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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Thanks for the heads up. I already have my suspicions of what happens next and I don't want to be completely spoiled. I think we have two to three more episodes. I am convinced that they are going to be outstanding!

Edited by Ann_SS
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Wow, that episode was tedious until the final scene. Poor Dale. He was right about Randall, but he was annoying the hell out of me. For Dale to go like that was so sad. It was right that Daryl stepped up and did what had to be done. Everything cannot be put on Rick.

Damn, Carl is an annoying kid. It is incredible how Rick and Lori let him run around the farm unsupervised with zombies all around.

ETA: I liked Hershel giving Glenn his blessing to be with Maggie.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I liked that Glen/Hershal scene a lot too, but I didn't see Dale's death coming and it made me really sad. I think he had the biggest heart in the group and a strong sense of justice. Now Shane will just run amok and I'm not sure Rick is strong enough to oppose him.

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The Glenn/Hershel scene was really moving. I loved how Hershel mentioned that "this country was built by immigrants." It is something that too many people forget. Other than the American Indians, everyone's people came from somewhere else. Giving Glenn the watch was so sweet. Hershel has really grown on me.

Rick seems to think that Shane is no longer a threat which we know is a big mistake. No doubt without the Dale, Shane will be emboldened. However, Rick has Darryl and really everyone else (other than Andrea) in the camp only trust him.

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I understand that Dale was the "voice of reason" but I am so glad he's dead! LOL I'm in the camp of there's-a-zombie-apocolypse-do-whatever-to-survive. I expected the zombie that Carl to come back into play but didn't expect it to kill Dale.

I'm disappointed that this teen is still there. I didn't want Rick to save him in the first place, when they first met him. Zombies were coming and Rick was still trying to seperate his leg. Then Rick and Shane almost die because Rick wanted a safe place for him to be let go.

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Oh yes, count me in on the "Finally Dale bit it (or it bit him.)" He was very true to life as a self-righteous person who thinks only he has the answers. But I am going to kind of miss how everyone would roll their eyes at him or walk away in disgust.

Is it scary that sometimes I agree with Shane??? And another big agree that no one in their right mind would let their kid go lolling about with a zombie invasion at hand. Lori is never going to win mother of the year, (well, she might since the field is severely limited from now on.

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It is not over, but I am just loving this episode. Shane is a real SOB. Daryl has got his number good. I can't believe that Rick is going out there with Shane alone. When will that man learn? Okay, I take it back. I notice that Rick is carefully staying behind Shane. He is watching him like a hawk.

OMG, the walker is Randall. This kill should give Glenn confidence.

Ha, Rick took out Shane. Why the hell is Carl still running around the farm alone?

The walkers are coming. Run, you fools.

Damn, that was excellent.

Oh, and those comparing Mad Men to TWD promos were hilarious. AMC is so desperate to get people to watch it

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OMG...this episode was amazing and thrilling! It gets you thinking about the infection and what Dr. Edwin Jenner told Rick last season. I think the infection is airborn and you dont have to be bitten to be a walker.

AMC wants Mad Men to have good ratings, however they will never be near what The Walking Dead gets. Dont care if they won awards, the show is boring and it sucks!

Edited by gtru1981
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The virus must be in their blood. Remember Jenner testing them and saying that it was what he expected.

I can't get over how Shane finally went over the edge. I was rolling my eyes when Lori was thanking him, but I think she was just trying to make peace and say goodbye. Shane couldn't deal with that or maybe he took it wrongly as a sign of hope and decided to end it with Rick. But know what, if Shane had gone back to the house without Rick, Daryl would have killed him. Daryl is no one's fool. He would know that it would be only a matter of time before Shane killed the rest of them.

Oh, I also liked the Andrea/Glenn scene. It was a sweet moment for them to mourn Dale. Glenn crying was very touching.

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Boy, do I agree. I don't understand how AMC could cut TWD's budget in favor of that dreary Mad Men which hardly anyone watches. I have never been able to get through more than 15 minutes of that show.

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Wow. Thank God, Rick smartened up. Rick gave Shane every possible chance and he had to be an SOB to the end. It looks like the days of the farm being a refuge are over. I suppose the group will move on now. I hope Maggie goes with them. I'm not expecting Hershal to survive. I don't know why, I just can't see him becoming a part of the group for the long haul.

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At this point, I think it is either leave the farm or die so I think that they will all abandon the farm. Hopefully, killing Randall will give Glenn the confidence to be with Maggie again. They are such a sweet couple. Hershel has really grown on me. He is such a good man, but I think it is hard for the elderly to survive in such a harsh environment.

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