Kay had a drinking problem. When Kay’s husband, Phillip Chancellor begged Kay to stop drinking, she refused. Jill was discouraged at Kay’s lack of response to their efforts.

Gwen Sherman, Greg’s mystery client, told him all she wanted from her aunt’s estate was money. She turned down Greg’s date invitations because he did not know dating men was her profession.

Lorie was using her book manuscript to take Brad away from Leslie. When Leslie triumphaly returned from her piano debut, Lorie had prearranged a date with Brad which hurt Leslie to the core. Lorie told Brad that Leslie felt a muscian could not divide herself between a husband and a career. When Leslie confronter her sister, she said Brad was helping her with her writing. At Brad’s suggestion, Leslie got him a ticket for her Detroit concert but Lorie managed to detour the ticket. Against his wished, Brad began thinking of the things Barbara never told him that drove him out of Chicago and of the operating room.


Before leaving for Paris, Marianna told Stuart that Snapper is the father of the child Sally was carrying. Stuart confronted Snapper who refused to either deny or admit. When Sally learned what Marianne did, she went to Stuart and Jennifer explaining she got pregnant to trap Snapper but realizing how much he loved Chris, she married Pierre. She added she would be leaving Genoa City. However, Snapper learned of Sally’s suicide attempt by gas in her early months of pregnancy and he insisted she remained in town until the baby was born. Chris was angry at her father’s attitude about Snapper’s protectiveness of Sally but Stuart was furious to learn that Sally was staying in town.

Greg continued to press Gwen for a date and she explained she distrusted men as after her mother died her father informed her he was never married and took off. She tried to discourage Greg to get closer. He was confused when a man arrived at Gwen’s apartment ignoring she was a call girl.

Katherine told Jill about her strorybook first marriage to Gary Reynolds and her marriage after Gary’s death to Phillip Chancellor. Jill was impressed by Phillip ans he was protective of her realizing she was innocent about men. Jill managed to keep Katherine from driking all day and when Phillip arrived home he was encouraged. But when he was preparing to make love ti his wife, she took one dring and another and she passed out when Phillip returned from the shower.

Lorie hid the love letter and concert ticket Leslie sent to Brad and implied Leslie forgot. When Leslie called just before the concert to find out why Brad wasn’t in Detroit, Lorie answered and made it celar Brad was interested in her, Lorie. Leslie was in shock and so odvercome that she had to be led off the stage. She went to New York and wantered Central Park in confusion. Her handbag was stolen and she spent the night in the rain calling for help. A policeman found her but she was incoherent and taken to Manhattan’s Psychatric Hospital where she was diagnosed as a possible mani-depressive and put in an observation ward as Jane Doe as she had no ID. She was confused when a young orderly tried to make love to her. Meanwhile, Lorie was taking advantage of Leslie’s absence to get closer to Brad. She admitted she has finished her book and would probably be more successful than Leslie and she said she thought she was pregnant.


Lorie ignored Chris’ hopes that she would use an assumed name on her soon to be published novel and put Stuart off when he asked to see the draft. She was shoked to hear Leslie had a nervous breakdown and tried to avoid Brad. Leslie blamed Lorie for her breakdown. Brad tried to talk to Leslie but she refused. Lorie’s publisher, Dave Larson, set up a centerfold magazine spread as promotion for her novel and she had to go to New York. She asked Brad to elope but he fit the pieces together and realized Leslie was waiting for him in Detroit. Lorie asked Leslie not to tell Brad the truth and leslie replied she would let Lorie do it. Jen ended up guessing Lorie mut have taken Leslie’s call but refused to believe it. Brad asked Lorie if she took Leslie’s call.

Kay, very depressed, slept with Jeff, the stable boy over Jill’s objection. She told Jill she had become like a daughter to her since her son Brock had not contacted her in years. Phillip spent more time with Jill and gave her a string of pearls and surprised her with a kiss. When she asked Phillip what he expected, he assured his intentions were honorable. After a dance, he told her he loved her. Jill re-doubled her effort to keep Kay sober but could not help wondering what could Phillip’s pledge of love could mean.

Snapper’s schedule as a full fledged doctor left him very little time off and Chris planned a special dinner for his first evening home. The mood was shattered when he learned she withdrew money from her parents to buy things she felts they needed. Sally went into labor, worried that her suicide attempt would affect the child. Snapper visited her to reassure her. Stuart and Jennifer felt Sally’s remaining after the baby’s birth was a threat to Chris’ happinesse particularly since she was herself pregnant. But Snapper refused to mention it to Sally until they knew the baby was all right. Liz stayed with Sally during her labor but felt guilty that she loved Sally as much as Chris. The baby boy was born but there were no news on its condition.

This was posted by French Fan as a scan of the original newsletter and may not replicate what was written verbatim, as I transcribed it myself.


