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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Bad idea to have him and Fillion on tonight. It was great to introduce Gimple to the audience, but perhaps they should have gone with someone we are familiar with and who's interesting. Not to harp on why the hell YB is not there, but this would have been a great time to have her!

And what in the sam hell was all that about with Rick and that woman?

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Yeah, big mistake having Gimple with a new celeb guest. Yvette's lively personality and devoted fandom would have worked better.

Interview with Andrew! Love it.

I think that woman's craziness was so that Rick could see how close he was to becoming her (and Morgan) and Hershel reassuring him that he would come back to his sanity no matter what.

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Poor little Vincent Martella and Kyle Gallner. Too pretty to survive.

I liked that a lot. Reminded me a lot of the original Survivors, as Carl and I have talked about. I hope it's playing well with the rest of the audience. The plague is bad, bad news - it clearly started with the livestock.

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I liked the show and love the store raid scene and the way they had zombies practically falling from the sky. The scene with Rick and the woman was a highlight because there was this unnerving tension about it. For while I thought we were meeting the first intelligent walker.

Too many newbies and the only one that I thought was good they killed off. I am still not sold on last year's newbies and now we have more. Michonne has better writing this year, not displaying attitude just for the sake of it so she can stay, but the big guy and his...sister?...they still have not done one thing of note on the show and this is their second season. I am not sure why the show added them. Of course, I have no idea why the show kept around Carol since the first year, or the Beth the sister who has been on two years as a glorified extra.

Anyway, a well directed episode doing a great job with the action sequences and the tension sequences, and the nice bit with the headphones drowning out the walkers, but they lose a point for having an army of newbies. Hopefully they wlll kill them all off.

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It just occurred to me, Could the little girl who named the walkers be the one feeding them the rats? After all, she said that they were human, but different. She might be feeding them because she feels bad for the walkers, not realizing that she is weakening the outside fences and endangering them all.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I'm with Ann. I think the newbies are here to keep us from losing any of the group. They will give us reason to care for these people, so that when they are killed it will matter to us [but we won't notice we are not losing the regulars].

I think that was a great season opener, and I can't wait for what's in store. I'm especially loving that M has not forgotten about The Gov and will not sit back and wait for him to strike.

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Overall I thought this was a very good episode. For a premiere I think it was a little slow, with many disparate story threads, but I liked that we got to see so many different parts of the group.

Glenn and Maggie are such a great little couple - for people who were sort of just thrown together in season 2, they've become so solid and they seem like the rock.

I still wish we saw more of Tyreese with the group. Even now he seems surprisingly isolated. He seems to have built his own little group, with Sasha, and Karen. I would have liked to have seen how he and Karen got together. I think Chad and the actress have chemistry and I liked that they seemed to be having actual conversations - it didn't feel forced. I just wish we knew more about them. I love his relationship with Sasha and I love how quietly tough Sasha is - the scene with the pool cue was great. I'm going to be ticked off if she dies.

When Rick met the woman in the woods, I was wary of a return to those long, talky scenes that remind me of people like Dale, or that interminable episode in season 2 that took place in a bar. Fortunately that didn't happen. I was actually riveted by these scenes. The woman who played Clara was haunting, mysterious, she wrung everything out of every line. Andrew Lincoln was, as always, the perfect support in moments like this. I was moved by her death, which I hadn't expected to be.

Appreciate seeing more of the "normal" aspect Rick is trying to achieve - the farming, the school. You can already see how it won't work, but you know how much he needs this to be a possibility. I love the brutal realism of Carol clearly wanting to teach kids about reading and imagination, but also teaching them about knives, because she knows.

The scene where Carl was arguing with the girl who insisted walkers are just like people also stood out for me. It was one of those moments where "normal" starts to blind people, make them not face the ugly reality.

I had mixed feelings about the people who died. I thought the guy who played Patrick was a little old for what they seemed to want the role to be. I also think it would have made more sense if they'd kept a character from last season for this role, so we'd care more. What about the boy who was in Tyreese's group? With that said, I didn't mind him. I felt sorry for him.

I wish we'd seen a little more of Zach, Beth's boyfriend. I know they wanted to show how she is becoming numb to any pain, and also perhaps set up something with Beth and Daryl, but I would have liked to have cared more about their relationship. I did enjoy his brief scenes with Michonne and Daryl. Emily Kinney's very underrated - her performance in the scene with Daryl was right on the nose.

I love the little family of Rick, Michonne, and Carl. I know they aren't actually a family, but they just come across that way - he was very happy to see her, he wanted her to stay, she was teasing him, in her own Michonne way. Then she had the comics for Carl. It all just felt right. I think seeing this side of Rick and Michonne helps balance out the more intense, earnest side of their characters. I dread seeing any of the Governor story again but I'm glad they remembered Michonne's love and loyalty toward Andrea.

There's something very cool and loose about the Rick/Michonne/Daryl interactions. Michonne teasing Daryl about being a cop was a fun moment.

The best part of the show is the relationship between so many characters. I hope that won't change.

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