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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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This was an outstanding episode. It really built up the tension to the final fight. Watching the group scatter to the winds was also heartbreaking.

I have no problem with them killing off Judith, if that indeed happened. It was unrealistic that the fetus could have survived given Lori's poor nutrition during her pregnancy. I would have had Lori and Judith die in childbirth.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Ok, before I judge Michonne getting away from The Gov so easily, can you guys tell me your opinion?

The Gov has had a boner for Michonne for 1 1/2 seasons and she just rolls away to be able to free herself? Was that too convenient or should I chalk it up to all of the shooting being a distraction? It just made no sense that Michonne was let out of The Governor's sight because I felt that he killed Hersch instead of Michonne for the sole purpose of torturing her when he got the chance.

Edited by ChitHappens
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The Governor is batshit crazy. He was done with Michonne at that moment; he was after Rick, the prize of the prison and mass slaughter. Also, he was being fired upon. He's nuts enough to have totally let her slip his mind. I don't think he was thinking - he's psychotic. If he spared a thought at all in that firefight, he probably figured he'd kill her later, with her still subdued. It didn't surprise me at all when her ass rolled away Ninja Gaiden-style and almost immediately got loose, though.

Edited by Vee
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Michonne did seem to get away very easily, but Phillip was crazy so once he focused on killing Hershel, he forgot about Michonne in that moment.

I think that you cannot rationalize Phillip's actions because he is crazy as hell.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Also, once the shooting started, Phillip's group started to shoot back, but there he was crawling after Hershel to finish taking off his head. The man was a lunatic. It always cracks me up when the few people talk about what a good leader he is. Really?!

Edited by Ann_SS
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Scott Wilson (and Hershel) remind me a great deal of my stepfather, who I've known most of my life - Hershel's a bit more verbose, but they're both quiet, simple men who are humble, plainspoken and gentle, with a genuine appreciation for the countryside and hard work.

Scott Wilson is an incredible actor who I've seen in so many things - In Cold Blood and The Ninth Configuration as a volatile, unpredictable young man whose moves I could never see coming, The Exorcist III: Legion as an eccentric, twitchy mad doctor, and The Walking Dead as the wise, quiet sage. In each of these films in each era, he's never been the same type of performer giving the same type of performance. He's so very different at each age - I mean, almost unrecognizable back then vs. today, but wonderful every time. I'm so glad people appreciate him today.

Edited by Vee
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I think Daryl or Michonne would go back if they could. But it looked to me like the Governor had mutilated the head.

I would take the moment now to please remind everyone to consider playing Season 1 of Telltale Games's incredible The Walking Dead adventure game, which IMO is the equal of the show if not moreso. It's largely focused on choices and characters, but there is plenty of action and great drama with layered characters - also, it's available for just about any console, computer or phone or iPad to download. There's no excuse not to play it, especially with Season 2 of the game coming very soon. Try it!

Edited by Vee
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Now that I think about it, Tyreese could end with the two older girls, the two younger children and Judith. Lizzie and her sister were probably running back to find the younger children who were hiding with Judith.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Lizzie is crazy as hell. She is what Carl could have become without Rick's parenting. I would not be surprised if Lizzie kills her sister and everyone in sight.

BTW, let me just say "I told you so" that the kids learning to shoot would be more useful than learning to use a knife.

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