Jennifer and Stuart learn that Lori did indeed take the call that lead to Leslie’s breakdown. Stuart wonders what kind of woman Lori is and how she could be his child, this in turn makes Jennifer remember her affair with Bruce Henderson. When they confront Lori she shows little remorse, stating that they always favoured Leslie. They explain they love all their daughters equally, but Leslie’s shyness needed more direct attention. Lori accuses her parents of trying to take Brad’s love away from her. Lori then flies to New York with old flame and literary agent, Jed Andrews, to pose for the centrefold. While Lori is away, Brad finally sees Leslie and she tells him everything. Lori returns and Brad breaks off their engagement. He tells her all they ever had was a physical attraction, but at the core they are two fundamentally different people. The Maestro visits Leslie and tells her he wants her to join the St. Louis Ochestra for the September tour, but Leslie isn’t sure she will ever play piano again. Brad tries to boost her confidence, but she resists fearing she will fail. Brad accuses her of running away, Leslie counters by stating that he ran away from his life in Chicago, Brad explains he wasn’t running from his life in Chicago, but to a new life in Genoa City. Leslie finally tries to play the piano, but gives up after hitting one wrong note.

Sally names her son Charles Pierre, though she wanted to name him Bill. Snapper refuses to see his son until Liz pursuades him that it may help him come to terms with Chris’ pregnancy. While Snapper is visiting Sally and Chuckie, Peggy, doing a column for the newspaper, comes across the trio and puts two and two together. Snapper convinces her to keep quiet for Chris’ sake and assures her that he loves Chris. Peggy is dissapointed in Snapper who she respected. Sally decides to leave town with her son, though sad to leave her friends, she is excited to start a new life. Snapper can’t get his visit with Sally and their son out of his mind, he tells Chris that he is feeling better about her pregnancy, Chris is ecstatic to hear Snapper’s change of heart. Just before she is to leave, Chuckie develops pnuemonia. Sally calls Snapper for help and Chuckie is rushed to the hospital.

Jill tells Greg that Gwen is still a prostitute. Greg visits her and is shocked by her appearance, brought about by alcohol and pills. Greg tries to get through to her, but Gwen resists for fear that she will get close to Greg, who will then leave her. While Greg is there a client shows up and Gwen sends him away. Encouraged by this Greg tells her they can be happy together if she is willing to work for it. He kisses her and leaves her with some hope. Phillip asks Jill to spend the night and assures her he only wants her company. Kay asks Jill what she would do if she had the Chancellor wealth and is upset when she says she would help support her family.

Jill begins to feel overwhelmed by the differences between her mother and Kay. She tells Liz that she deserves so much more from life. Kay asks Phillip if he would re-marry if she died. He tells her he hadn’t thought about it, Kay believes him and realises that he has very different needs from most men. Kay then begs Phillip to make love to her, he agrees, but can’t go through with it. Kay begins to have frequent pain, but refuses to see a doctor, as she is too afraid of what they might find. Jill asks Snapper to examine Kay, who objects at first. Snapper believes she has an enlarged liver and recommends she have tests done, but Kay refuses. Seeing Jill with Kay, Snapper tried to pursuade Jill to leave, but Phillip begged Jill to stay. Jill has a nightmare that Kay pretends to be dead to trap Phillip and Jill into revealing their feelings for each other. Phillip and Jill try to pursuade Kay to go on a trip, Kay begins considering the idea, she later states that Phillip’s love and concern are all that keep her alive.

Edited by will81
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I don't have that many. Sep - Dec 1973 which is all soaps. I started typing all up for one thread, but it was taking too long, so I have separated into each shows thread instead.

I also have Jan and Feb 1974 but only one page per month, it does have other shows, but not all complete summaries. I will post those as well. I do have 44 issues of SOD from the 70's and almost all from 1980 - 1996. That is quite an undertaking, but hopefully will get these together at some point.

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This is fascinating to read. I had no idea Sally had given up a child. It sounds like they had more story planned for Sally - did the actress just suddenly leave?

I never knew exactly how Jill started working for Katharine.

I also never knew someone tried to rape Leslie in the mental institution. Didn't someone say this sequence was very ugly and basically the stereotypes of asylums? I think one of the soap magazines praised Janice Lynde's work as some of the best of the year.

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Sally had a baby with her high school boyfriend Frank Martin, he turned up around summer 1973 when Sally and Snapper were on a break. He had married but his wife couldn't have children, so he tracked Sally down in the hopes she could help him find their daughter and he could raise her with his new wife. Not sure of all the details. But they did find her, she was living with a nurse named Jane Wilcox who was engaged to a man who didn't want the little girl, Jane dumped her fiancee and Frank helped Jane until they eventually ended up marrying. I think Sally may have had a romance with Frank as well which resulted in him divorcing his then wife (who I believe never showed up in GC).

Don't know the complete accuracy of this. I do have a yearly synopsis from 1973 that I pieced together from hundreds of sources on the net and in books and magazines from that era, I can post it, but I have no idea how accurate it is.

The almost rape in the asylum may have been by a woman, if not I am sure Leslie was hit on by a woman in the asylum.

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