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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I like Martin-Green too - I think she is a more interesting character than Tyreese, so far, although I like him as well; I'm mostly just feeling like there are too many characters in the mix who are similar to Tyreese. It's one of the reasons the occasional heel like Merle is a good addition to the mix. A part of me wishes they hadn't made Tomas, that prison guy who got a machete to the head, so evil, and that he had stayed around as a contrast to Rick.

It's also nice to see the show slowly moving away from the quota system of the first few seasons, probably reaching a low point when T-Dog had to give a Very Important speech about being the only black person in the group (then barely speaking for the rest of the reason). I'd like to see this keep changing, as the alternative meant moments like fans questioning if the group's treatment of Michonne was due to her being black.

I'd love to see Rick/Michonne, not sure if the show will try it. That scene in the finale where they were on their way out of the prison and he was very casually, almost unknowingly, flirting with her and checking her out - it was a side to Rick that we almost never see. I almost wrote a fic about it.

Now I know how those Daryl/Carol people feel.

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I found my parents marathon watching the first two seasons on netflix and watched the season two finale. It was interesting to get their opinions on it, as they are not internet people at all. My dad loved Lori while my mom was begging me to tell her they kill her off because she can not stand her. They both hate Andrea. They didnt have an opinion on Daryl one way or the other. My mother loves, loved her some Rick while my Dad thinks he is annoying and weak and wants Shane to kill him. The whole conversation I was just thinking "Are my parents online on TWD forms on the DL? Cuz theyd fit right in - but they better fix that nothing opinion on Daryl" lol

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That's interesting about Daryl. I like Daryl, and I think Norman Reedus is wonderfully talented, but I think sometimes the character is too overhyped and the show would make a mistake if they gave him too much of a role. This makes me think I'm right.

That's also interesting about Lori. I wonder if Lori is one of those characters women were more likely to hate. Aside from one woman, everyone I've known who liked Lori was a man.

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I love Daryl, and I do think he is the best, and most interesting, character on TWD but I do not think he should be given much more than he has been given, as what makes him so interesting is the mysteries around him. We know very little about him, his life, his childhood and next to nothing about his life right before this happened. I like the way they have alluded to some thing, like an abusive dad, and I wouldnt mind finding out more but slowly and like we have so far.

Me and my mother almost never agree on any character on a tv show, so I was stunned she hated Lori - but she said she didnt really hate her until season two and it just started to grow, where I couldnt stand her from like episode three on.

They also both loved Maggie, instantly, and i myself find Maggie right behind Daryl on the best and most interesting characters list.

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I think the "manpain" story Glenn had in the back half of the season was better on paper than onscreen. It was just strangely one-note.

I always hear people talk about who they hate on TWD and how so and so needs to die, but the only non-villain character I've ever disliked on TWD was Dale, as I thought he was a very forced character, one of those who is there to be all-knowing and profound, without ever establishing why we should care.

If I had to put in order, it would be...

1. Rick

2. Michonne

3. Hershel

4. Carol

5. Maggie

6. Daryl

Those flip around a lot.

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Dale was awful.

I def like the idea of Glenn and his manpain, but it came across awful. At no real fault of the actor, but it was just not explained enough I think. Like, I got why he felt like that but was only due to my own thinking about it and knowing the character, i figured it wa because he used to believe he was very weak, and he has "manned up" and become tough, strong and able bodied but when that happened to Maggie he was helpeless again and felt weak, like less than a man. And the fact that she took it in stride and didnt let it bother her too much bothered him, because he was desperate to be the man and take care of her, but she didnt need that because she is tough. At least thats how I seen it. But on screen, he just came off as being whinny.

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Will they actually have two black men on the show at the same time? I hope so. I hope this is partly to address this offensive (whether it was intentional or not) writing choice. And it's nice that they keep hiring such first-rate actors. TWD is one of the best-acted shows on TV.

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